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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 1466x768, ethbet-blackbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4301639 No.4301639 [Reply] [Original]

shit they're going to actually release it


>> No.4301657


>> No.4301693

thanks Op, just put my life savings into this.

to be fair it does look like a really good buy, a bit of risk but has solid 10x potential

>> No.4301742

just buy a little then, whatever fits your risk profile really

>> No.4301849

im buying, it was stable for weeks above current prices for weeks, can only go up, dev extremely active of discord, expecting quick 2x even short term

>> No.4301927

bought 5k thanks Op.

shill this more tomorrow will moon hard.

>> No.4301959

proof you're not just trying to sell your bags? I'll go balls deep on this if there actually is any. Seems like a decent coin with an insanely low market cap.

>> No.4301981

nice just bought 1 ebet

>> No.4301994

The whales who thought to make huge gains need buyers kek
you stupid if you fall for these shill threads
is this the third? jesus you guys are pathertic

>> No.4302174

you're not supposed to buy up all the fucking coin just buy up like $5,000 worth or something lmao

if you are a whale then get into huge coins

>> No.4302199


>> No.4302216

the price just went low because some whale (3,000 btc literally) bought like 5% of all tokens and dumped them when he got bored.

just join the discord it's cozy af, dev updates and good shit always.

>> No.4302246

>3 different threads on /biz/


this shill campaign is gettin out of hand

>> No.4302277

they're not releasing it for a bit still

your shilling is early, Op.

>> No.4302287
File: 42 KB, 904x531, 186b73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some actually do
fucking keked

>> No.4302302

how long?

>> No.4302363

dont know why you guys keep saying this, look at the github commits ffs

obviously legit af or else i'd have dumped hard lmao

i think alpha this month and full launches when 2018 starts

>> No.4302438

could be awhile but at least we know they're doing the entire project.

github commits look legit as fuck as guy above me posted, even reading it it all checks out at least, some projects do fake ones lel

>> No.4302478

nope, all in or go home

you DO want to buy lambos, right?

>> No.4302845

this is why i love /biz/

not because you said this but because retards actually do this shit

>> No.4303277

he's right though

dont do it with your retirement but if you want to turn $1K into $100K there's the best way to do it is constant shitcoin gambling

>> No.4303365

this might take many months or 1-2 years but it could easily be a 20-40x in that time

i'll probably put a bit in and chill but i do not have the patience for more than that


>> No.4303793

none of us, ssh keep it on the down low brother

>> No.4303972

already have my 20K ebet, OP


>> No.4303999

>shitty boring dice/rng games with no users

>> No.4304081

none of us are saying 100x

etheroll is literally just a dicing game which is like 20M so if this went 20M it'd be a 20x faggot

>> No.4304187

we really dont need him anyway

little volume to go until we're back way past ico price

>> No.4304246
File: 73 KB, 868x817, 1499722779253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I should add I bought 20K a few weeks ago too so I'm at 40K now too really

feeling /cozy/ up in here

>> No.4304439
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1504280084237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only having 40K EBET

it's like you love being poor

>> No.4304523

nah fuck off desu, 40K is enough. there's not that many coins.

>> No.4304657

>Evaluating in terms of fiat instead of ETH or BTC
Why would you do this? I doubt anyone here specifically bought ETH with fiat just to buy EBET.

>> No.4304719

>only have 40,000 eth bet dollary doos

should have gone all in and gotten 10M.

would be a bitch to sell haha

>> No.4304736

I have almost 20 k.
It it ever goes at all time high, I made 5 times my initial investment.
Just happily holding.

>> No.4305010

you must have gotten in at a great price.
feels good buying in after ICO dips, almost every single ICO has a huge one desu just not usually that huge

>> No.4305329

this, goes well with LINK and some others

just gotta w a i t

>> No.4305467

LINK is a scam

all in on EBET

>> No.4305482

>you must have gotten in at a great price.
It has been like 0.00100 after ICO.
You could have bought it at 0.0002 any time.
If you bought at ICO you should have averaged down.

>> No.4305513

Honestly with EBET you know that there will be a gambling site within this year.
LINK is a bit more complicated.
You cannot predict it.

>> No.4305526

So these is someone on this website not obsessed with link?

>> No.4305539

I'm not against LINK, but I can't stand LINK shills.

>> No.4305567

I hate dislike both.

>> No.4305569

i dont understand why this entire fucking site when so hard for link away

who the fuck is behind that?

the bogs?

>> No.4305621

Why is this website so hard for BCH?
Paid shills.
Probably LINK was shilled to oblivion pre- and during the ICO.
There's an awful number of bag-holders here.
There was a thread that listed the /biz/raeli with the most LINK.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain.

>> No.4305667

it's so hard for BCH because it went up 50% in a day so all the retards hop on and go all-in and they have no choice but to shill for their life

>> No.4305902
File: 111 KB, 801x595, Combine+that+with+this+to+destroy+everything+vaguely+in+front+_2203c88e2d5100a8fd9a08684d91286b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3 bcc/bch in bc, should I sell them for eBCC/eBCH?

>> No.4305961

A lot of us made a lot of money on LINK, people who decided to baghold after the conference are fools as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4305989

Where can I buy this?

>> No.4306018

go to hitBTC or etherdelta if you must, hitbtc is better

what kind of scam is that lmao

>> No.4306039

did this seriously turn into a LINK thread, holy fuck this place is retarded.

>> No.4306186

hitbtc is really laggy.

Can you buy BTC or EBET directly from that site with $?

>> No.4306202

just deposit eth and then go to eth/btc and buy ebet then take ebet out, instant and quick

>> No.4306256

So I need to buy ETH first?

>> No.4306301

yes, but you can put anything into HitbTC and then buy eth instantly there then EBET

ETH is way quicker and cheaper to use than btc so you should be using it anyway desu

>> No.4306422

lower cap coins are my favorite i might put some into this

way nicer than dealing with LINK and bullshit like that

>> No.4306459

ETH is expensive now, should I not wait to it get's lower before buying?

>> No.4306717

eth is not getting lower

what is so great about ebet is it will go up with eth since it's based in eth

eth is only like 320 it will never be under 300 really dont worry about it

>> No.4306762

this is looking really good buy on HitBTC atm.

dont give a fuck about project but it looks great but maybe a super instant 2X..?

>> No.4306795

its a 10x

Ive already made 50% on this coin today

>> No.4306798

5000$ buy would 2x this thing.

>> No.4306914

Just a few hours ago it was around 293.

>> No.4306955

Where can I buy Ethbet?

>> No.4306965

Lol 24hr vol is $6,600

>> No.4306972


>> No.4307075

its a fucking 700k marketcap atm for a gambling site and you use the tokens to gamble.
satoshidice is like 1/8 of the functionality and is frequented heavily. this is a 10x by Jan if they release the token.

>> No.4307448

Going down as we speak. I'm always late to these things

>> No.4307647
File: 18 KB, 641x482, pics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0.04715600 ETH as now. Now I need to get the EBET but how?

>> No.4307695

700 million market cap, it just began you god damn retarded tripfag

>> No.4308067

i hate to be mean if you dont know what to type in the boxes man you shouldnt be in cryptos

literally type in how many you want and price hit buy wtf

>> No.4308147

I have figured it out, it just that why is there not a button where you put in what you have and then it buys for that amount?

>> No.4308177

oh, i dont know. some exchanges have that they might have it hidden.

>> No.4308409

Is there a way to find EBET timeline where it shows it's worth over time. I have searched but can't really find it.

>> No.4308434

coinmarketcap shows price history

>> No.4308459

You have to go to Deposit and move your ETH from Main to Trading account.
It's easy.
Then you Market buy with first a click on Balance which will automatically fill Amount and Total.
Do this many times until you have exhausted your Balance.

>> No.4308501

Holy shit am i actually going to get my money back?

>> No.4308509
File: 37 KB, 485x393, ebetpnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the threads we had so far:


Looking at the trade history on https://etherdelta.com/#EBET-ETH you can see how the price was being manipulated since before the "news", and continually after, unbeknownst of the members of the Discord itself.
What news?
A video (yes, just a video) of the supposed alpha.
It's disgusting what it's being done here

>> No.4308510
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, lXSWGjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really so easy to get heavy bags?
gotta be careful with that

>> No.4308579

What price manipulation?
there has been less that 3k$ volume a day for the last 2 months.

>> No.4308656

>faking messages just for this

im not even mad this is a funny post

>> No.4308761

that's pretty funny since one or two of the messages is real just not the first one yeah

>> No.4309374
