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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4307513 No.4307513 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Finance Manager of small biz
>Be responsible for enrolling employees in employer provided Life Insurance
>Have employee kys while at work
>Realize you forgot to enroll employee in Life Insurance plan

>> No.4307530

buy eth

>> No.4307545

buy Bitcoin

>> No.4307558

buy bch

>> No.4307570
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>> No.4307633


Nothing will happen other than you get fired


>> No.4307653

Buy Bitbean

>> No.4307655

Doesn't suicide invalidate life insurance policies anyway?

>> No.4307661

buy Coss

>> No.4307674

So there is no going back and trying to enroll him at this point with the excuse of a company oversight?

>> No.4307684

He kys by falling of a god damn cherry picker in the warehouse.

>> No.4307724

maybe ask a lawyer?

>> No.4307756

only within a certain timeframe

>> No.4307757

Lmao. I think you can expect criminal charges coming tour way OP, srs.

>> No.4307798

That doesn't like he killed himself, it sounds like that was an accident and that means you are absolutely fucked, rightfully.

>> No.4307893

Me or the corp?

>> No.4307916

Find a good Lawyer as soon as you can bitchboy

>> No.4307923

I don't know for sure, but guess who is going to fuck you either way since you didn't fulfill your part and caused problems.

Now for my secret tip, invest your lifesavings in NEO, dump at the next event, buy into Monero, dump at the next best opportunity and buy yourself a mansion in eastern europe.

>> No.4307924

life insurance doesn't pay out for suicide anyway. so unless it was an accident like got caught in a blender or something lol, you'll just get in a lot of shit and it'll blow over eventually.

>> No.4307976

Criminal charges? WTF for?

>> No.4307990

You think the company will sue me for negligence?

>> No.4308085


ffs, no. The employee's family will sue the company, and probably win. The company probably has a general liability type of insurance coverage that will pay that one off. You'll just get fired. I also wouldn't expect a good reference from them.

>> No.4308112

Can I put your handle down as a reference anon?

Thanks for the feedback you fucks and what appears to be the worst day of my 39 years of living.

>> No.4308151

You handle these things and you don't know if they have insurance for this?

>> No.4308175

Hopefully you have a HR dept.
If it paper copy applications cool if not then:
Forge (Rename/&rehash) out an old e-mail or document to appear the date he applied that was his application.... HR being HR wont have a fucking clue... probly sweep it under carpet.

>> No.4308210

or failing that make out he didnt want life insurance (Whether mandatory) for a better salary... and amend his signed contract hoping that where he signed is not on the page that said that...well i dunno where you work?

>> No.4308243

You're completely fucked OP, what state did this happen in by the way?

>> No.4308258

>Can I put your handle down as a reference anon?

I don't see why not.

>> No.4308265

Or failing that, leave... dont get fired... use your references from previous places, tell prospsective current employers were anti semites... or they wouldnt let you and your boyfriend bake a cake for them.

>> No.4308286

If within 12 months of taking the policy out usually

>> No.4308310

P.s. buy monero

>> No.4308336


sauce on the pic. this shit is actually sad.

>> No.4308338

I’d also expect whoever has board level responsibility for anon to get shitcanned: they had ineffective controls in place to catch a mistake like this. So >>4307990 answer is “no”. Good luck, anon

>> No.4308355

what is this picture?

>> No.4308364


I thought about producing a Ins form showing he waived the benefits but not willing to risk jail time.

Who is going to bring the suit for the life insurance though?

The guy was a total drunk. He'd been fired at least three times in the last 8 years for showing up to work drunk.

He has two teenage daughters he is estranged from.

My employer kept bringing him back cause they couldn't keep guys on third shift and weren't willing to explore other options.

>> No.4308372

LARP. If OP really did what he said then he would know all the laws and details without needing to ask

>> No.4308405

You're overestimating someone who's currently asking legal advice on the gambling section of a japanese cartoon forum

>> No.4308424

sooo you want to risk defrauding an insurance company you say...

>> No.4308431

That would mean he's a competent employee. If he was competent he wouldn't have forgot to enroll the guy for life insurance.

>> No.4308453

nevermind i found it
guy got trapped in a tuna tank and cooked to death

>> No.4308470

hmm more fraud...

ooOOOOoo this is getting good.

>> No.4308485


Na, not for this shit.

It was only a 50k policy. His family will get 10 times that at least once they are done with the negligence involved.

I have thought about going back and enrolling him for life insurance from when he was eligible but I reckon that'd be pretty stupid.

>> No.4308497

Workers comp and life insurance are totally different things.. his family is still able to collect/sue for workers comp anyway

>> No.4308522

how old are you? how do you manage to fuck up this badly

>> No.4308541

I am a bean counter moron. I didn't sign up to wipe asses and give out free hand sanitizer in the fucking HR role. Shit wasn't even discussed in the job interview.

My Job Description was Financial Analysis, Payroll and Controller.

That's all my resume had on it when they fucking hired me.

>> No.4308544

how does he fall off a cherry picker.. you are supposed to be harnessed into that thing..
He has a lift license to operate this machine
which means he has been trained to be a competent individual.

he was trained and licensed right op? all safety policies followed and enforced?

What did osha have to say?

yes enrolling him now would be stupid, come clean admit what happened and take your firing like a man.. jobs are easy to come by... but if you fraud then you go to jail and then jobs are harder to come by,

>> No.4308571

HR shit is the last thing on my mind.

I could tell you we were transitioning operating systems in the period he should have been re-enrolled and how uninformed the owners are but that shit don't matter.

>> No.4308591

excuses excuses man, just take the L and hope the worst that comes to it is that you lose your job, and future potential employment

>> No.4308609

OSHA will destroy us.

He was a known alchemist working operating heavy equipment in a warehouse by himself.

Its all on video. If I lose my job I'll come back and post incident to confirm.

>> No.4308636

Should be fine because life insurance doesn't cover suicide.

>> No.4308644

Did I come on here blaming the Jews? No.

I have been forthcoming with the situation I am in and just trying to figure out what options I may have.

>> No.4308676

osha should have already done an investigation.

what would being an alchemist have to do with anything? do you mean alcoholic as you stated earlier?

desu your little life insurance thing seems like the least of the company troubles..
lack of training
lack of supervision
lack of ability to follow/enforce simple safety guidelines
a boss that doesnt know whats going on (typical desu)
allowing a known drunk to continue working every night for years

You work for a shit hole company.. the worst that happens to you is you get fired

>> No.4308708

You came here to ask if fraud was a reasonable action.
The great thing out of it, is that the fuckup isn't just yours, but multiple peoples. If you're really just a bean counter then your actions would be negligible and only be harmful to the company, but not to the victim of the accident or his family.
Just admit your fuckup to whomever comes to investigate the matter, and don't do anything stupid if your higher ups tell you so.

>> No.4308754

>don't do anything stupid if your higher ups tell you so.

holy shit this... didnt even think about it. So many business owners are greedy pieces of shit that they would sell their own children into slavery to save their own asses.

>> No.4308795

>two teenage daughters

teenage girls like money

>> No.4308837

Lastly if you haven't already, get yourself a lawyer

>> No.4308908

Time to make a tuna melt

>> No.4308931

Why don't you just pay the senpai like 20k to let it go.

>> No.4309313

They'll be getting way more than that when its all said and done.

Thanks for the pep talk anons.

I'll come back tomorrow after meeting with company lawyers to follow up.

Need to drown some of these sorrows and find the number to the Perkins Coie Law Firm.