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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 13 KB, 247x166, 20170208_panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4299524 No.4299524 [Reply] [Original]

Look at blockchain, about 50% of the waiting transactions are for ~$0.20 worth of BTC with ~7$ of fees on top of it. WHAT THE FUCK.

It doesn't make sense, looks like someone found a new way of deliberately manipulating the price of the currency and is forcing it on all of us.

What the fuck is going on?

I'm all for making some gains on BCH right now, but there's definitely something nasty as fuck going on here which I feel might undermine the public trust in cryptocurrencies and kill them all in one swift move.

I'm scared bros.

>> No.4299546

this is the true beginning of crypto and your last chance to get bitcoin under 1,5k

>> No.4299547

(((they))) are spamming transactions to push hands into a more centralized bch

>> No.4299550

btc is not under attack
it just happens that people decided to call the real bitcoin "bitcoin cash", and now they realize it

>> No.4299564

BTC has been under attack since its inception and the attacks will only grow in size and volume as time goes by.

>> No.4299572

>might undermine the public trust in cryptocurrencies
the eh, -trust-, you say?
no fucker in their right mind would or could trust anything with this volatility, never mind 'the public'

>> No.4299575

They knew before but segshit2x was still looming. Now that that shit is in the ground.

>> No.4299577
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>> No.4299593

corecucks love centralization, their roadmap promotes off-chain transactions

>> No.4299594

What do you mean? Even if BTC falls to 1.5k it won't change the fact that it's still going to be prone to these kinds of new coordinated attacks (which I believe we're witnessing right now).

From my knowledge only ETH will come out of it unscathed.

How is buying tons of BTC with a 100x loss a rational way of expressing your trust in BCH?

This is some deliberate exploit which will have significant consequences on all cryptocurrencies.

>> No.4299668

I don't get how anyone could construe off-chain transactions as "centralized". If anything this is a decentralized concept, since not everything has to happen within the main chain which there can only be one of.

>> No.4299679

You're missing the point of bitcoin entirely

>> No.4299732

Not talking about that shit mate.

>> No.4299752

It's most definitely a spam attack and if the Segcoin chain can't survive it then it doesn't deserve to exist.

Segcore and their cum guzzlers are more than welcome to return the favor, but good luck trying to overload the 8mb blocks.

>> No.4299759

You said
>the main chain which there can only be one of.
Irrelevant. All that matters is that it is distributed among many nodes

>> No.4299762

On top of that, there's literally nothing going on in the BCH blockchain. People are buying the currency but not using it at all. BCH will get destroyed in 24h. How is this not a scam?

>> No.4299801


The real bitcoin is still under $1500.
It isn't too late.

>> No.4299812
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>> No.4299835

A single chain is still centralized to whatever group has the most hashpower to generate it - indeed, we already had cases where large mining groups were exploiting this. Having everything on many nodes only improves redundancy.

Never even mentioned bitcoin m8 ;)

>> No.4299837

"Real Bitcoin" which nobody was using in the last few months and is dead as a currency even now. It's a coin which is used against it basic purpose, does this make any sense to any of you? It's nice to ride the wave, but as soon as it ends, it ends.

I think I'll just move to ETH until this all calms down. This is all too fishy.

>> No.4299843

Link me to a peer-reviewed paper and we'll start talking.

>> No.4299850

they can't keep this attack up forever anon
it will go back up in time

>> No.4299855

Stupid retard

>> No.4299856

lol go back to /sci/ you fucking retarded cuckold

you literally have the bitcoin developer admitting that it will be centralized, and that he's ok with it

fucking faggot

>> No.4299861

BTC is having a much needed correction and BCH is pumping. Chill the fuck out and enjoy the profits

>> No.4299878

Youre a dumbass nigger

This is happening because segwit2x was called off so they said fuck it we will march on without the Core Cucks of Bitcoin1.0.

Welcome to Bitcoin Cash (2.0)

>> No.4299881

>BTC is having a much needed correction
It can't be called a correction if it's forced.

>> No.4299892

The offer still stands ;)

>> No.4299940

It's not forced. BTC only pumped hard for that shitty hard fork which never occurred. Now Jihan is pumping Bcash while BTC is correcting.

>> No.4300031

>pumps over fomo, rumours and an upcoming fork
>all that shit dies

>> No.4300086

I want to kill that kike chink. Down 2.500 euro now.
Wtf is he trying to accomplish but only giving him a scam fucking name

>> No.4300109

Bitpay is gonna accept bch soon.

>> No.4300128

Hashrate is swinging towards BCH right now.

>> No.4300142

when youre all in on some promising alts
fuck you bitcoin

>> No.4300161

guys, no need to be emotional over a coin. is the bch sudden rise fishy? yes. is segwitcoin core corrupt? yes.

we are all in this for the money, currently btc is worth more. if bch overtakes it, you can jump ship because it will be more profitable and you don't want to own a losing coin.

at this point, it is just gambling, wether you will earn extra profits on bch rise, or lose if it turns out to be a p'n'd. be smart and minimize your loss, not chase profits. there will be plentiful times to do that, cheers

>> No.4300167


Kill yourself vermin

BCH is a shitcoin with no future

>> No.4300207
File: 46 KB, 1074x1200, 1510298308003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad the real bitcoin is taking over?

>> No.4300264

I made this meme and I am so proud to see my baby being memed into the world

>> No.4300268

thank you for your great contribution, please make more

>> No.4300314

I made that meme
stop using my meme

>> No.4300431
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>currently btc is worth more. if bch overtakes it, you can jump ship
Buy high sell low, NEVER change /biz/

>> No.4300491

Glad my meme is making it through the world, my little baby grew so fast

>> No.4300542

This is my meme
You are required to tip me BCH on reddit to use this meme
I am /u/luke-jr

>> No.4300546

I made this meme, stop violating my copyright

>> No.4300597
File: 146 KB, 960x960, 563134_10200804974430082_1044963300_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for using my meme, handsome

>> No.4300645

Hey thats me. I used to laugh about the BHSL meme but its too true. At first the fomo kicks in and than you want to minimize your losses.

Guess i had to pay for this lesson.

>> No.4300698

I made this meme 2 days ago, glad someone saved it!

>> No.4300856

>50+% network hashpower physicly located in china
>giant amount of stakeholders of BCH in china
its a ddos
that isnt suprising or unexpected
a lot of people have seen this comming for a while
but the btc dev team has been asleep at the wheel
havent dont a lot of changes that could mitigate some of the damage that is now done financialy
>hur dur no blocksize cause miners revolt
>hur dur no ddos mechanism because plebian miners will be meatshields that prefit fromt hat and btc will recover in time
that whole shitshow of kids with needs gets old

>> No.4300907

How much bitcoin cash did Jihan "fuck your mother if you want fuck" Wu premine again?

>> No.4300930

>but the btc dev team has been asleep at the wheel
Yeah, I think if they can't handle it they deserve it.

But the long term consequences will be dire, if crypto can be manipulated this easy we'll never be safe.

>> No.4300944

It just so seems that my cock that I use for jerking off is pulsating at this very moment

>> No.4300954


>> No.4300957


>> No.4300970

the cost for this whole thing are very high
lots of hardware
lots of transactions you will lose

its definitly quite difficult
i work at IT security and normaly this would be prohibitiv to execution of normal cabals and imply state operations but this is biz so idk if they just do such stuff cause the gains would be legit but unethical

>> No.4300985


>> No.4301011


>> No.4301024

This event pretty much has proven a new recipe for instant gains - instead of putting sell walls whales will just buy/sell in thousands of tiny little chunks which will clog the blockchain and cause a huge wave of panic selling.

Nothing will be safe except for next generation coins such as ETH, Ripple, Dash etc.

>> No.4301069

lol sure cunt

>> No.4301645

I made the "I made this meme" you pack of thieving cunts

>> No.4302716

lol use your fucking brain. DYOR

bitcoin cash is a fraudulent centeralized inflationary currency

>> No.4302737

The people buying into this are going to get burned hard. Its gonna be great

>> No.4303589
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, big blocker spam attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Verconomics at work. Just be happy that everytime big blocks tards pretend to fake mempool usage with spam they are wasting money.