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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 291 KB, 1197x701, ChainLink-Smart-Contracts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4271237 No.4271237 [Reply] [Original]

>Swift does 1 quadrillion in transfers per year
>Swift is using Link

So realistically wouldnt swift + link make it the biggest project in all of crypto? we are talking a value of trillions.

>> No.4271258

If Swift actually incorporated the Chainlink network into its operation it would hit 40B market cap over the course of a week.

It hasn't happened so no it's not a thing.

>> No.4271283

There is no way SWIFT is just going to instantly switch all their payments methods with ChainLink. If they decide to use it, it will grow slowly.

>> No.4271291

that's what Sergei wants you to think, also he thak you for all the cheeseburgers

>> No.4271316

YES, if true.

>> No.4271342


$1.25 quadrillion in transfers senpai

>> No.4271401
File: 430 KB, 800x493, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swift will use Link to re-gain the traction they've lost to the banks due to Ripple's XRP.

>> No.4271436

We all know Sergey incorporates edging into every aspect of his life including Chainlink integration, so if anything news will be kept under wraps until all their payment methods are using it, following an explosion in price and consequently in my urethra

>> No.4271486

Estimates on price once fully adopted?
I'm still learning how the total supply effects price

>> No.4272024

if swift comes out publicly I say 50-100 billion. $100-$200/link.

>> No.4273000

>Swift does 1 quadrillion in transfers per year

proof faggot deluded linkie

>> No.4273045

>the year is 20XX
>LINK is now $200 a piece
>Anyone who bought even 1k USD worth in the beginning has made it
>/biz/ is hosting its 4th annual people-who-made-it-off-of-LINK convention
>The fudders are still posting wojacks
>we fucking made it

>> No.4273055
File: 56 KB, 600x400, IMG_0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sir
are a certified number of zero braincells

>> No.4273056

Honest question - what financial incentive would swift have for doing that? If they saw value in it wouldn't they be buying up as much as possible at low prices instead of making announcements that would drive it up?

>> No.4273105

they will be using the reserve tokens, dummy. how about you stop yapping about stuff you haven't researched one bit

>> No.4273147

yes maybe, but they want decentralisation and that wont happen if everybody feel like they missed the boat. also they would have a deal with sergey, to be given tokens, if they should want that.

>> No.4273171

> If they saw value in it wouldn't they be buying up as much as possible
They will be getting millions of LINK tokens for free to get them started, after the network is in place and they're holding millions of coins they have every incentive to go public and explode the price

>> No.4273184
File: 61 KB, 748x1024, 1507671088851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it near the toilet?

>> No.4273246

Whether they have the reserve tokens or not, the announcement does them no good. If they are using the reserve tokens, the tokens clearly hold value; why wouldn't they just keep their mouth shut and buy even more? >>4273105 how about you try understanding basic financial incentives you insufferable cunt

>they want decentralisation
I understand decentralization is the ideal scenario but how could Sergey keep swift from buying more tokens?

>> No.4273280

he could not. but they cant own everthing. then it all wouldnt make sense.

>> No.4273289

Why does everyone talk about Swift as if they'll be the only customer.? There's hundreds if not thousands of use cases for moving data to the blockchain and each may have it's own Chainlink ecosystem. You can but you won't want to run a node for free so you'll get paid in Link. Think about how much you pay each month to an internet provider to connect you to the internet.

>> No.4273318

Thinking about this further, seems like the best strategy to maintain decentralization would be for smartcontract to distribute the reserve tokens to companies all at once, otherwise we run into the scenario i described where a less ideal (smaller) number of companies recognize its value and try to buy out all of it

>> No.4273363

*buy out the rest of the 350mm currently in circulation

>> No.4273406

They can have my 80K for an extortionate price lol

>> No.4273440

>companies horde link and drive the price up

Sounds like a good problem to have.

>> No.4273447
File: 191 KB, 958x801, jenselter (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poorfag with only 872 link
I've always supported the project and I do my best to spread word for it. I've been shilling it pretty hard.
Please, if you have any spare links for a poorfag,
I just want to make it to 1000


>> No.4273490

Omg the best way to get rid of your bags. Best pump and dump group https://discord.gg/XEmadRR

>> No.4273499
File: 36 KB, 821x869, 3850D31D-3214-4216-BBC0-0516000EB22B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can buy a 2017 Camry in cash
im not gonna make it

>> No.4273509

Sony confirmed working with ChainLink

>> No.4273564
File: 104 KB, 252x250, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meaning of crypto currency to store your wealth is not available for tax authorities and banks. it is best to take the coins is time-tested. Like Diamond (DMD) bit.diamonds/

>> No.4273714
File: 992 KB, 450x248, canadian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blow it out ya ass

>> No.4273745
File: 48 KB, 474x460, 1499712082647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, unironically

>> No.4274023

>We all know Sergey incorporates edging into every aspect of his life including Chainlink integration

All the money in the world can't fix this type of crazy.

Seriously, get help

>> No.4274042

>t. newfag

>> No.4274073

No. It doesnt work like that.

>> No.4275013

thinking of selling off all my other alts and go in for the long run with chainlink only

>> No.4275077

Swift going public with this would wreck Ripple. Why wouldn't they want their fastest growing competition to suffer?

>> No.4275090

God I'm so sick of LINKfaggots