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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4303987 No.4303987 [Reply] [Original]


biz is completely useless now. There's so much coordinated shilling (pointless for them since there userbase here is so small). Every single pink wojak in the catalog is a dig at bitcoin and shill for BCH.

Instead of today's 10th "I told you to buy x 2 weeks ago" thread, here's the best real advice you'll ever get from biz:

leave biz, get your info from elsewhere, and you'll make more money.

>> No.4304015
File: 793 KB, 1899x893, bcash spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worse than linkies. The dump is going to be epic.

>> No.4304036

desu I don't blame them trying to exploit all the windowlickers and pajeets that stumble in here

>> No.4304045
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Did you miss the rocket?
don't worry there's still time
remember biz' motto

>> No.4304048

Wait wait wait I made one of those threads and Im not getting paid by noone.

>> No.4304072

jihan would pay you at least 7 cents a thread for your bad posts

>> No.4304095

biz is just shitposting within a specific topic, like most 4chan boards. Maybe you should go back to that place if you dont like it

>> No.4304115

Then you are just an useful (for them) idiot. At least make some profit.

>> No.4304118

Have you seen some of the people FUDding BCH? They samefag and reddit space

>> No.4304181
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1505274380721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't buy BCH. It's a /biz/ discord coordinated pump. I warned you.

>> No.4304210
File: 1 KB, 142x84, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not coming here for financial advice, im coming here for the bantz.

Pic related.

>> No.4304236
File: 70 KB, 1080x1081, rolex_905_19_10_2017_22_18_57_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right, this BCH shit has turned this place into a festering dump

Monero has a fair amount of faggots running around here too

>> No.4304237


Second that. You are absolutely right. Especially in chaotic times like these there is literally zero valuable information. There is only (paid) shills to buy bags after something mooned x5 or crybabies who went all in at ATHs or chase random shitcoin moon missions trying to time the market what usually never succeeds. It is infested with morons who have zero clue about what is going on, yet everybody thinks he is entitled to an opinion, which usually is non-argumentative "buy x or stay poor".

If you want reliable gains on good projects literally any other platform is better. Biz is only valuable for fun shitposting and the 0.1% of good information you may get, like an early stage of a promising ICO or serious news you've missed.

Times where you had analytical breakdowns and serious discussions are long gone I guess.

>> No.4304258

Don't be crazy. Nothing is worse than LINKies.

>> No.4304350

But im making profit with bch already
If youre not you should re-think ur whole strategy

>> No.4304557
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>centralized coin bch mooning

>> No.4304582

At the very least Linkies do it for free and they have no grand agenda beyond being free of their crushing bags.

>> No.4304604


biz is so irrelevant, nobody in their right minds would devote energy to shilling here. It's just biztards shilling to biztards.

>> No.4304654
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1474365113801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn those whales, how do they keep getting away with it!!!!!!????!!

>> No.4304668

Core Tactic #4

Deny the momentum:

Support or price movements for something not BTC should be treated as the result of artificial spamming from paid and coordinated astroturfing rather than genuine enthusiasm. When possible, suggest corporate, government or foreign conspiracy as the cause.

>> No.4304678


BCH is literally the most reddit crypto there is. They're constantly complaining about moderation on a reddit sub ffs.

>> No.4304691

good idea. where should i get my info from now?

>> No.4304731
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1505485639119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont underestimate pajeets

>> No.4304750

This guy actually thinks the /biz discord is pumping 5 billion in volume.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. This is the average IQ of /biz. Stay forever poor you dumb cucks.

>> No.4304770
File: 39 KB, 500x364, 1381220438263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone on /biz/ told me to get bch. Biggest gain ever stop being so salty btcuck

>> No.4304780

It's not just plebbit, its also bitcointalk and bitcoin.org, all 3 of which are ran by theymos. Talk about jews trying to hog the media

>> No.4304784


Salty vergefaggot detected

How's "wraith protocol" working out for you? Sounds like a Linkin park album, or bad Tom Clancy novel lol. "The Monero killer" fucking Kek

>> No.4304803

the deluded legacymarines will call any opposing post a shill

>> No.4304819

lmao you retarded cuckold fuck, btc is the redditcoin, btc developers censor bch wherever they can, just like the circlejerks on reddit