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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4321823 No.4321823 [Reply] [Original]

Okay lads. Some of you are alright. I've received help from many good anons throughout my time on /biz/ and I want to give something back. By God, you must listen if you don't hate money, because you may not come across this elsewhere.

By analysing BCH block data I have come to the very simple conclusion that tonight, at some time between 20:00 and 21:00 UTC, BCH will finally fall to its knees (about 4 hours from now).

When that difficulty adjustment comes, the pump will end immediately. Miners may face difficulty increases of between 4-7 times what it is now, which is fucking insane. Unless BCH climbs to tremendously high levels before then, BTC will be far more profitable to mine and most of the BCH miners will jump ship, leading to the whales dropping their bags. Once this happens, the price of BCH will plummet, meaning it is even LESS profitable for any miner to even attempt to mine BCH. Transactions might get even more backlogged than a Wendy's toilet after use from an average American. Their only hope for salvation could be the EDA if enough miners drop out but even then it might be too late.

I'm not a margin trader, but tonight I am. Because I know almost for a FACT that BCH will go down the shitter. Going to put a short sell order on it in about an hour or two, hopefully it doesn't tank before then.

You've been warned. If you're a sceptic, explain why and we can have an intelligent discussion (by /biz/ standards). This isn't a FUD post. This is me trying to fucking help you. God speed anons.

>> No.4321836


>> No.4321855

this is so false.
fork readjust this to attract more miner

>> No.4321861

Well inverse /biz/

>> No.4321864

delete this

>> No.4321868

at what block will the difficulty change??

>> No.4321877
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>A Pajeet in my well-written thread

>> No.4321894

whats the site you get this info from
the pic i mean

>> No.4321901
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, maybe fucking less?

>> No.4321907

ive been trying to tell people this, but no one will listen, im working on a screen cap to shame the retards into oblivion. maybe not being nice will sway them

>> No.4321924

does it mean money will flow back to BTC?

>> No.4321925

also this was clearly common sense
BCH wasnt mined heavily so the diff is very low
now everyone and their dog mines it so of course the diff will skyrocket

>> No.4321951


>> No.4321955

Is going to moon once before then
Screencap this

>> No.4321984

Sounds like a chink to me IMHO

>> No.4321986

at most this will last for 22 hours

>> No.4321989

Let's not forget, right now the tx fees are super high on BTC. Guess who benefits? The miners.

Thus making BTC even more profitable to mine.

Let's face it cash fan boys. It's over. I can't wait until I see cash reading -90% and all my alts go green af

>> No.4321999

What website is this OP?

>> No.4322002

I'm thinking the same.

>> No.4322044

OP your "well written letter" is a bunch of words, literally every normie knows this, and you act like you are giving away the greatest secret ever. Everybody fucking knows this and a lot of people expect a pump in a few hours.

>> No.4322050


I should have provided this in the OP come to think of it. All there

>> No.4322083

>What's your problem? You're trying to claim that everyone on /biz/ was aware of this shit. Not everyone was looking out for it and people could have lost money. So what if a lot of people know, no harm in getting the word out to more m8

>> No.4322088
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have a laugh

>> No.4322100

You are so wordy.

>> No.4322117

no u

>> No.4322130

Whut? do you even blockchain?

>> No.4322132

Doesn't this mean BTC will rally and alts will then bleed?

>> No.4322137

yeah none of you faggots have any good proof BTC will end up on top. Miners are switching because Bitcoin Cash is the only solution to the congestion problem simple as that. The increasingly high fees benefit blockstream because it pushes users off chain do they can make money off you faggots. nobody wants that bullshit. And nobody wants the expensive slow turd BTC is

>> No.4322150

ok tell me whats wrong on that statement

>> No.4322160

Read what op said you FUCKING STUPID FAGGOT RETARD, once difficulty readjust on bitcoin cash it'll become not profitable than bitcoin and miners will switch leading to less congestion and less fees. Is your brain too fucking small to reason this out you brainlet?

>> No.4322163

yes buy btc. Better yet go 100x long position because you guys are so sure Bitcoin cash is a shitcoin eh

>> No.4322165

Fucking pajeet detected.

>> No.4322175

miners only care about the profit
btc will be more profitable next round

>> No.4322177

Miners are dumping all their BTC profits into BCH because that's what they believe in long term. BTC is toast.

>> No.4322190

Graet post vry insight sir

>> No.4322191

Yep ^^^^^^^^^^

>> No.4322209

Perhaps alts will lose a little in BTC value, but they'll be at least dragged up in their USD value

>> No.4322225

Someone get a screencap of these chinks. Can't wait for their glorious pink wojak chimp outs later on

>> No.4322245

Burger here. I take offense. When I shit at Wendy's I do it in the sink.

>> No.4322247

You're absolutely retarded if you think whales haven't already anticipated this potential difficulty drop. This is common, obvious knowledge that any large trader would know. The market has already priced this in.

>> No.4322266

nah, bitcoin cash goes down hard, all alts will follow suit and flow hard into bitcoin, its not going to be little, expect a 20% drop across altcoins.
It hasen't, you're going to get burned

>> No.4322302
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>priced in

>> No.4322344

>that delusion

>> No.4322409

This. It's over, time to sell.

>> No.4322490

2 or 3 hours until difficulty increase, then fixes at 7pm gmt with new difficulty algorithm hard fork.

Expect volatility in prices before a pump.
I’m holding.

>> No.4322507
File: 187 KB, 727x582, 1509679528428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the rumor, sell the news. So really... We should be selling the news that Bitcoin will have a difficulty advantage by buying into Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.4322595

"Pricing in" barely works in normie markets. No fucking way it's accurate is crypto trading.

>> No.4322623
File: 25 KB, 748x536, 1510116867214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering there are countries actually backing BTC at this point, it wasn't going to collapse any time soon.

>> No.4322671

Holy shit. OP here never considered their hard fork.


>> No.4322737

In a good way or in a bad way

In other words, continue hodling 50/50 or dump

>> No.4322824

It's hard to even know. Doing my best to research the fork but the sneaky chinks have really shrouded it in mystery with regard to WHEN it will take place

>> No.4322867
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 1510481891358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>efficient market hypothesis

my fucking sides

>> No.4322876


>> No.4322937

>Activation of the new consensus rules will be done on a median time stamp basis on blocks that occur after timestamp 1510600000, which corresponds to November 13th, 7:06 PM GMT. This activation code has been merged.


>> No.4322948

Meh imma hold it then. I got them for free from the fork, if they crash btc will spring back up, and if they don't then now is probably the perfect moment to sell low.

Maybe I should've sold this morning as I woke up when they were still like 0.3, but whatever

>> No.4322974


Legend. Cheers for that. We can still short it and then buy back in cheap for another pump tomorrow.

>> No.4323504
File: 400 KB, 734x950, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shameless self bump