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4313919 No.4313919 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically can bitcoin recover from this? Or is it game over now? Should I really buy bch at 2 fucking k?

>> No.4313927

no bro, do NOT BUY BCC its a TRAP

>> No.4313931

Yeah great idea, just buy at ATH. I'm sure it'll work out just great.

>> No.4313938
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I call it a new era. A cold war era. Segwit vs chinks.

>> No.4313944

Buy, I didn’t when it got 1k and I regret not getting in sooner then I did. I got in at 1.5k, decent but still.

>> No.4313954

Of course it will recover.

>> No.4313957

btc will reach a point where hashpower will never return and then it will burn to zero

>> No.4313991

i just hope many reditards commit suicide

>> No.4313992
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You can wait for 8k

>> No.4314003
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Just watch.

>> No.4314033

you should either exit to fiat or buy BCH and use a stop loss order

>> No.4314076

Most autistic traders don't realise this is what btc actually needs in order to hit 10k

>> No.4314102

why should I buy?
now or wait for it to go lower?

>> No.4314124
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>> No.4314128

bought in at a lovely 600 here.

>> No.4314169

Fuck me it's 2,350 now.

>> No.4314202

yes buy it anon, look at the volume, its gone up $27 billion in market cap today.. 27 BILLION MOTHERFUCKER. Worse comes to worse you load up some btc or eth and you lose a little bit and hop out like a pussy. but sitting there watching all of this sweet sweet volatility and not hopping in is like being a surfer watching the best waves a beach can offer, but just sitting there and watching them.

>> No.4314263


How do you even buy BCH right now if you're a BTC holder?

I'm asking because I don't have any BTC right now. I'm all in ETH, which at least still has a functional hashrate. I'm seeing all this stuff about the hash of BTC dropping so hard that people's orders are just getting rejected by their exchanges. Is it true that everything has frozen?

>> No.4314281
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Buy all the Bitcoins you can NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE

You don't want to be a retarded nocoiner with no value right? BUY BUY BUY

>> No.4314282

Bitcoin will die and Litecoin will prevail. That is Satoshi's vision.

>> No.4314286

Each time it goes through the cycle quicker and quicker.
I wonder how quick the pump from 4500 to 12500 is going to be this time.

>> No.4314324

better question is do you want to buy bitcoin for the last time at 2k ever

>> No.4314334

Yeah shapeshift won't convert my bitcoin to bch. Eth should do the trick though.

>> No.4314349

Same. We just wait it out and when people are fed up getting dumped on with BCH but no longer trust BTC enough to buy back in, they'll buy ETH, the most stable coin on the market.

>> No.4314370

> Random shitcoin gets pumped 1000%
> Coin has 'Bitcoin' in the name and gets pumped 400%

>t. Someone making a killing on bch, and is about to make a killing on btc rebound

>> No.4314381

Holding bitcoin is basically going down with the ship at this point.

>> No.4314408
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>> No.4314435

yeh keep fucking waiting lmao

>> No.4314451

good lord. i predicted what would happen
and i still didn't buy any at $600
anyone else too smart to be rich?

>> No.4314501

I'm actually considering getting a loan if it goes that low...
Not going to do it of course, but it'll tempt me a lot.

>> No.4314523

Yeah, but hindsight, I have probably forgotten all the bad ideas I was convinced of

>> No.4314528

Except it's not called being smart.

>> No.4314649

good point. at one time i thought 2x was the clear winner

>> No.4314668


>> No.4314684

buy bitcoin cash because normies want quicker transaction time. btc is for fudds. no one wants fucking 60 minute transaction time

it's 2016 + 1 for fuck sake and nearly +2

>> No.4314696

i bought bch at 300.

im legit quitting my job on monday.

feels good to be retired at 26

>> No.4314753

how many did you buy?

>> No.4314957

Buy now, while it's crashing on Bitfinex. Soon enough Bithumb will be back online and it'll be rising up up up again.

>> No.4314965


>> No.4314976


You can't retire with $2000 anon

>> No.4315008

Also it depends what happens with hashrate + the BCH fork tomorrow.

>> No.4315171

I'm crying too anon

hodl me

>> No.4315950

Wait, why? Explain pls