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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4278194 No.4278194 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up hard
Lost about 300k$ worth in crypto

>25 y/o
>literally 0 networth now

>> No.4278209


>> No.4278210


>> No.4278212

big if true

>> No.4278231

How? Sent coins to the wrong address? Accidentally set a paper wallet on fire? Accidentally blew up hard drive? Accidentally post private key online?

Purposefully did these things?

I'm curious

>> No.4278234


you wouldnt have the balls to post this on 4chan

fucking show proof so we can donate

>> No.4278246


Go over to that thread and use the last of your stack to get the rest of us biz bros some free xrb before you end it all

>> No.4278255

Same, except i lost 4.6k not 300.

>> No.4278263

What happened?

Please share so us worthless shits feel better about our lives

>> No.4278275
File: 100 KB, 564x718, 22d6c03610ee9b90a25e80c0fcff9440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please I only have .1 bitcoin. Help me bros I would help you :(

>> No.4278297

its fucking larp, its always larp

>> No.4278307

No you wouldn't

>> No.4278318

.1 Bitcoin is more than a lot of people on this board

>> No.4278320

Sorry about your loss, OP. Here's what you do now.

>buy 1 BTC
>hodl for 5 years

>> No.4278327
File: 38 KB, 380x380, JPEG_20171109_231417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls senpai I will cry

>> No.4278345


>bye mom see you later
>*phone rings*
>anon, the neighbors called and said water is coming down from our floor
>oh shit
>run home
>the shower's pipeline exploded
>laptop with all wallets is on the sofa which is wet as fuck
>laptop dead
>notebook with PK's and adresses is wet, impossible to recover

what now? should I just kill myself?

>> No.4278359

>1 post by this id

>> No.4278386


>> No.4278388

Mail me the notebook, I bet I can recover it.

>> No.4278420
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 005BDBC0-60BD-4D74-A24F-28F1DA1257D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having 13 backups all in different places andset up in such ways that only you can gain access to it

Lmao retard

>> No.4278428

Post photo of the laptop

>> No.4278430

Take out the hard drive and connect it to another computer. Maybe it was sealed good enough that water didn't enter it. If not use a data recovery service.

>> No.4278441

not LARPing
need advice before I neck myself
mom still doesnt know, she knew I owned bitcoin and I said im a professional day trader and it was my excuse to NEETing


already tried, its dead as fuck

>> No.4278448

Pics or didn’t happen.

>> No.4278461

If you had 300K and no wallet backups, then it's really sad that only the laptop and not you too, died.

>> No.4278479

YE I know thats why I said I fucked up

god dam

>> No.4278486

Water damage doesn't erase a hard disk, dumbass. Even if it's slightly corrupted, the likelihood the wallets are recoverable is high.

Send it to me, I'll send back half if I fix it. Or kill yourself, either way.

>> No.4278516
File: 86 KB, 800x1066, ElsaJUSTEDLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't neck it yet friend. Hit up some professional data recovery bros. Don't mention your fucking bitcoin. I'm not fucking Bill Nye the science guy but I bet your hard drive is still readable.

>> No.4278533

I owned

>21 btc
>16 bch
>116 XMR
>80k iota
>730 ltc
>103 ETH


its dead 100% , probably short circuit
its fucked fried

>> No.4278538

I/m worth 1/10th of that but I'm backing all my shit up now
Cant say I was dumb enuff' to not put my private keys on some kind of external source

>> No.4278539

And if you do recover, report back. Otherwise we'll assume you're dead or larping which are basically the same.

>> No.4278552

where is your private key? or your 12 word seed?

>> No.4278561

on a fried laptop and a wet notebook
both unrecoverable

>> No.4278563


Short circuit doesnt completely destroy a hard drive dude wtf

>> No.4278565

Just because your computers can't read it doesn't mean the data is gone. But if you're not interested in pursuing professional solutions, you're definitely larping so fuck off.

>> No.4278577

do you even know what a private key is? did you never backup your wallet?

>> No.4278606

This is some bullshit Biz posting right here. How do you not back up 300k?

>> No.4278721

Hah, fucking idiot
The moment you exceed 1000% your initial investment over 100$ you need to start taking shit seriously and making backups, securing all your credentials and making sure shit like this won't faze you

>> No.4278740

You're a retard for not having backups. How the fuck did you end up with 300k?

>> No.4278865

OP if you're not LARPing then:

1. Don't try turning the laptop on until you know it's 100% dried off

2. If the laptop is really dead, take it out and read it with another computer.

3. If that doesn't work and it's truely dead, don't fuck with it, you can send it to services that recover the data by opening it and reading the platters. This is fairly expensive but it's worth 300k

>> No.4278876


*take the HDD out, that is

>> No.4278879


mate those cunts will the first to swipe your crypto, if you think they don't know about crypto you're a retard.

Gotta watch them very closely if you want them to recover the data, which you should do.