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4274222 No.4274222 [Reply] [Original]


Been seeing an influx of these "made it threads" and thought I'd contribute. I stumbled upon Biz in March and have made 1.4 MM dollars since then off a 30k initial investment.

What have you done with you gains?

So far I've:

-Eaten a $1500 meal at 212 Steak house (the only restaurant on the eastern seaboard to serve authentic a5 Kobe beef)
-Bought a bunch of nice shoes, 3 pairs of Ultra boosts, Filson boots, Gucci flops, etc
-a Zenith watch (9k), an Omega watch (10k)
-Spent about 30k on high end escorts (about 800-1000 an hour). This shit is no joke, you don't even seen girls this hot on the street
-Gave my parents 10k in cash
-Hit up Ralph Lauren, Vince, Ted Baker, Varvatos and dropped about 4k on clothes
-Traveled around Italy and then spent a few weeks in Berlin (all I did was eat, walk around, and fuck escorts or girls on tinder)
-Bought a $4500 gaming PC, a 4k monitor, a fully upgraded touch bar macbook pro (all options maxed out), and a super comfy $1500 computer chair
-bought year long subscriptions to all the porn sites (brazzers, bang bros, reality kings, etc) because I still jack off and am tired of pleb tier shit.
-had omakase at high end sushi places like 10 times, each meal is about 250-400 dollars.
-hired a personal trainer at a cross fit place around the corner from me, trying to get down to 8% body fat
-when I'm not eating out at the best restaurants, all my food is organic and I get the best meats from local farmers.
-Quit my job, I still have a million invested in crypto and plan on making another milly this year. I sleep as much as I want, work out two or three times a day even. And if a tinder bitch doesn't put out I just call an escort. Life is good.
-Planning a trip to Japan in the spring
-Got this dick therapy called "gainswave" which made my erections super hard so I can plow those hookers into submission (therapy cost 3k)

Let's share how we ball biz bros!

>> No.4274252


>> No.4274275

What was the price of the Kobe steak? I had one in Vegas last month. Think it was $120 an ounce. I got a 3 oz serving. It didn't taste like any kind of steak I had ever had. It was pretty good but 3 oz was definitely enough. It is super fatty so I couldn't imagine eating a lot of it.

What were your investments that made you so much this year?

>> No.4274289

what did you invest with $30k

>> No.4274338


>> No.4274343

whoa that's a lot. In NYC it was only 25 an ounce. I took two friends there and we ate 48 ounces total?

Also I'm ashamed to say it... but I made like 80k from RDD lol

>> No.4274354

Why would you want to get down to 8% that's fuckin dumb and gay, most athletes are like 10% body fat, besides, you're no athlete

>> No.4274380
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it is because it is shit. like no actual value in eating 3 oz of kobe. you ate 1.5 oz of beef fat with 1.5 oz of beeg meat. there you go cunt. I'm sure you're happy about impressing the Vegas whores. Congratz!

>> No.4274398

I've heard 8% is the lowest you can naturally go without extreme dieting. I want to see if I can achieve it.

When you're rich like me you'll understand that human beings still need to achieve things even though they have no financial worries. While you try to achieve goals like "don't get fired" or "pay my bills on time", I try to achieve goals like "become incredibly fit" or "have the strongest orgasm ever"

>> No.4274461

kek, you sound like somebody who will never make even those modestest of the modest goals. Die poor and weak orgazm'd faggot.

>> No.4274462
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Congrats man, but gucci flops? How tan are you lol

I bought a house for my mom, got myself a condo, started up a business which is more profitable than anything I've done before. Working on some p2p projects in the share economy space to help people save money or at least get an extra income source.

Feels good getting emails from people saying my projects have had a positive impact on their life.

Balling out of control,
>spent way too much in clubs
>Expensive shoes feel like I'm walking on clouds
>Louis XIII doesnt taste as good as I thought it would but cognac is great
>getting drunk on expensive alcohol, you wake up feeling fine
>Champagne is amazing and there is sex in the champagne room.
>people treat you amazingly well when they realize you have money but its all fake
>traveling isnt a meme, hawaii has amazing weather
>new friends after wealth most of the time are leaches
>police seem to let you go if they pull you over drunk driving (will never do again)
>everybody will think you owe them something

I just work ~6 days a week now even though I dont have to. Vacations sprinkled in when I get the urge.

>> No.4274493

Was eating with friends. Why you so mad bro? Wtf lol

>> No.4274506

cognac is shit. Try whiskey if you want to keep your testicles.

Otherwise glad you made it :)

>> No.4274569

>made 1.5 million
>gave parents 10k


>> No.4274600

Yeah true that isn't much. I don't have as much liquid cash as OP but I bought my mom her dream car for her birthday this year. New jaguar ftype convertible. Step it up you greedy fucker.

>> No.4274633

OP I did all the shit you did when I was 14, goml you fucking poorfag.

>> No.4274644

I just wish your mom had the sense to abort you...

>> No.4274668

My parents are frugal eastern European immigrants who grew up shitting in a wooden shed. 10k blew them away, they would feel uncomfortable in a nice car.

They aren't destitute or anything, they've made a good living and own a few rental properties that are valued around 2MM now. They have everything they need.

You need to get into high end escorts bro. It will change your world.

>> No.4274727

op is literal nigger tier

>> No.4274772

His hobo shack is getting repossessed by the banks, this is his way of coping.

>> No.4274774

I'm 27, I didn't grow up a rich retarded faggot like you and I developed a sense of reality and moral character, so I can actually appreciate cuming in a 10/10 whores ass whereas all your senses are probably numb by now and you're on the verge of suicide.

let the jealousy flow through you lmao

>> No.4274958


>> No.4275057

I think the idea of this thread is pretty degenerate, but I read all the things you did, and your tastes are pretty solid. You could've chosen some better designer brands tho, Vince is like dan bilzerian tier. Since you like Ted Baker you should check out Theory, John Elliot, Reigning Champ, Kooples, Common Projects, A.P.C

>omakase ten times
my man

Also I appreciate shitting on old money faggot kids who think they are superior because they are rich, the measure is how much money you made not how much you were given

>> No.4275175

any tips and tricks you have OP? I really wanna make it by 2020 at the latest

>> No.4275257

Thanks man, I'm actually doing some online shopping right now. Any good recommendations for high end every day shoes? All my shoes are either sneakers or dress shoes, need some in between stuff.

Yes. When you feel like you really, really should make a move and you're thinking two steps ahead of everyone else, like, you're 100% sure this is the smart move to make and you're going to make a lot of money... take a step back and realize everyone else has that same exact thought, then make your move based on this new knowledge.

>> No.4275655

why would you waste so much on depreciating assets, 1.4 M is not that much....

you need 10~20M before you can spend a bit, and even then I would buy some houses

but props.

>> No.4275689

gotta live a little bit man, I figure I'll ball out for 2-3 years, spend maybe 150k-200k, then return to smart investing.

>> No.4275719

Hey OP, where do you get high quality escorts at? I also prefer quality over quantity. Sites like eccie have the occasional hot girl but 90% are fat/ugly/old nasty bitches I wouldn't fuck if they were paying me. I'd gladly pay much more to be with model or pornstar quality girls.

>> No.4275757

These are the words of a man worth <50K

Fucking oath bro. Money isnt some point system where you get rewarded for dying with as much as possible, its just a medium of exchange, and you can exchange a lot. Soak it up as much as you can while keeping it consistent. Student/wagie here dreaming of your lifestyle, I work in sales and I do pretty well at it so commission is pretty good, trying to funnel it into good investments as much as possible

Your family will be proud, OP. Keep killing it.

>> No.4275758
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>Spent 3x on roasties than he did on his parents

Hahahahahha faggot

>> No.4275798

1500 dollar steak, 25 an ounce is 60nounces.

Youre saying you each ate ~20 ounces of kobe fatty steak?
Fat fucks you definetly looked new-money in that restaurant. Go back to your village.

>> No.4275822

spent 3 minutes finding shit to critique about OPs spending habits while he's worth north of a million in his 20s

go outside for once you actual piece of waste

>> No.4275842

Hes worth 1.4m in his 20s?

Im 16, middle school dropout and im worth 17.43m

>> No.4275866

trust fund babies dont count pajeet
>no one will ever respect you because you got it all handed to you

>> No.4275886

Not my fault your parents are broke

>> No.4275935

Yup. Grew up poor as fuck. Worked hard and now I'm 28 working with an ibanker to sell my company that I bootstrapped from the ground up for 8 figures. That is what people respect. No one will ever respect a trust fund faggot like you.

>> No.4275943


It's called appetizers and alcohol you retarded faggot have you ever been to a restaurant before? Jesus fucking christ.

It's very obvious you're a sad larping faggot pretending to have rich parents. You don't even know the process of eating at a nicer restaurant lol.

I used to volunteer at an inner city school full of nigs. I was assigned to the 4th grade. This one kid who was severly abused by his step father (was known by the school, but there was nothing they could do about it) would come in and tell me "stories" about how his family was so rich and how he had so many toys. He would make up adventures about going to the toy stores and buying action figures and video games... It was so sad, I felt terrible for him.

I feel terrible for you in the same way

>> No.4275959

im a poor fag but this


probably deserves some karma

to ball out I go out for steak at this nice lil place downtown

>> No.4275986


Who are you saying is <50K, OP or the guy saying OP is being wasteful?

Cause idk I have over 1MM and I would never spend that much, I don't even spend more than 50$ on a pair of shoes. I feel like OP made a bunch of money but it isn't filling the void in his life, whereas for me money just frees me up to pursue my hobbies with more focus.

>> No.4276007 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4276033
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>> No.4276099

congrats man. so what car are you driving?

>> No.4276154

Where do you find the high end escorts OP?

>> No.4276194

for really amazing fitting well-made shoes go for Hand Grade Crockett & Jones or Yohei Fukuda

>> No.4276263

Common projects are goat everyday shoes. Beautiful leather, can be dressed up or worn without socks on a summer day. I own the achilles low in white and another pair in black, plus a pair of slip ons in white/black contrast

Other recommendations:
Maison Margiela GATs--A little more "fashion"ey, so you'll occasionally get a hater, but most normies think they look dope and you get major major points with anyone that knows about high fashion without wearing clothes that make you look like a faggot
Allen Edmonds: Brogues, Wingtips, or Boat shoes. Dress shoe brand, but they make great business casual/casual shoes too. Can't go wrong
High end ultraboosts: Depends on your definition of casual, but check out the Social Status x Adidas ultra boosts. Greyscale coloring with black suede in key areas make them look extremely clean, lux, and versatile while still retaining a sneaker-y vibe. Great with joggers or jeans + hoodie if you're into that stuff

>> No.4276307

thanks man

go to the escort review (TER) and sign up. Pay 30 bucks a month and you'll find all you need there.

Obviously if you live in a major city it's much easier.

>> No.4276366

Is Gainswave for reals?
Or is it another meme

>> No.4276710

yes it works, not as well as marketed but it definitely makes you more sensitive and gives you harder erections.

>> No.4277326

What the shit? 1.4 mil? When will you spend all of it, next year?

>> No.4277419

No I'll probably spend 200-300k improving and enjoying my life, and invest the remaining 900k (some money will be lost to taxes when cashing out)

>> No.4278008

Good work OP hope to see you here in two years when its my turn to flex on biz

>> No.4278419


>> No.4278457

you probably had fake kobe. there's almost no US labeling requirements

>> No.4278555

212 in manhattan is one of 9 restaurants in the US that serve certified grade A5 kobe beef from Japan. Try to learn something about the world, christ man.

>> No.4278690

I can guarantee that if I ever made and gave my parents anything over 10k they would never stop asking me for more and more money. I dread my parents ever finding out if I ever become a millionaire because they'd drain me of funds faster than a single mom winning the lottery

>> No.4278745

Are they bad with money? Why do they spend so much and on what?

>> No.4278761

Ah sick, I use TER. Have you ever tried P411?

>> No.4278823

We were poor, I don't think my mother has ever gotten used to having to managing her money. Every month she needs to ask me for money to help pay her rent, and she still sometimes goes to casinos, goes out shopping, etc. She's won like $500-$1000 on lottery sometimes and even then it's gone by end of month because she spends all the extra money on shopping and shit. She never learned to invest, how to save, etc. We were really poor back in the day but even now that me and my brother are working and helping her pay rent she still needs money.. Sad desu and I can't knowingly give her high amounts of money knowing she will just use it to go on a shopping spree then ask for more. The most I will ever do is pay for medication for her and my sister.

>> No.4278912

I am a poor russian student, full of interest to crypto and living in my dreams of future success. However I have no initial capital in my fucking country. Is it possible to get as a charity some money for initial growth? For me 1000 $ that you can spend on escort babe is greatly enough to live 6 months in russia or open my business. Thank you very much and I hope for your understanding.
Please contact me: functionisoversky@gmail.com

>> No.4278925
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I'm a very good detector of LARPs.

And I am here to say:

OP ain't LARPin.

>> No.4279466

Dad out of the picture? Is she filling his void with gambling and shopping?

spoon in ass, you know the drill.

>> No.4279525

OP collage student here about to put 10k into crypto hoping to turn it into 100k in 2 years.
Should I play it safe with large caps like BTC/ETH/LTC or be more aggressive with mid and low caps?

>> No.4279696

I turned 30k into 1.4MM in about 7 months. I also witnessed back to back bullruns of such no one under the age of 30 has ever seen.

good luck, I don't know what's coming

>> No.4279723

You can definitely have more than a 10x gain if you're smart with your investments. Half in Bitcoin, the rest you should research and risk.

t. fellow student

>> No.4279756

Put in 2.5k in late February but then never really actively traded or anything. Was in most of the big gainers too, but got out way too early.

Over these months, my money has basically just gone 4-5x, which in itself is already nuts in terms of investing, but goddamn it stings... Hundreds of opportunities this year to actually emancipate myself from wageslavery, and I either got out too soon or overheld or outright missed them.

O Fortuna, why do you elude me so...

>> No.4279865

what are you currently invested in anon?

>> No.4279966

Oh yea? Well I’m 12 years old and worth $100MM get on my level faggot

>> No.4280015

I’d consider throwing some coin your way anon, but I’m going to need proof that you are poor and live in Russia. Take pics of outside your flat for proof and tell me what city in Russia you live in. How smoking hot are the Russian qt’s in your city?