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4278371 No.4278371 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know a good guide or video about controlling your emotions during trading?

I've got a good thing going, but I always demolish my profits with a shitty FOMO every now and again

>> No.4278443
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moshe moshe

help me out desu

>> No.4278503
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>> No.4278662

>controlling your emotions

If you're a brainlet, don't even bother.

>> No.4278701

what are your goals? just holding? if so, dont look at them every day. it helps

>> No.4278713

the less you care the better,seems like you already failed this since you care too much

>> No.4278723

After many months of holding through trades that lose 80-90% and others thst go to 1000%, I can tell you that you simply stop feeling pain at all after a point.

>> No.4278724

RIP Mark Douglas

hope this helps. feel like this helped me. listening to his book now

>> No.4278734

Lose more money until ice goes through your veins.

And always remember that money is a social construct and doesn’t actually mean shit.

>> No.4278762

Practice meditation. Learn to find your center. Also toughening your skin with losses will condition you to success.

>> No.4278768


ok I will remember that when I need to pay my bills


day trading+ swing trading

I've made a good strat, but some days are extremely slow and no opportunities show up. It's on those day I get itchy hands and stupidly FOMO my shit up on something pumping

>> No.4278791


If you’re trading with your bill money, no wonder you are emotional as fuck. You’re breaking rule #1.

>> No.4278796
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>2 hours

Alright I'll give it a watch

>> No.4278802


Ps. If there’s no opportunity that day, don’t trade.

>> No.4278830

>muh day trader
>youre a day trader you need to trade everyday
the biggest lie that people correlates with trading

>> No.4278955

You didn't answer >>4278701 this guys question - what are your goals?

this x1000