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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 142 KB, 1116x798, dnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4274716 No.4274716 [Reply] [Original]

Pic very much related, from an AMA two days ago.

>> No.4274737

Glad that I dumped that shitcoin. No regrets.

>> No.4274782

It literally says in the whitepaper that the tokens only confer voting rights.

Dumb fucks on reddit don't do their research, and then have a fucking tantrum when the dev tells them information that was right there in front of them the whole time. fucking idiots.

>> No.4274814

like the majority of crypto noobs, i love reading people cry about "muh investment".

>> No.4274816

>didn't read tos
>didn't read white paper
>didn't listen to the people who did
>autistic screeching anyway

>> No.4274856

dumping right now, thanks op

>> No.4274869
File: 98 KB, 769x960, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't most of them say something along these lines?

>> No.4274882

You're welcome.

>> No.4274900

What are good cryptocurrencies which would make me money and are investments that are designed to make you money?

>> No.4274924


>> No.4274963

>investing in DNT


>> No.4274989

>Team continues to explicitly disavow that token has any value whatsoever
>Thirty million dollar marketcap
>C...Crypto isn't a bubble guys

>> No.4274996

Thanks for the info op, it was a good time to drop this anyway

>> No.4275072

Fucking dev thinks that everyone who buys now on an exchange is bound by the same terms and conditions of those who participated in the ICO. I held these bags for so damn long. So glad I dropped them on bittrex as soon as trading open for 1600 sats a piece.

>> No.4275086

I love how he calls wanting DNT to have an actual function "rent seeking" lmao

>> No.4275192

The devs of this project are actually really toxic. I hope their market value goes down so much they aren't even millionaires when their vesting periods are over.

>> No.4275221

Calling it an investment makes it a security. Why would they do that?

>> No.4275235

They have to say that for legal reasons btard

>> No.4275443

retard didnt realize that is the same for all alts, the key is that pnd group can pnd these 'legit' coins

or OP you are the faggot fud now so your group can pnd later

>> No.4275855


>> No.4275863

None legally. Otherwise they'd be classified as unregistered securities.

>> No.4276103

Right now only pay

>> No.4276174

Makerdao. Their decentralised loan system and stablecoin pays fees, denominated in sai but paid in MKR that are burned. They've tweaked it a couple of times so they're legally in the clear, but there's still guaranteed price pressure as long as the system runs.

>> No.4276303

watch this shit somehow cause it to moon hard as fuck

>> No.4276305


Thanks anon, will avoid this shitcoin.

>> No.4276382

thanks anon, eliminated from my watchlist

>> No.4277240
File: 535 KB, 640x636, 1433760347000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all of them do, for legal reasons. ICOs are NEVER investments and any dev that tells you their token is treated like one is running a scam 100%.

That said, tthe vast majority of them still have a reason for their tokens to have value, whether due to fees paid to tokenholders or simply requiring customers to hold it to purchase services or for some other benefit in said service.

I don't know anything about this particular shitcoin and why its token is supposed to be valuable but I just glanced through the whitepaper and stopped when I reached the part about using their "Meme Factory" to produce "provably rare" memes. Now I don't want to know any more. Dump this shit.