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File: 192 KB, 285x413, hey shrimp dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
427 No.427 [Reply] [Original]

Dicklet thread. If you have a small dick you're basically a baby in the eyes of a woman. Here's the chart

8.5in+ Pushing it. Size Queens will like you but normal girls will be scared

8in Not too big not too small. Perfect sizes. Girls will fall in love with your cock

7-7.5in You can get away with it with good sex moves but girls will always be wanting something more from you

6-6.5in Study hard and become a millionaire because money is the only thing that will make girls stick around

5-5.5in Novelty at this point. Women will sleep with you just for the laughs from seeing your tiny cock.

4-4.5in and below Disgusting. Kill yourself