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File: 14 KB, 751x352, creditscore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4270139 No.4270139 [Reply] [Original]

Credit score thread?
Credit score thread.

I was at a 590 back in June so I'm pretty happy with my increase speed. Trying to buy a house a year so hopefully I'll be over 700 by then.

>> No.4270202

>I raised my good goy score and can now take out a higher loan with Mr. Shekelburg's bank

>> No.4270228
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Doesn't matter because I'll be rich when my Linkies moooooooooon

>> No.4270229


>> No.4270233

>acting like credit score doesn't matter
Are you a child or a trust fund baby?

>> No.4270300
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credit cards are for dumb goys

built my credit and now don't use it at all

using credit for anything besides a mortgage is retard tier. If you financed your iPhone X you should probably kys

>> No.4270438

probably both

>> No.4270458

People who don't have family money need to get loans to launch into investing or business. It's not a bad move if you're smart about it.

>> No.4270472

I should clarify. Using credit for *personal use* asides from mortgages is retarded.

Obviously any functioning business will utilize a line of credit.

>> No.4270500
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>> No.4270532

It’s all the same once you crack 740. You’re gonna make it anon.

>> No.4270541

That's true

>> No.4270548

Mines like 200 haha

I have like ten credit cards all racked up lol

And I never even pay them

>> No.4270578

No it isn't. It's a free discount if you pay it off on time dumb boomer

>> No.4270633
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Who else /recovering from chapter 13 bankruptcy/ here?!

>> No.4270662

GJ anon. How long did it take and what was the lowest your score went to?

>> No.4270685

FUCK! Look at those trips

>> No.4270697

Go back to /b/

>> No.4270714
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Non-Excellenties, when will they learn?

>> No.4270744

Good lad

Gotta show the Jews who's boss

>> No.4270792
File: 189 KB, 1462x1462, 1452514484422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans literally boasting about their good goy points that they can turn in to Mr. Goldsteinblatt to get into debt some more

>> No.4270859
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730 and its been down ever since, debt sucks man

>> No.4271141
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>> No.4271173

Your credit score matters for far more things than just what loans you can get. If affects your insurance rates, what properties you can rent, and all manner of other things.

It's way cheaper to have a good credit score.

>> No.4271198

americans are retarded who would have thought

>> No.4271269
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When I started working on it I was right around 600, I've been stuck floating in the 715-740 range for a while. My account age is too low, which I can't really do anything about. I need to open a few more accounts, and I should be clear for the cruise to 800. Debt free.

Once it's over 800 I'll be taking out the absolute shortest term mortgage I can get away with (preferably like ~5 years) for about $100k to build a small home on a piece of land I already own in full. Then I can finally be out from under the rent beast forever, working remotely and living inexpensively.

>> No.4271278

Your credit score can mean the difference between paying $1200 and $2400 a year for your auto insurance. It's part of everything you naive children.

>> No.4271294

775 here. How to be rich off this?

>> No.4271339

This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard of in my entire life. Can’t wait until crypto makes these ducking shysters obsolete.

>> No.4271417
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Seriously though I'm fucking amazed how ingrained loans are in American life. Of course we have them in Europe too (too many), but holy shit it's a completely different beast. I hear Americans counting a mortgage as a life achievement all the time ("You don't even have a mortgage" or "Get a wife, a mortgage, and a car"), and their entire culture is made in such a way that you are socially pressured to get a loan. The whole idea that you have to move out at 18 and you have to have a car at 16 just forces young people to start off with huge debt.

Why the fuck is that ok? That's literally good goy points that are used to punish you. Your auto insurance should depend on how much it ends up being needed (aka how often you crash or drive like a retard), not by anything else. This is literally punishing you via fines in all fields of your life.

>You don't have a good credit score, goy? Pay more insurance hehe you'll think twice before not being a good goy now that you can't get to the end of the month!

>> No.4271420

>Finally removing the conceptual jew.
About as likely as you magically transforming into a 10/10 waifu.

>> No.4271491

>how ingrained loans are in American life
>counting a mortgage as a life achievement
>culture is made in such a way that you are socially pressured to get a loan
All accurate.

>The whole idea that you have to move out at 18 and you have to have a car at 16 just forces young people to start off with huge debt.
Absolutely wrong. I got a car at 16, moved out at 17, and did so without incurring any debt. Most people just find it easier to take on debt than to make responsible, income appropriate financial decisions.

>This is literally punishing you via fines in all fields of your life.
The entire American insurance industry, finance industry, and government is built around punishing you financially for not voluntarily cooperating with a system of what is effectively indentured servitude.

There are ways around it, but most people are either too complacent, lazy, or stupid to do so.

>> No.4272199

I have no score because I don’t use credit products

49yo NEET still getting mommies tendies

>> No.4272281
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Bretty good for a 23 yo id say

>> No.4272403

810 last time I ran it

>> No.4273026

Does credit score matter in Aus? I only recently moved here and from what I've heard it didn't at all, but in recent years there have been changes toward the American system?

>> No.4273060
File: 42 KB, 720x495, IMG_20171109_171730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it OP? Only 740ish wagecuck score.

>> No.4273070

it only matters for families and people that need a line of credit
if you are single and use a debit card most likely its not gonna be needed

>> No.4273188

>credit cards are for dumb goys
>built my credit and now don't use it at all
>using credit for anything besides a mortgage is retard tier. If you financed your iPhone X you should probably kys

A mortgage? You do know that the amount you pay back is close to triple what you take out the mortgage for, right?

>> No.4273328

It's usually a little more than 2x, not 3x. Unless you have shit tier 550 credit. Plus you've lived there for 30 years.

I'd rather not have to live at home and save cash until I'm 40.

>> No.4273337

About 780, are you all completely autistic that you can't pay your credit card every month?

>> No.4274010

my score is a shitty 650 and my car insurance is less than $600 per year

>> No.4274262
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feels bad man

>> No.4274993

My score is recovering because the first item on my credit report was a hospital bill I couldn't pay that went to collection. Working its way back to 650+ now.

>> No.4275073
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>good goy points

this is so bizarre

>> No.4275317
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>The whole idea that you have to move out at 18 and you have to have a car at 16 just forces young people to start off with huge debt.

The car issue is because the US has few cities with reliable mass transit. You're almost required to have a car in order to hold a job.

Mortgages aren't required, but depending on where you live a mortgage payment is cheaper than paying rent on an apartment. Shit's fucked.

That being said, US is the land of ludicrous credit card bonuses.

>this credit score after opening 17 cards in the last 15 months
>bonuses earned were in the neighborhood of $8k USD
>several international vacations literally financed by Chase Bank and American Express

laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.4275777
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Top so far?

>> No.4275998

More info on how you got so high? Do you have 10+ accounts with 10+ years old?

>> No.4276861
File: 85 KB, 1657x801, cs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had 10+ accounts altogether but only 8 open at this time. I have paid off my mortgage. Not sure if that is a factor.

>> No.4276902

Well this says I have only had 8 accounts total but I think it is missing some. My longest running account is my amex card at 17 years. The others are only 2-3 years old bringing down the average.