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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 334x284, gem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4324650 No.4324650 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday an anon quietly revealed this gem of a token and I want to pass that on today. Under 5 million market cap, trading only on Ether Delta but not for long.

- Horizon State offers a secure digital ballot box that technology provides a hack-free voting experience that is secure and anonymous for voters.

- In early 2017, Horizon State tested the technology in for Australia’sMiVotemembership, validating the technology with 4 nationally inclusive polls that committed thousands of votes to the Ethereum public blockchain.

- Used for corporate/municipal/NGO/organizational voting as well as political

- “We are excited to share this vision with the world. Currently, we are engaged with global NGOs, multinational enterprises, national governments, and city councils. The future of e-voting will incorporate the technology we already have at our fingertips to deliver the opportunity to vote conveniently and securely, perhaps without ever having to leave your home.” - Jamie Skella, Co-Founder

- HST token: 29 million circulating supply, 48 million total. ICO price was .089 cents usd. Their was a larger supply but it was unsold at ICO and was permanently locked

- 2 exchanges coming within next 20 days, announcements soon

- Partnership announcements with major corporations and cities coming before XMAS

- Clients must buy HST tokens to use the Horizon State voting platform which increases value of tokens. Horizon State devs have said they are strongly considering burning used tokens to decrease the supply + appreciate value


- https://youtu.be/C-0ZMC4y9pE
- https://www.smithandcrown.com/sale/horizon-state-ico-blockchain-based-voting-ecosystem/
- https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/australia-the-most-innovative-blockchain-adopter-in_us_59eb5d72e4b092f9f241925b
- https://horizonstate.com/
- https://medium.com/horizonstate/horizon-state-to-help-build-aragon-voting-modules-b7f748759a23

>> No.4324684
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>> No.4324708
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>> No.4324718
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>> No.4324766

Are you the anon who posted about CFD, EPY, DOVU, etc.?

>> No.4324784


not Dovu, but the others yes

>> No.4324840

What are the two other exchanges? Figure it'll jump then?

>> No.4324860

Won’t you need national governments signed on for this to be successful?

"Governmental targets will be big wins for PR, and big wins for commercial success. However, many fruitful results will come from other customer types, such as global NGOs, and multinational enterprise, who will run ‘votes’ and engage their constituencies with far more frequency than current electoral processes.

When you have a global NGO that reaches out to a global audience of 5 million members regularly, and then we bring on a few of those, we’re already talking about volumes of platform activity far greater than many countries.

That said, we’re already engaged with councils and state governments around the world, as well as political parties and independent politicians. Electoral use is just one narrow use case for this tech - there many kinds of votes."

Dan Crane, co-founder Horizon State

>> No.4324875


the team won't reveal details in the telegram but i think this is going to binance. i'm pretty sure of it. they like low market cap coins and their last Australian ICO coin (POWR) went parabolic, so they'll probably want to see if lightning strikes twice

>> No.4325024

VERY VERY Bullish on this. I see it as an easy 5x by EOY

>> No.4325085

Threw a hundred dollars at it, lets see how bad you fuck me anon

>> No.4325120


hold and wait for volume to pick up, this team isn't going to disappoint. jamie skella is getting things done and HST holders will be rewarded.

>> No.4325144

Where can I buy now?

>> No.4325175

ED for now but two exchanges inbound. Very excited for this project because it has real backing and has a very specific use case

>> No.4325358
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>> No.4325388
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>> No.4325510

wow. thanks for posting this

>> No.4325606


other anons have given me good info and /biz/ used to be a place with more good leads and less pink wojacking. lets make /biz/ great again.

>> No.4325650

just doubled down

>> No.4325671

how much are you in and when did you get in? interesting coin

>> No.4325781


i've already seen a 2x but i'm expecting a bigger moon out of this than POWR. december/january is going to be big for this token.

>> No.4325848

theres 400 million though

>> No.4325857


Is this true?

>> No.4325869

Do you have a link for etherdelta please

>> No.4325896

whats the etherscan address? copy pasta please

>> No.4325898

thanks for the heads up anon, papa bless

>> No.4325999


do you know how to read? they locked out all tokens except 48 million of them, 29 million of which are in circulating supply. read my posts for fucks sake

>> No.4326053


no, please read the info in OP and subsequent screenshots regarding supply. they locked out all unsold tokens which reduced the supply to 48 million total.

>> No.4326072



>> No.4326109

how's this better than Aragon?

>> No.4326147

It's not a deadcoin.

>> No.4326164

i did, but i checked etherscan, but youre right is only 29 million

moon mission time

>> No.4326242

HST on ED yeah?

>> No.4326287
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pic related

>> No.4326308



>> No.4326319


actually Aragon will utilize HST

>> No.4326488



>> No.4326505


>> No.4326613


they do different things. Aragon is used to create and govern organizations. Horizon State is a digital voting platform to arrive at governance. Aragon and Horizon State are working together, see link in OP

>> No.4326711

got in at 57, now at 70...hope the comfy feels dont go away

>> No.4326768

>a token
>a token...
>A motherfucking token
When will tokens realize they're not real coins?

>> No.4326787


>> No.4326830

Stuck a grand in yesterday and already up 30%. This thing isn't even on coinmarketcap yet and only got onto blockfolio yesterday. First time I've listened to biz.

>> No.4327005


good, HST is taking off right now.

>> No.4327334

>itt: anons buying the top

>> No.4327398


6million market cap coin with small supply + huge potential and inbound exchanges. its obvious anon.

>> No.4327424
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pic related

>> No.4327532

Team members talking about price = red flag

>> No.4327823

im on ED right now but how do I change the chart from 1 day to different time frames?

>> No.4327896

I dont think you can

>> No.4327983

Put another $100 or so in, this is looking good

>> No.4327984
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>tfw normalfags are not skilled enough to operate ED

>> No.4328011

Coming on 3 hours waiting on fucking Binance to process ETH withdrawal. I'd already be up almost 50% if I'd been able to buy this shit when I meant to.

>> No.4328040


dont worry anon its just seen a meteoric rise, there should be a retrace in there somewhere before it goes for the next leg up

>> No.4328059

I only learned to use it yesterday, been putting it off for months, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

>> No.4328121
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I learned it while high as a kite

>> No.4328159

c'mon fags tell me how to change the chart time frame. There's gotta be a way. I want to see more than 1 day of prices

>> No.4328178

use coinmarketcap lad

>> No.4328182

Same. Opened a ticket but don't expect a response.

>> No.4328187


its only been trading for 1 day

do you mean for other coins? don't think its possible on ether delta

>> No.4328230

25 eth buy at 00079

who was it?

>> No.4328239

oh I didn;t know that, thanks

Should I get some now or wait for a pullback?

>> No.4328268

I wish I could understand etherdelta

>> No.4328282


the order book looks good and its being bought on good volume at increasing prices. there aren't small buys but rather big ones worth 20-25 eth. so yes, there will be a pull back but when and to where is anyone's guess. i think anything under 001 is a good entry

>> No.4328288
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I didn't even read the tutorial and figured it out.

>> No.4328316


watch a youtube vid

>> No.4328326


QT. Gonna learn from her

>> No.4328358

looks fine to me, in since yesterday

>> No.4328381

i have like one measly eth. I'm considering putting it all into Ark. Should I put some in this?

>> No.4328404


ARK has much less potential for movement than this. but DYOR, if you like ARK, buy it. but HST is growing really nicely, i'd say moon mission confirmed. go with what you think is best.

>> No.4328406

you can have 3 eth to put into ark if you put it into this first

>> No.4328410
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What price to you people think it will go to?

>> No.4328427

I'm in boys @ .00079


>> No.4328430
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that's a pretty good looking chart i'd say

>> No.4328472

okay I'm going to go for it. My Eth is on my polo account. can anyone be kind enough to walk me through transfering it into ED and then into HST? I just want to general gist so I know I'm not fucking this up somehow
>t. brainlet

>> No.4328500
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>2 exchanges coming within next 20 days
which will be most likely? what do you guys think?

>> No.4328504


send from POLO to your MEW/meta mask. make sure its all lined up in ether delta. send ETH from your metamask to ether delta contract. buy. but if youre unsure watch a youtube vid.

>> No.4328536
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but be warned dude, I have seen it many times already that somebody fucked up and if you fuck up somebody will most likely screencap it, make a thread and call you a retard.

>> No.4328538

I haven't bought any, but I will when I get home. worth a few hundred to speculate with I guess

>> No.4328554

Sell walls are all low. How high we going boys?

>> No.4328555


I agree, I just threw another 2 ETH in at 0.00079 after buying 0.35 ETH worth at
both 0.00058 and 0.0007 ... this should be easy 2x by tomorrow if not more

>> No.4328580

someone just fucked up really bad, .753 eth for .001 HST lmao

>> No.4328585
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>> No.4328598
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>> No.4328603

op delete this

>> No.4328611
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Like this fag

>> No.4328613

I tried to sell it but it went too fast.. ugh haha >>4328580

>> No.4328625

Ok, installing metamask right now. I really have no idea what I'm doing but I'll just follow the video instructions.
no screencap plz.

I'm looking for a video explaiing how to send eth from Polo to MetaMask but can anyone here give me a quick rundown?

>> No.4328647

kek that wasn't me I promise

>> No.4328678

LOL ED strikes again!!

>> No.4328726


lol ok good! follow the instructions carefully and triple check everything you input

>> No.4328734

sitting comfy with all mine purchased under 0.0008 and now 36 ETH in buy support at 0.0008

>> No.4328740

That's what they said about EPY too lol, JUSTd.

I'm in this though, it's looking good so far. need to redeem myself

>> No.4328773


Could you explain this to me? I understand it's just a visual of the orderbook but I'm not sure how to tell how it's good or not? because nobody is selling low?

>> No.4328797


EPY is an actual shitcoin though. HST is for real.

>> No.4328812

lots of buy support, little sell resistance

>> No.4328839


right, nobody selling low, but beside that hardly any sell depth whereas there is tons of buy depth

>> No.4328847
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yea really m8, take this as a warning and do what >>4328726 said.

dude thats like the basics, you should really research the whole thing more before you get JUSTed.

>> No.4328870

me too dude. i swear i clicked it pretty much a second after it popped up

>> No.4328881
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just posted in the telegram

>> No.4328899

learning as I go but I'm trying. only messing with little amounts though, the best way to learn is to jump in though, right?

>> No.4328915

You guys think it will dip tommorow? want to buy more

>> No.4329007


it might, but there's been tons of big buying going on from 00075 to 00081. so if we reach higher than that today doubtful we'd dip below the 7's

>> No.4329008
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moon and pump confirmed.
feels good man

I always do learning by doing

>only messing with little amounts though
thats a good habit actually, always testing the water with the little toe before jumping in. confirming everything works smooth.
never understood why retards throw all their money into the unknown.

>> No.4329023


although with the way the charts looking now we have a lot more movement upwards to do

>> No.4329168

Okay lads, I've installed MetaMask (pretty slick program I gotta say), transfered all my eth from POLO to MM, and then deposited it into ED. Now I'm trying to buy an appropriately sized block. Thanks for the help and here's to a moon mission.

>> No.4329216

cheers dude

>> No.4329231



>> No.4329329
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we the Horizon State Muhrines now?

>> No.4329335

well fuck, so I've deposited my eth to ED but when I click on one of the red orders to buy, my MetaMask pops up and says insufficient funds. I only have like .0008 Eth left in my metamask because i sent most of it to ED per the video posted above. Why is the buy order trying to use MM to pay when I deposited eth into ED?

>> No.4329361


you can lower the amount of GWEI when metamask prompts you to confirm the transaction. otherwise, you'll need to leave more ETH in metamask for gas. the buy order needs gas to send from MM to ED

>> No.4329380


reporting in

>> No.4329411


there's a fee (in addition to gas) that goes to ED when you fill someone else's order.

if you place the order yourself and someone else completes it, you dont pay the ED fee

>> No.4329444
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so should I use this box to place abuy order instead? I deposited like .7 Eth to ED and have about .0008 Eth left in MetaMask.

>tfw not sure if confounded or just a brainlet

>> No.4329467


yep, exactly

keep in mind if you want to cancel an order you need to eat a gas fee. if you dont plan on cancelling dwai

>> No.4329473
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well I tried buying from the red list again and got this scary message.

>> No.4329505


I mean, if you dont trust ED then that's up to you lol

>> No.4329534


thats fine! click yes or submit or whatever. standard message

>> No.4329546

whatever I signed it. Lets see if i triple my money or lose it all.

In the event of it tripling or whatever this week, I might go all in on Ark. Any thoughts? also, does anyone have a short term PT for HST? If OP is legit and this gets listed on two other exchanges, are we heading for lamboplanet?

>> No.4329560


and by fine i mean only fine since its for ED. but in other places if you get that message think twice. ED is trustworthy though.

>> No.4329562


Great project indeed!

>> No.4329566

And here comes the pump. Get the signals here in Discord


>> No.4329568

why don't you guys just use parity with ED? I seem to be doing well with it

>> No.4329571

400 eth buy order on ED :O

>> No.4329613
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>In the event of it tripling
>put it into ETH which is somewhat stable
>wait for next moon mission
>quintuple the money
>retire before end of this year

>> No.4329621


sup anon ;)

>> No.4329648

I don't see that. Screencap?
There are some big (16, 12) sell orders around .001
Worth concern?
And there's a 98 Eth sell at .0019

Let's get this pump going

>> No.4329682
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>> No.4329691

I would make big cums if I pulled that off. .5 ETH into a whopping 8 eth assuming I pull a quint moon mission twice in a row.
Oh well lol that's better than nothing

>> No.4329702


i saw the depth shift on the chart and was looking for the order that did it. nice find

>> No.4329727

well let's hope they bump it up because at .0004 it isn't doing us any good

>> No.4329787

there are guides just google it

>> No.4329878

fuck senpai im making bank on this

>> No.4329927


Who's already in?

>> No.4329943

Got in for my stack at 0.00088.... am I fucked?

>> No.4329985

jusr getting started

>> No.4330002

Doubtful, we should at least 2x, not that much resistance

>> No.4330038
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man I'm really comfy right now

>> No.4330039

After a minor 4 hour delay 'processing' my ETH withdrawal at Binance I'm finally in the game.

>> No.4330068

man im gonna get pajeet'd again arent i

>> No.4330111

realistic marketcap by end of the year? 25m?

>> No.4330179
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Quality shill, anon. /Biz/ needs more of these.

I discovered HST when I was browsing EtherDelta, was checking my EPY which has already doubled.

Went to HST website, asked some questions on their telegram and decided to put some ETH into it.

Already x2 again today. Comfy af.

>> No.4330200


Nah, you're gonna make it anon!!!!!

>> No.4330266

bought epy a few days ago, it doubled in value the next day then crashed back down to the value i bought in at :(

>> No.4330365

when you profit take it, dont get greedy

profit is profit

>> No.4330411

>>4330365 I'm so greedy some times im up $1k and dont profit take then it crashes. It's a real hard lesson to learn.

>> No.4330453


1 hour delay reporting in.

I've fuded this 6 hours ago when it was 0,0004-5 ETH, then fomo at 0,0007 when I saw the beginning of the hype.

Binance fucked me and finally went in at 0,00084 eth

I hope it's gonna be ok

>> No.4330526

I first FOMOd on it when it was still going for 0.00057. Thanks to Binance - who are responsible for 100% of my bad experiences trying to withdraw - I didn't get in until 0.00089-91 range.

Anyway given it's been covered by Forbes and has proper exchanges imminent we should still profit nicely and quickly regardless of getting in later than we'd hoped.

>> No.4330569

Ah fuck bro I know those feels. I could have got near $3k on LINK, but held too long after SIBOS dump started so only made about $500. Could have got $2k on ODN but held too long again and exited with slight loss. I got great profits on ETP but would have doubled them if I'd sold as it hovered around ATH instead of stupidly expecting the pump to continue despite upcoming BTC fork bullshit.

I've largely learned to control FOMO but still struggling with the greed/right time to exit.

>> No.4330573


it's too late for u anon

current depth not looking good. everyone who has 2x is taking profit rn, will drop back down to .0007 soon

>> No.4330665

lol WAT

>> No.4330719



>> No.4330742

Ok anon.. my first time here, really bored sick of my life, and my poor net worth, and i'm trying to study a war to change this, and this is my first time seeing something like this, can you explain how does this work, or send me a guide to it, i'm from Brazil, and there is no WAY to make real money here anymore.

>> No.4330755


I'm just as confused as you with that retards comment.. almost no fucking resistance to 0.0019 lol

>> No.4330756


That low rank fud lol

at ico price/3, I think it should be ok

>> No.4330762

thats what im talkin about

>> No.4330766
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I understand how the fat fingers/miscounting decimal points results in ED comedy, but why the fuck would someone choose to deliberately put in a buy order so far above the current price? I've seen this a few times and only on ED. Is this just some guy going spastic due to severe FOMO?

>> No.4330774

it was my birthday and i was out all day rofl. couldnt really do much about it

>> No.4330797

thats only 10% above the buy orders around it

>> No.4330805


That's pretty fucking big.

Given the tiny market cap, HST is insane growth potential.

Is this the last 100x ICO?

>> No.4330820

But why would you pay 10% extra for absolutely no reason?

>> No.4330843

sometimes I buy slightly above due to etherdelta having so many 'bad destination jump' errors .. possibly he was doing the same thing... although there are 4 open orders with the volume he wanted.. so I don't know why he'd go that high

>> No.4330855


When ED is moving fast, taking a high buy order is a good way to not waste ETH on failed transactions.

>> No.4330884

Yeah I get that and I do the same, it's just that he went for price so much higher than was necessary that I find strange - severe FOMO I guess.

>> No.4330886 [DELETED] 
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looks like he has OCT and needed an even
5000 to 5 ETH ratio

>> No.4330887

i miss these sort of comfy moon missions before everything exploded this summer

>> No.4331042 [DELETED] 

I'm new to this shit. Please teach me. Do I use the upper left tab in Etherdelta or the buy sell tab?

>> No.4331244

What does money have to do with voting?

Why would you need to put 1,000s of dollars in a "voting" block chain system?

>> No.4331259
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>> No.4331267

voting is an expensive process anon
marriage plebiscite in aus got $200m
they've already got partnerships with several cities.
they all relatively well-known in the aus startup eco-system and well networked.

>> No.4331295

Still doesn't make sense. The voting block chain should be throwing votes around, not money.

>> No.4331311


How much crack are you smoking?

>> No.4331313

decentralized voting fuckers

>> No.4331320

I figured everything out, give me some slack, okay?
Thanks anyways.

>> No.4331323
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 9D677994-6FC5-4DE7-A479-520875F27482-3066-000001CD83C4CDAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you vote using tokens, are u a brainlet

>> No.4331328

It's just another pump and dump coin with a loose association of 'muh official government processes' to get dumbfucks excited.

When you voted for trump did you vote $100 worth or did you vote "1 vote"?

>> No.4331374


Did you read the FAQ? It's targeting commercial usage mostly. The government business is just a bonus.

>> No.4331441

It's on CMC now:


>> No.4331726


why is it dying

>> No.4331820


Because it's not?

>> No.4331833

look at the scale, retard

>> No.4331913

>Saw this thread and immediately bought 1000 HST just to fuck around
>It's been up 100% since posting the OP.

Nice. Should've treated it like Confido and went balls deep.

>> No.4332311

possibly, anon. possibly.

>> No.4332357

this looks great, thanks for posting

>> No.4332402


CFD and HST are good for pump.

>> No.4332561

i'm holding this coin until at least december, this team is gonna come through with big announcements then. talk to them in telegram, this is a legitimate long term moon mission.

>> No.4332574


no problem, i'm glad if you guys make some money and hopefully we can start a better /biz/ like it used to be, where we helped each other make it. make /biz/ great again!

>> No.4332609


they need to fix total coin supply

>> No.4332613
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unrelated but I'm currently rolling on the ark faucet
if anyone has spare Ark i want it

>> No.4332629

sure, here is some money

>> No.4332735

Total Supply
410,468,970 HST

>> No.4332761

48 million. the other tokens were unsold in the token sale and are going to be burned

>> No.4332766


its incorrect

total supply is 48,000,000

>> No.4333827

Is it too late to get onto this? Only just saw the thread.

>> No.4333980

no. It's dipping right now. good time to get in

>> No.4333999

ok, I'll throw an ETH in it and see where it goes. But only cause I'm an ausfag and the binance rumour sounds tasty since I had a nice run on there with NULS.

>> No.4334020


Hope no one missed that dip.

>> No.4334148

Bought at 0.00043, sold at 0.00049.

>> No.4334201

ouch. Haven't you heard? This is the Last Moon.

>> No.4334285

Is it too late or is this a long term hold anyway?

>> No.4334334


Long term hold with real short term profit potential.

Depends on which you want - 3x in a week, or 30x in a year?

>> No.4334434

bought in at .00065 sold at .0009 leaving the profits for the moon mission. got a free ticket to the moon so im good ;) thanks 4chan you guys are the best. always buy the low marketcap coins right at the start when they starting to get shilled. never buy coins that got pumped. those are bags ppl tryign to sell you.

>> No.4334500

Who here got pajeet'd by this shitcoin?

>> No.4334514

Bought in again at 0.0009, will sell when it dips to 0.0007.

>> No.4334590

can always count on based /biz/ for a few laughs

>> No.4334592

I understand people taking some profits, but come on.. calling this coin done and moving on is ridiculous. Has so much potential to really explode.

I took my initial investment out but gonna leave the rest till it hits exchanges atleast. Still bullish on this thing.

>> No.4334601

>Has so much potential to really explode.
There are like 3 dozen coins/tokens you could say this about right now.

>> No.4334676


i think i did a good amount of research and compiled it all neatly for you anon's in the OP and throughout the thread. there is a very compelling case for why this isn't a shitcoin and for why you should hold this one a bit to see some real parabolic gains around december/january. yes, short term there will be profits. but this is gonna be an OMG style extended moon mission.

>> No.4334693


this exactly

>> No.4334772

Gonna stick 'em in MEW and check again in a couple of months. This coin has bigger fish to fry. ED is not it's endgame.

>> No.4334782

Also thanks for your work.

>> No.4334857

Yes. Thanks based anon

>> No.4335066


>> No.4335416

Strapped in

>> No.4335425

The dip is over

>> No.4335695

Bought it

>> No.4336239

fucking binance chinks fucked me again with their stuck eth withdraws, just fomoed in at 0.00093 instead of 0.0007 last night REEEE

>> No.4336436

Don't worry. You're still well in time

>> No.4337475


Ready for blast off after the dip. Great time to get in.

>> No.4337568

price projections eoy?`

>> No.4337611
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>> No.4338041
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1403241418826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bank transactions on Coinbase take a fucking week
>add card so I can buy quickly
>order cancelled and card removed

>> No.4338058

How fucking shit is your bank? Are you a burger? You guys always seem to be the ones getting fucked with this bullshit.

Bank transactions for me take 1 day on average for Coinbase (SEPA transfers) and no problems at all with card buys.

>> No.4338066

What was ICO price in ETH?

>> No.4338086

Yep, I'm a burger.
I contacted support about the card but the site says their support staff is "under heavy load and may not respond for days."

>> No.4338087


+ another 100% at least when you can buy it somewhere other than ED

>> No.4338089
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If you want to see the gem we advise you to pay attention to the Diamond (DMD) You can earn $ 80 a day without any trading risks https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=580725.0

>> No.4338122

Looks good but etherdelta...

>> No.4338144

Yeah etherdelta sucks, which is why the price instantly increases when going on another exchange.

Tbh it's not even that bad of an exchange and it gives you a good buying opportunity.

>> No.4338162

I like ED, have gotten some good deals on there as well as sold on a few fat-fingered orders that must have pissed someone else off I have no doubt.

>> No.4338164

ED is a blessing. It's a filter that allows you to buy in early.

>> No.4338174

Can someone tell me how the fuck do I use EtherDelta

>> No.4338210

First you get yourself some autism then it will make sense.

>> No.4338351
File: 7 KB, 256x196, hmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, am I being fucked over with a (((small market cap))) meme again?

>> No.4338398

>Your wallet's ETH balance is not enough to cover the gas cost (Ethereum network fee)

I didn't know you needed to have leftover ETH in your wallet. I figured the ED wallet would cover the fees.

Would anyone be willing to send me a dollar or two worth of ETH? Else I'm stuck in this loop.

>> No.4338422


The pumpening has begun!

>> No.4338478

>49 posts by this ID

>> No.4338504
File: 173 KB, 500x371, 1503263589492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please guys, just a dollar or two. I'll send it back. I'm literally stuck because I can't move money back and forth.


>> No.4338507

It's on CMC now and that says otherwise. Double checked on ED though and you are right, I'm up, but only a little.

>> No.4338524

sent 0.01 ETH, that will get you through.

>> No.4338576

Thanks a million anon

>> No.4338619

we're not all shit-cunts here, even if a lot are.

>> No.4338688

This guy gets it. Especially to throw ridiculously positive predictions. Very unprofessional.

>> No.4338776


Well they aren't wrong.....so...

>> No.4338796

Today, OP was not a faggot.

>> No.4338821

>buy order in at 0.00085
>already fucking 0.0011
Fuck that I'm not buying anymore. Nice gains for anyone who got in yesterday.

>> No.4338879
File: 312 KB, 800x800, 1500157976225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got in today a few hours ago at 0.00084

>> No.4338881

Good guy of the day.

>> No.4338896

I should have got in at 0.00057, but Binance chinks held up my ETH for near 4 hours so didn't until 0.00091. Still comfy but should be at 2x right now instead of just in profit.

>> No.4338912

just bought in at .0011

watch it crash

>> No.4338939
File: 325 KB, 382x417, 1463396996349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predictions for the end of the day/week/month?

Literally me

>> No.4338947
File: 47 KB, 527x621, United.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to think that id I needed it someone would do it for me. Besides, I have gotten good tips from /biz/ and the memes are fucking top notch, so I don't mind sharing the love.

>> No.4338961

I like that meme a lot. Someone needs to make a Wojak rekt version!

>> No.4338969


Uhmmm I beg to differ. The pump is real on ED.

>> No.4338986

Lol ended up buying some, actually looks like a good project. I reckon we can see an easy 2x from here, I'll probably just sell then.

>> No.4339009

woah, no kidding! First NULS, now this. Let the unJUSTening commence!

>> No.4339016

I dont understand

>> No.4339041

>Predictions for the end of the day/week/month?
If what they're saying about imminent listing on at least 2 other exchanges is true I'd expect 0.002 at least end of week. Given they're already getting major MSM coverage - the Forbes article - and don't really have any competition for what they're doing should be a fairly comfy hold mid term.
Yeah I FOMOd in on it last night but just put about 6.5 ETH in after selling off my XVG bag. If I can get 2x I'll probs sell as well.
Bought 5.5k NULS cos I was drunk af. Looks like my last two FOMO buys are going to pay off nicely today.

>> No.4339086

NULS reminds me of ANS/NEO so much it's scary, except this time I have a bit more in it than I had in ANS/NEO. And I made a few thousand off of NEO. Fuck I love crypto.

>> No.4339121

NEO was my first big gainer - being newfag who only into crypto early Sept I bought a few £k worth right when it hit bottom middle of month cos of China FUD. First time I got 2x gains was delightful. Moved those gains into ETP which was first time I got >2x gains. China coins have been very good to me. More recently my best performers have been Arab coins - got 2x on RKC and DBIX.

>> No.4339186

I got into it when it was ~$3.50, started in June. Only had a few hundred in it though. But i watched it over the space of about a month go from where I bought it to $50. It was fucking glorious. Got into OMG below a dollar too, but sold it a bit over a dollar with intentions to buy back in lower. Missed it and fomo bought back in around $3 but lost about 200 OMG doing it. I'm trading NULS at the moment trying to bounce between buy/sell walls to increase my stack, but once it gets too tight again I'll just give up and hold it for a bit. I remember seeing DBIX pump for the BCH fork whenever that was too. So it was probably due another one. I'd pick some up but it's only on shit exchanges isn't it?

>> No.4339237

Yeah I got it on Cryptopia which I find just about bearable to use.

>> No.4339247

Had the same issue the other day. Was the fraud dept. at the bank canceling my card. Cleared up and good to go after a minute conversation. GL anon

>> No.4339257

At least it's run by sheep shaggers. Which I find a great deal more tolerable than that pajeet-tier shitfest that is NovaExchange. And we won't even mention Yobit.

>> No.4339644


HST was prime for a pump! No more pink wojacks biz bros.

>> No.4340018



>> No.4340037


anytime /biz/ bros



making /biz/ great again

as it so happens their community manager said the team has a new policy to not discuss price/trading

>> No.4340090

Got in with > 10,000 at 0.0004, it's at 0.001 last I checked. I was very very very tempted to cash in my gains but then I remembered OMG is at like 0.02 despite still not releasing the wallet, and I only play with money I'm not afraid to lose, so I'm gonna see what happens

>> No.4340145


Still pumping...

>> No.4340268

Remember that you can set the gas price to whatever you want > 1. I recommend setting it to 1 if you don't have a lot in your wallet, it will still process in less than 1 minute and it's very cheap

>> No.4340487


0015 and it still has so much higher to go

>> No.4340527



>> No.4340829

look up higher in the thread. A kind anon spoonfed me and there is also a video up there. It's not that hard but you need metamask if you don't have it. Easy install tho

>> No.4340864

there's some decent resistance at .001385. Any cause for concern? Also, the chart is looking great. Thanks OP, I bought in at .00088

>> No.4340885

OP can you become a tripfag?

I'd legitimately subscribe to your posts if I could.

This is just what I needed after my losses with BCrash yesterday

>> No.4340894
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>> No.4340941

He's trying to pump the price higher. There are some clumsy manipulators on ED.

>> No.4340952

So how do these kinda threads work
Do a bunch of smart guys invest in something like HST at like .0003, get idiots like us to buy it until it peaks at .002, then dump everything and move on to the next coin?

>> No.4340965


there will be a pullback its just a matter of when. when a coin is this bullish i don't try to time/trade the swings for fear of being left behind. instead, i just buy the dip with fresh funds. that's if i believe in the project and this coin is obviously going far.

>> No.4340967

So is it going to dip, or do I just buy the ATH again like a retard?

>> No.4340986


It already pulled back.

>> No.4340996

the coin is not even a day old.

>> No.4341004

dude i am kick myself not buying yesterday

>> No.4341014

nice to know pajeet

>> No.4341049

more like everyone ITT buys it on ED under .0015 and then wait for it to get listed on other exchanges and then we either take our 3x profits or hodl until Dec and see if it goes true moon mission

>> No.4341053


don't know how tripcode works here. but could also do a small mailing list if there's interest.

>> No.4341071

im in

>> No.4341075

fak, I'm down for an ED discord or something.

>> No.4341099


everyone who has gotten in is early considering the scope of this coin, exchange listings coming up, news etc. if you have legitimate criticism let's hear it.


its peaked at 0015 and is still over 001. a pullback would be more like 0007 at which point i'd load up on more.


your call anon. depends how long you want to hold for. 29 mil circulating supply, with the proper exchanges and news this can pass 1-2 USD

>> No.4341157

>idiots like us

You realize all of us buying are buying nearly at the same time? Just because you're 1 day late to the party doesn't mean there wasn't a party to begin with

>> No.4341217

got in at 0.0012 with 3 eth, hopefully I'll profit a bit.
Anyways thanks for the tip anon, seems promising

>> No.4341283

I did buy yesterday if that's any consolation.

>> No.4341334


i'll make a private telgram between a few people. looking specifically at hidden coins. post your telegram usernames with (@username).

>> No.4341354
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>> No.4341381


hold for a bit, volume still hasn't even kicked up on this coin yet. don't get shook by little movements back and forth, it's still early.

>> No.4341392
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 9F81145D-DC31-4200-8B92-8B35D700779B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea this, it hasn‘t even begun. I will wait til it hits more exchanges and then cash out on the initial pump

>> No.4341394


yo add me bb @pinkwojack

>> No.4341409

I will, don't worry. Was a bit annoyed by BTC having mood swings and saw your thread so I took a risk.

>> No.4341442

How do i find hidden coins?

>> No.4341471


>> No.4341509


>> No.4341515

I don't even have a telegram, lemme make one

>> No.4341553


>> No.4341554


>> No.4341567


>> No.4341574


>> No.4341644


>> No.4341645


>> No.4341657


>> No.4341685


>> No.4341725

You mind a lurker? @zcrvw

>> No.4341745


>> No.4341750


>> No.4341795

if you don't mind me just watching since I'm relatively new

>> No.4341825


>> No.4341855

ausfags unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4341871

also thanks again based anon

>> No.4341873


lurkers welcome, everyone can contribute or not as they please. i'll add everyone shortly.

>> No.4341892
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>> No.4341893

Would love to discuss these hidden gems. I actually posted about HST a day before you and bought it at 0.00035 but obviously no one believed me then

>> No.4341904


>> No.4341977

Pls i just want to learn

>> No.4342048


>> No.4342083

sorry had invites blocked, just enabled it if you sent out the invites. thanks again

>> No.4342100


not yet waiting awhile to do the majority of them at once.

>> No.4342127

great, was worried that the app blocked it in case you already sent them out. cheers

>> No.4342209

Not much movement in the past hour or two

>> No.4342260

Thank you so much. Would love to learn from you, My telegram is

>> No.4342295

I still haven't received an invite. Is something wrong with my settings?


>> No.4342411


>> No.4342422


looking forward to it.

>> No.4342468

Pls, thank you


>> No.4342487



>> No.4342571

@crypto_goy, thanks for setting this up

>> No.4342668


>> No.4342702


>> No.4342752

so will u guys trade it from ED when it moons or are you gonna put it in another exchange

>> No.4342886

IF it moons
they are going to put it on binance

>> No.4342898


>> No.4342898,1 [INTERNAL] 

If only you knew how good things became.

>> No.4342898,2 [INTERNAL] 

2020 gemsniggers report in