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4297284 No.4297284 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, listen, I get people are battling each other over BTC and BCH. There's a problem (or perhaps something good about to happen to one of you). Right now, 30 million tethers are being conjured, again. See here:


Last night, around the exact same time, they created 30 mil as well. Between 1-3 AM last night, after the tethers were created, BCH rocketed and BTC crashed. Now, if you're currently in BCH, you might be thinking this is a good thing, HOWEVER, these tethers go to bitfinex, which has futures on it. These futures currently have a LOT more shorts (they want the price to go down) than longs (price to go up). Tonight may be very different - it COULD mean BCH rockets again, OR bitfinex might want to liquify those shorts and create not only BCH crash, but also BTC rocket like never before seen. I don't know which, but I wanted to come here and warn everyone. Be wary gentlemen. DISCLOSURE - I'm 100% in BTC right now, so take my words with a grain of salt if you want.

>> No.4297301

you cannot create or destroy tethers without changing its peg to 1 usd. If tether significantly varies from 1usd it will be destroyed

>> No.4297306
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Aye aye Captain'

>> No.4297343
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>you cannot create or destroy tethers

>> No.4297357

is now a good time to buy btc and then buy bcc after bitfinex works its liquidating magic?

>> No.4297369

I'm staying all in BTC til new ATH. Don't know why anyone would buy the chinee hype other than a quick pnd gain.

>> No.4297383

I literally have no fucking clue. I'm sitting here refreshing the above website until this shit gets confirmed and is therefore "rea;" and then I'm going to stare at BCC and BTC price charts until I pass out...

>> No.4297404

Goddam chineeeeee!!!!

>> No.4297423

the fee is low, so this will take a while. take a nap

>> No.4297467
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Is the consensus that it's good to get into BTC atm? I wanna sleep but the suspense is killing me.

>> No.4297551
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i'm gonna wait til you fall asleep then do the exact opposite trade

>> No.4297595

>confirming (1 of 6)

>> No.4297600

thanks for the notice anon. I've been wondering if they've been setting people up to view tether issuance as a buy indicator and then once enough people jump into pump after a fresh batch is released "they" just crush those jumping in to buy. So like you, I have no idea which way it will go in the coming hours, but its def something to pay attention to.

>> No.4297612

2 out of 6

>> No.4297621
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>> No.4297622
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>> No.4297633

You're delusional

>> No.4297645

3 out of 6

>> No.4297704

and so it begins

>> No.4297727

4 out of 6

>> No.4297791


It's happening now.

>> No.4297831

5 out of 6

>> No.4297839

Fuck me I don't know what to do I'm getting hammered up the ass here. What are some alts to take refuge in while the storm passes, other than Neo obviously.

>> No.4297856
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I think you know.

>> No.4297860

hmm. Interesting. Interesting.

>> No.4297868

pajeet pls

>> No.4297872


>> No.4297878

Dude all tethers so far have been created from nothing. You think bitfinex has the fucking $564,000,000 to back up all that tether? All of it is being created from thin air just like the banks printing paper

>> No.4297879
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fug.. what happens now

>> No.4297880
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Oi cunt, watch it.

>> No.4298129

Well, thus far it appears as though they're going to push up the BCH price. That could change, but it has moved upward while BTC has remained relatively stagnant. Stay tuned....

>> No.4298156

god I hope so, this time I finally got me so bitcoin cash.

>> No.4298162
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>implying I will sleep before BCH crashes into a shortable coin again

>> No.4298169

Yet again a pleb doesn't understand tether properly.

>Muh inflation

>> No.4298171
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Why did you do dis

>> No.4298183


the absolute state of biz.
I obviously know tethers are created and destroyed that's their whole business model for fuck sake. Tether can't inflate or deflate the supply of tethers more than the respective increase or decrease in market cap because if they do it as op is suggesting tethers won't be worth $1 and everyone will dump their tethers.

economics 101 you retards

>> No.4298285

You're actually retarded.

If you're in btc rn you're in the wrong coin. Get ready for the market manipulation.

>> No.4298319

It is official now. They are, in fact, pumping BCH. I have moved over from BTC. THAT BEING SAID, they could, at any time, organize a huge dump and swap, so stay near your computers. Gonna be a long night...

>> No.4298340

btc is gonna crash because people have realised bch is bitcoin. not because some impossible idea that you can create tethers and buy bitcoin without crashing the price of tether

>> No.4298490

Few people care about who the real slim shady is. They're not that ideologically motivated. They will follow the direction of what seems profitable and safe to have, as well as what has the most usefulness to them.

Between BCH and BTC; that is definitely BCH on all accounts once the hashrate flippening causes price flippening. Most of them won't come to that realization before the flippening is well under way though and BCH is at least in 2k USD territory and BTC hits as low as 5K.

>> No.4298514

something doesn't become more profitable for no reason, it's not ideology it's the value proposition. Bitcoin as a settlement layer or bitcoin as a peer to peer electronic cash

>> No.4298556

Thanks for your disclosure. Op is a man of journalistic integrity.

>> No.4298651


I'm just impressed that people with Down's Syndrome can actually use the internet.

>> No.4298708
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>this might happen or that might happen or nothing might happen at all. i'm not sure. take care guys

>> No.4298712

hello @bitfinexed

>> No.4298952
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