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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 247 KB, 502x502, 9D5F94C9-8BEA-44E1-AFA4-276B5B0A51DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4284458 No.4284458 [Reply] [Original]

I have finished accumulating. Initiating launch sequence in 10...9...8...7...6....5...4...3...2...1.

Strap in or strap on to fuck yourselves for missing the mission to end all missions. Deep space by 3PM Pacific time. Screencap this.

>fuck you, bitch bastird. Oracle is real problem.

Last time I’ll have to post that because it will be apparent before the end of this week.

>> No.4284557

>inb4 chainstink

>> No.4284593
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Ready for launch

>> No.4284613

hey mate, can you give me 30 mins so I can get my final promotion?

>> No.4284626

desu this is going back to 2.3k sats until new news come out

>> No.4284651

Honestly it's not even a question of if, but when will LINK moon.

And for that reason I want a lower price to accumulate more (away from my home computer now)

>> No.4284653

>please please buy LINK

>> No.4284655
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literally more delusional than digimarines

>> No.4284665

>Pink ID
>No dubs

Fuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkk kill me nevermind sell everything we're gonna get justd like the digicucks bitch basterd

>> No.4284692

I believe that the bitcoin drama killed the natural growth of Chainlink. I believe that worked out well for people who were paying attention to HCL and SWIFT announcements. There are smaller fish to be sure like Req. I’d buy now. I’d be shocked if they don’t have news before December.

>> No.4284693
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>> No.4284702

even our Id's are in on the fud now

>> No.4284714

Yes. Hurry up though, soldier. This outfit is being deployed to Alpha Centauri before the end of the day.

>> No.4284731
File: 37 KB, 201x251, 61522D53-FE0D-4E0A-BE95-E61E274BB310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fud. Look at Link partnerships. Look at the github progress. Now watch me leave you in the dust. This WILL surpass cripples marketcap before the end of 2018.

>> No.4284740

fighting a glorious skirmish as we speak, will earn my promotion within the hour
godspeed, brother

>> No.4284767

>end of 2018

you'll be rich by 2020

or 2021


>> No.4284781

>hurr durr investments are bad unless you can get rich in 1 week with them

>> No.4284811

You realize how much growth will happen in that timeframe? Compare their marketcaps moron. A long prolonged moon mission with retracements.

>> No.4284837
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Well what do you expect? This is /biz/

This board is filled with pajeets and retards with ADHD who can't see the bigger picture because they chase day trading gains.

>> No.4284873


Whale, you better not be pulling one over on us.

>> No.4284905

I’m not a whale. I’m not in a PND group. I’m already all in link. I will not be selling before one dollar. I have 100k+ but nowhere near a whale. Big decisions are announced around year end. I’ve been researching link and other coins and this is in my mind the best, sustainable project.

>> No.4284913
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>Big decisions are announced around year end

Sure sure.

>> No.4284959
File: 20 KB, 209x173, A23362C1-F4E2-48A6-A7BC-7C5547811DDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that face? It screams honesty? You want to know why it’s bloated? It’s bloated because that beautiful SOB is keeping all the good news and excitement contained. He is swallowing loads of NDA’s from his partners.

>> No.4285004
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There's so many NDA's man, there's a rumor that Serg and his big team of devs and marketing experts that he's able to afford with his ICO money can't even talk about NDA's themselves - they have NDA's for NDA's.

My buddy who's a big whale insider told me he never saw anything like this in his life and that first batch of substantial LINK updates will be available in 50 years when Freedom of Information Act ensues.

ADHD chan faggots don't have the time to wait 50 years, but I do. See ya in 2067, I'll be livecasting to you plebs from another galaxy with my LINK money hhuehuehuehueuheh.

>> No.4285039

Don’t believe me. Don’t look at the depth chart. This thing is a tight, sexy wonton, in a fully torqued pressure cooker. Your loss.

>> No.4285127
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Down 80% since Sibos. Needs 300% pump to get on Sibos level. Linkies already surpassed Digimarines as the most delusional bagholders of chan. Your "rent free" coping mechanism mantra is already legendary on these parts.

I firmly believe there are people out there who buy LINK because they wanna be a part of that team, losing money but "having fun memeing" while doing it.

> b-but big wallets are unchanged

You idiots don't realize, those big wallets where Lieutenant Faggots hold their links need some pathetic 20, 30 or even 50% bump and if they get border they'll dump.

I'll let you in on a secret. Lieutenant Faggots in LINK didn't go ALL IN with their disposable income. Get it? They threw money and they'll wait for return on the investment. They have even MORE money that they multiply on a daily basis. LINK isn't do-or-die for them.

But to you, a regular /biztard faggot, to you - yes - LINK is your "ticket" out of cuckdom. You put $500 or heck maybe even $5000 at Link, probably post ICO. You convinced yourself that it HAS to 20x.


Because you need your pathetic stack to go up 20x overnight - because you said so. These are your LINK fundamentals. Now tell me, why do you think an ERC20 token under the name of LINK owes you anthing and needs to shoot up 20x in value to give you Honda Civic money?


Free rent.

>> No.4285142


>> No.4285149

Nice arguments, oh wait.

>> No.4285157

:) you bitch bastirds are crazy, my man. You don’t understand oracle problem! Haha!

>> No.4285173

>reverse search pic
>it's actually Rory, the "community management expert"
I thought it was just a meme lmao

>> No.4285200
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>if they get border they'll dump.

>> No.4285207
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>> No.4285263

Fucking stud

>> No.4285265
File: 158 KB, 450x240, IMG_1098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't read the whitepaper free rent free rent amidoingitritetguise

>> No.4285381

The state of nolinkers :)

>> No.4285704

>implying LINK doesnt have next level potential.