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4273585 No.4273585 [Reply] [Original]

New fag here, So I put some money in bitcoin a couple months ago and when I came back, I nearly shit my pants because I double my money.

I am now all in this Cryptocurrency bullshit. Can you help a mother fucker out and tell me where I should begin to go full NEET.

-What exchange program should I get.
-What are the causes and effects to make Cryptocurrency to Raise and fall
-What should I look out for so I don't get fucked by shitcoins
-what should I digest to keep up with Cryptocurrency news
-What are some tips do you have for a Newfag like me?

>> No.4273605

cryptocurrency prices are mostly set by a distributed network of gambling houses in tax havens along with price fixing tactics
buying bitcoin is investing in the stability of their schemes

>> No.4273746

I see, now how does one judge the Stabiltiy of the scheme

>> No.4274313

pretty difficult to do honestly. lately buying btc when new tether is printed and selling the spike is a good strategy.
http://omnichest.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=3BbDtxBSjgfTRxaBUgR2JACWRukLKtZdiQ prints money (Grant Tokens) that ends up being used with leverage many times so the effect ends up being greater than the amount granted even
as far as news to keep aware of - regulation, new markets, premiums being paid in certain locations. major price reversals have coincided with either a regulatory decision or a major exchange causing trouble with their dubious schemes.

to not get burned by shitcoins simply look at the developers and development progress of the coin
was it created during one of the upticks in crypto awareness for a quick buck, or was it created during the cooling off periods when people were looking for something new? does it have a value proposition where people will want to obtain it for purposes other than pure speculation? is it novel? is it merely a fork of another coin with one or two features added - and how much should those features really mean price wise? what is the total price history of this coin and how liquid is it? consider that the price history may go back even further than it was included on coinmarketcap. how thick are the books on various exchanges? does the crypto solve a real world issue or is it a solution looking for a problem?

other factors to include are things that are a bit more technical as they affect liquidity and awareness: does the coin have a dedicated following of holders? did most people obtain the coin through buying it, or mining it? is it even minable? mining has game theory of its own which is difficult to get into but the cost for mining is really all over the place nowadays and people's principals are similarly all over the place, although there is still a floor, we're probably a good distance above it right now. difficulties on many of the major cryptos need to catch up, and they should.

>> No.4274548

and for trading tips just buy low undervalued sell high overvalued don't use margin don't get in over your head & your private keys are ownership of your crypto

bitcoinmagazine.com @LightCrypto @Bletchley_Index are all fairly unbiased sources of information that i like, but it's good to also expose yourself to bias too as long as you go in knowing what you are dealing with and look at it through a specific lens. check the bitcointalk threads (sometimes deleted, that place has heavy handed censorship) about a specific crypto. look into the full past of people behind the projects you touch, for many of them it isn't their first venture and there's usually a good reason behind why they are looking for a do-over.

mining economics and pricing of minable cryptos are a complex formula but it's a mix of users (in line with metcalfes law), developers, mining community size, mining community profitability, past present and future emission rates, current supply inflation or deflation, balance of wealth, and most importantly awareness and network effect, which goes hand in hand with generational bottoms. as new people discover or trade in something, they form a "lowest in my experience" price that they are more tempted to buy than sell at. the ultimate floor of a cryptocurrency is the entire cost that interested parties are willing to pay to corner the entire free float. for bitcoin in 2015, that was ~$200 for bitcoin and it will likely be much more now (~$1750) as adoption of crypto as an asset class has grown.

>> No.4275000
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>tfw shit out tons of useful knowledge and the thread slides off the board
i...i tried

oh and in this market TA is less of a useful tool to go by in the traditional way and more of a means to memetic warfare, although it still reveals many hints about the emotional buying and selling patterns going on in a coin

>> No.4275217

Dude, you are awesome thanks!

>> No.4276156
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I copied all that down and saved in my notebook as crypto bible! Nice trips by the way!!! What do you think about Link?? I you don't mind asking? And flippinging?

>> No.4276829
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if they can do what they promise it's interesting and should find some sort of value. oracle solutions are an integral part of what can make the rest of the crypto projects truly expand their scope to encompass all that they want to deliver on. every project like this is investing in an experiment. it may or may not work depending on how the economic variables are maintained by the developers. projects need to integrate the use of LINK, and until then, people are just speculating on adoption. i haven't kept up with the latest on it so i don't know whether it has had any developments in that direction.

a flippening only entails parity as far as I am aware which is a 0.175 ETH. too many ICOs have accumulated too much ETH from stupid people that it has beep depressing the price as they sell off, it's not been a healthy balance recently as the most in demand ICOs have come and gone. a few are still in the pipes and there will no doubt be more, but they should learn from the lessons of this year and take contributions in multiple cryptos and take measures to not be such a target for flippers. all this being said i can see ETH catching up finally when the emission curve ramps way the fuck down...which isn't exactly any time soon but don't let that get your hopes down sport. btc and ltc's next halvenings are a ways away too. in general as long as there will be demand for these things and they exist and are traded, maintained, and not subject to a local bubble, they will probably appreciate in value relative to government fiat.

something that happened that was forseeable to me earlier this year was how much of shitshows these forks were going to be due to the governance issue which is the pivotal issue with bitcoin. as far as i see it a large amount of this market is completely distorted until we can get a lot more currency pairs & some kind of standard valuation model going, and not just crypto to crypto trades.

>> No.4277046

a warning about some projects though is that the rate of issuance is so high that they need to find unsustainable amounts of new buyers in order to even maintain the same price range outside of a local bubble, bitbean and EMB are ones off the top of my head. do deep digging into whatever you're throwing hard earned money at - even house money that you feel spending recklessly. did it ever exist under another name? rebranding is a classic trick since it can give them a blank slate to try to get rid of their old reputation, if they can get away with it. it will also give them a more favorable looking price history if the old history is wiped.

remember that a lot of people in this market are using house money - but you can too. mining isn't hard if you have decent hardware although the returns will probably be nothing like they were this year. it's still a great place to get started with crypto since it can provide a steady income stream that you can trade your way up with after accumulating for a few weeks. some under the radar projects are believe it or not are actually sustainable in their models although they currently lack the liquidity to be considered as safe of investments as the top volume coins.

another key point that floats over people's heads is that the largest gains are to be had by getting in BEFORE anyone has ever heard of/believes in the economic/business model of the project. people buying google and apple stock now simply won't see the same types of upsides that the early adopters have seen. that's ok, because the early ones took the larger risks. don't expect to go to lamboland any time soon, or to keep your hopes grounded - ever. we've had an extremely prosperous market this year so of course there are chads out there who have been around the block and traded their way up through every pump and turned $5000 into $10 million in a few months, but they are exceedingly rare compared to the average plebs just trying to make sense of everything.

>> No.4277229
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Have not even read this yet but you are the man! Milking this info right up

>> No.4277241
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Thank you have a (you) and a rare pepe

>> No.4277561
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Nice thanks! So stupid question incoming. What are your thoughts on the future of bitcoin? Fast rise vs scaling issue and the Supposed big moves to bitcoin cash. Is it safe long term? What is its use now with the huge scaling problem? Is it like crypto gold? Just want to hear a smart Opinion on the subject

>> No.4277653

Ps I love that pic

>> No.4277682
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Op you getting all this newfag!! some people make thread after thread after thread and never get this kind of information!!

>> No.4277718

you bet your ass I am.

>> No.4277735
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Good hope to see you in lambo land one day then!

>> No.4277850
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I sure hope he is not gone for good I wanted to squeeze that last drop out of his brain!