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File: 95 KB, 992x1856, neet vs normalfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
431703 No.431703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder

>> No.431709

>flawed logic
>Shitty comic with extremes and no middle ground based in reality
>Implying needs actually learn languages and philosophy in their free time and don't just masturbate to hentai all day

>> No.431713


So who pays for your NEET ass, OP? Are you a welfare parasite?

In b4 muh disabilities, because PROBABLY.

>> No.431714

You have figured it out, good for you.
Now go out with your friends, I'm sure they will never tire of paying for you everywhere.

>> No.431718


>there is no reason to have a job in 2014

where do you think your fun buxx come from?

>> No.431719

Turn it around and you nail it right.
Basement dweller leeches never socialize. They are dirty, lazy and most are mentally unstable, like the left side guy.

>> No.431721

Duh, i mean right side.

>> No.431723

Daily reminder for your morons what the concept of a wage slave means and what it doesn't mean.


- An employed man
- A man working 70 hours for 100k
- A man working 40 hours for 70k


- A trade school graduate that works his ass off in a factory and barely makes ends meet at the end of the month
- A pleb making 20k per year for 50 hours per week of work
- A NEET trying to survive on fed benefits
- A man trying to survive with minimum wage

So kids. A wage slave is someone that doesn't accomplish anything despite working himself to death. Hence wage slave.

>> No.431725

>trade school graduate
Drop that part and I'm with you all the way.
Not the whole world treats tradesmen like scum.

>> No.431731


Well sorry if this offends you but in my area tradesmen are shit. And as someone that wasted a year with this, I can say this without remorse.

>> No.431732
File: 9 KB, 240x210, 948c06fd-d87f-4f11-ac8a-90f81b2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that NEETs could improve their lives if they gave a shit.

>> No.431733

I know this image isn't worthy of being commented on but I'm bored anyway.

The thing that render those arguments moot is that in general people with jobs experience more than people without despite having less free-time.

I mean the only traveling you could do is going to some shit-tier suburbs while people with jobs can go pretty much anywhere they want. People with jobs socialize more and get out while people without a job stays mostly at home and do jack shit.

And even if you would enjoy your life more while being a free-loader, it's not sustainable forever. Sure your parents might give you a room now when you're 20 but will they when you're 25, 30 or 35? Do you, who obviously haven't gotten so far already, think that being a leech to your parents your entire life (if that's even possible because most parents would throw you out sooner or later) is a healthy lifestyle?

And it's relatively easier to entertain yourself when you have a job. I mean, say I could only watch anime for 1 hour a week compared to watching it 10 hours a day, which hour do you think will be enjoyed the most?

Having a job is freedom and in the current system is the best road to achieving happiness while being job-less actually ties you up a lot more and isn't well sustainable in the long run.

>> No.431734

Trades people in first world countries generally make excellent money once they've got their ticket.

>> No.431739

I'm an Austfag Electrician, I worked in the resource sector for 5 years expanding mining operations. If I told you what I make you wouldn't believe me.
I'm out of resources now and only work 40 hours for low 6 figures.

>> No.431749


Well, I lay open my cards. Here in Germany that is the exception and people like this "generally" make shit money. Only if people make their masters (I guess that's the ticket?) in their respective fields they get good cash like the >>431739 guy.
And while that doesn't belong to the topic, the lifestyle those people have is shit. I worked as a mechanic, I worked as an electrician. The environment is shit, the people you work with are shit, the customers are shit. Well, you can be lucky I guess.

>> No.431750

Just yesterday I met a guy who's an electrician out in the oilfields and makes 150k a year doing piss easy work (he says he uses only about 10 percent of his skills and all his coworkers are guys who have only ever pulled wire).

He's going to make his dirty money for 4 years then start a business.

>> No.431753

>not being the jew boss

>> No.431759

There is the real mentality of hiring friends and family before skilled workers in Australian resources.
I had always worked with a competent team doing factories and the first few mines with that company. Then I left for bigger companies and bigger projects and found the lack of competence extremely frustration.
I'm glad to be out just so I don't have to work with people who's work I need to check.

>> No.431874
File: 72 KB, 250x250, 1354055418055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of those apply for Canada?
I work a security job, and basically watch cameras all night. I could easily bring in a laptop and use my 4g to do some work while I work. I know about MTurk, but I don't fancy working for Amazonbux.
I already make ends meet. If I could have extra cash, I could start saving for investments, then make money passively while I actively make money. I could basically get paid while I get paid while I work to get paid.

>> No.431882

It's possible to work without being a loser who spends his free time drinking and clubbing.

>> No.432199

I really don't get how anyone could live like the guy on the left and be happy. Tried it for 9 months and it just left me feeling like a useless sack of shit. Living off autismbux is horrible, you can barely afford anything.

>> No.432208

Lol yeah I'm a "wage slave" while owning a house that my tenants pay for my mortgage in.

Cool logic poorfag.