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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4294202 No.4294202 [Reply] [Original]


but im all in link now and im not fucking selling

>> No.4294235


>> No.4294250
File: 3.54 MB, 600x400, gib milkies tew pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4294261

100% gain or so.
The gains are sitting in ETH though where its just doing nothing basically.

>> No.4294271


>> No.4294273

This desu

>> No.4294276

You deserve it for posting that yid.

>> No.4294292

started w 5000 about a month ago, at around 8000

>> No.4294307
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>> No.4294321


Get in good coins, ignore the trash.

>> No.4294323

gibs me baq mai bitshekelz

>> No.4294335

Well I was born with nothing, so everything I have

$465,000/$0 = ∞%

>> No.4294338

650% from neo 7 to 56 or so

havent seen a moon that ridiculous since, also my first ever purchase

>> No.4294343


Her Khazar milkers bring all the goys to the yard

>> No.4294373

I can't do that my goy, but we're all gonna make it, milkies and gainz, even 4u

>> No.4294374

I dropped $100 on eth when it was 80 cents. Whatever that gain is.

>> No.4294381

started with 1000 bucks in june, sitting at 68000 now feels okay

>> No.4294494

got into btc sub 800$

>> No.4294505
File: 345 KB, 2448x3264, t3_6w05ia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+25% or so since July. Pretty much all of that is from bitcoin though. All my alts turned out a wash except for +50% ETH spike during the BCH fork (and bitcoin went up just as much if not more during that episode)

Joined PBC and gonna go all-in during November pump though, so in a week it's gonna be +200% or -100%. I'll be amped up on amphetamines Thursday morning hitting F5 on the subscriptions page like nobody's business. II'll keep you guys updated how it pans out.

>> No.4294519

born with 0
have zero now
0/0 = 1
i gained 1% thats how it works right

>> No.4294524

>All in LINK
I guess you hate making money

>> No.4294526
File: 58 KB, 540x720, 1509448042438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anymore of these?

>> No.4294533

I'm up 2000%, so 20x.

>> No.4294536

btw get out of LINK go into PKB Tonight
Thank me next week

>> No.4294540

-6.58% but not for long

>> No.4294547

2000% in 3 months. Not larping got lucky with walton and stellar and nuls.

>> No.4294558

how are her tits that big with such a low body fat% ????

>> No.4294560

My trading account on Bittrex in September went from 10 BTC to 28 to now 7. I've learnt a hard lesson to never trust alts like I did in the past two years. I still have a good amount of coins offline so I'm not too depressed about what happened

>> No.4294562


>> No.4294567


It was originally +100% but I got out two months ago after I started taking losses.

>> No.4294668

+ 500%

You guys realise that btc went over 600 % this year right.
This uptrend will probably continue.
If you are unprofitable trading alts you should simply hold btc.
90% of traders lose money.

Also Link is a mindvirus and you should stop deluding yourself.

>> No.4294676


Entered with 100 dollars of ETH in March-ish when it was 15 dollars. Sold at 45 dollars and thought I was a genius. Reinvested with ~1000 dollars.

I have been much more patient and learned a lot since then. Luck + research + being pretty selective in ICOs. Hit a few of the great ones, whiffed on a couple. Happy with my portfolio right now for the longish term. No daytrading ever.

>> No.4294690

90% traders lose money? Where did you get this from?

>> No.4294698

About 100000%
No joke.

>> No.4294714
File: 8 KB, 277x182, gib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to oven those

>> No.4294829

+112% rode the bitcoin wave all the way and then went all in on bch a few days ago