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4301858 No.4301858 [Reply] [Original]

>when you realize cryptos were invented by the elites (satoshi is just one FED and NSA employee) to push a newer system under their control where they can tax freely the citizens and lock control more and have under 0% inflation
>tfw retards here goobled up a new ponzi scheme invented by the (((elite))) to control us more
>tfw FED papers talking about cryptos since 1995
>tfw they're pushing cryptos so normies jump on the board and feel comfortable with a cashless system (which is the goal of cryptos)
>tfw meanwhile they supress gold and silver prices and let retards spend their savings on internet money
>tfw this is all done in preparation for the economic reset
>tfw they even plan to stop internet during the economic reset (economic collapse)
>tfw digital coins wont stop you when they collapse the internet as well
>tfw good luck buying shit when you can't access internet during the civil wars of the economic reset

>> No.4301982
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>the civil war of the economic reset

>> No.4302024

quit watching alex jones

>> No.4302112

That doesn't add up. You conspiritards say the New World Order wants to put money in our wifi connected RFID chips, why would they shut down the internet ever?

>> No.4302159

tell me more op...will it be like a zombie apocalypse? I have my two katana blades and leather jacket at the ready

seriously though ur probably right. I give it til 2020 before the economic reset begins, maybe even next year. The reset and then the "answer" can be done whenever they choose. Not much point in fighting it though, I want to believe Trump is here to fight NWO globalists but could be the ultimate play to fool the masses. I hope he's on the good side

>> No.4302211

he's on the only side, the side our most recent presidents have been on.

>> No.4302254


>> No.4302304

>People create a currency that allows you to track literally every single transaction ever made by a person without permission and without them ever being able to tell you looked at it
>Somehow people think this is a good idea and want it to become the global economic standard

>> No.4302546
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hold up
>Greece 07-08
ECB shutdown and held greek banks hostage as leverage for debt negotiations with the greek government forcing literally unpayable loans with austerity strings attached
This only happened because of specific fiscal problems in the EU, a lot of greeks saved themselves by taking money out of the bank just in time
With a digital currency, they could do this to any country regardless of political issues with zero chance of the people avoiding it or saving themselves.
Cryptocurrency is FED2.0

>> No.4302574

I totally came to conclusion that Bitcoin is a perfect way to set up a one world currency.

If the elites pushed it themselves they would be massive push back, however if the people willingly adopt it and thought it was their idea. There you go. A one world currency accepted by the masses. That's why I'm all in on bitcoin.

>> No.4302745

what is monero?

>> No.4302826

what are laws?

>> No.4302877
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That's the point. We can profit off this. The elites want a global currency that they can track but you can't come out and say this as they want the people to think that it was their idea all along.

>> No.4302979

>when you realize

When you rationalize