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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4266811 No.4266811 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it climbing rn? Any rumours?

>> No.4266827

It's because it's a good product and always was. Considering buying back in from my initial sale at .00004

>> No.4266854

Me too but I want to buy a 0,000028 or 3 max

>> No.4266869
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you had a chance to buy at 2200. a long, long chance to do that.

>> No.4266911
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171108-175330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid to much I wish I had gotten in at .16.... bit I'm in the chain gang now boys!

>> No.4266925

Because it's a good crypto and most of the FUDing has come to an end.

>> No.4266938

Because everything is climbing you silly fuck. Who ever is holding anything in the red right now must really be shit at crypto

>> No.4266951

I bought at 2300 and sold yesterday at 3700 bought back with buy order this night at 2800 and sold 4 hours ago at 3003 ! I don’t want to buy back at more than 3k

>> No.4266962

BTC fork nonsense came to and end yesterday, and now all the good alts will rise again. This is just the beginning.

>> No.4266965

Last whales will dump

>> No.4266980

None of the whales have dumped, simpleton

>> No.4266999

Because it's steadily dropped 70% the past 3 weeks.

Shut the fuck up, I'm still down $15K on this shit coin.

>> No.4267032

>bought high like a cuck
>blames coin

>> No.4267046

Cobgrats early adopter

>> No.4267131
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Feels good man!

>> No.4267273
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I imagine in my head a bunch of biztards with Lamborghinis sometime in the future having a rally and it being the biggest clusterfuck of assholes that got rich off a .16 token splurging on the most useless shit just because they can!

>> No.4267357

Sounds pretty fun. See you in a year (hopefully).

>> No.4267393


>Selling L*NK for ''''''stuff'''''
>Literally ever

>> No.4267444

Okay so I had an idea last night. Would it be possible to create a huge rise in link if we started another /pol/-tier meme war, but this time against bitcoin?

Theoretically we could make link insanely popular by memeing all over mainstream social media and make it insanely popular, driving up consumer confidence.

Is this an actual possibility?

>> No.4267465

Why link? Dogecoin is low right now.

>> No.4267511

And link isnt?

>> No.4267525

It wouldn't necessarily have to be link. It could be any altcoin. Link is just the one I put all my money in (a whopping thirty dollars in tips I made delivering pizzas). We would just have to come to a clear consensus among the majority of biz and all shill for one coin to have max effectiveness

>> No.4267536

Which will be easier to market?

>> No.4267568

Link wouldn't be bad either. We could stick with the Egyptian God kek meme magic and post a bunch of frog-link memes.

>> No.4267594
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>Pizzaboy wants to raise the price of his meagre stash of coinsthrough memetic warfare.
Stop browsing 4chan for a while for your mental healths sake.

>> No.4267629

>newfag doesn't recognize that this is thirty dollars that I'm not too concerned about, and that memes literally decided the US election

You should browse more

>> No.4267637

Should I buy this now?

>> No.4267646
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>memes literally decided the US election
Here we go!

>> No.4267680

>interacting with the general populace in a humorous way doesn't shape their ideological beliefs, and had no part in the US election.

Here we go

>> No.4267721

>psychological warfare doesn't work, has had no impact on ideology in history and can't be done through a bombardment of memes posted through twitter

Here we go

>> No.4267769


>> No.4267801

When you flush a toilet, the water in the bowl rises before rapidly shooting down the drain

>> No.4267909

We have nothing to lose from mass-shilling to normies. It's been proven through time that shilling in the form of entertainment works. Especially in regards to younger people. And even if our mass-shill doesn't pull through, what do we lose? The time it takes to post a bunch of kek memes on twitter? Oh no, what a tragedy

>> No.4267976

The Binance shit was bad enough. Can’t you see you’re killing your own coin?

>> No.4268052
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Because it's literally the next Ethereum

>> No.4268054

Can you explain how? Keep in mind that I don't know much about altcoins and their past prices. I just put some money in last night. But I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work, you're just telling me that it won't.

Regardless, if everyone here invested 5-10 percent of their profile in one coin and shilled for it, nobody would be risking losing a huge amount of money, and we'd be able to perform a social experiment which has potential yield for an enormous return

>> No.4268102

Shilling a coin with this much potential is lame and unnecessary. Let it grow naturally and go shill some crap project.

>> No.4268128



>> No.4268142

I'm down for that too. I don't care what coin we support, I just went to chainlink first because it was the one I bought and I personally thought it had high potential. Any suggestions on which one to shill, then?

>> No.4268146
File: 532 KB, 1080x1920, 1506693863276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if all our shilling gets even 1 biz reader to buy LINK and join us in lambo land, it was all worth it.

>> No.4268169
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, LINK woah 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here spread this

>> No.4268172

Nice dress :3

>> No.4268175

He right though. Take a break

>> No.4268214

>all these Big Banks are mentioned in the whitepaper

lmfao they literally aren't:

ctl F any of these u fag

>> No.4268241

its mentioned on the website

>> No.4268262

not the white paper, two completely different things. Stop spreading fake shit

>> No.4268314

no fake shit, its the truth.

>> No.4268354

It's fucking not confirmed. I'm holding link but this is just fucking delusional as fuck holy shit. I haven't even seen any of these banks except SWIFT mentioned by SmartContracts.com.
no wonder this token has the worst fucking reputation outside /biz

>> No.4268418
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Sir, are you an idiot or are you desperately trying to spread FUD because you didn't accumulate enough? Or are you getting increasingly nervous about your bad decision to not buy any Link?

>> No.4268435

are you blind?
open your eyes


>> No.4268448

None, trying to throw some facts in but stay delusional, you guys don't fucking know what you invest in.

>> No.4268458
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shut up blind nigger

>> No.4268505

Honestly they probably just saw it as free advertising so gave them the okay to use the images. I wouldn't get too excited

>> No.4268516


How the fuck are Linkies this fucking dumb? All alts are up because money is pouring back because BTC fork was cancelled.

I bet most of you Linkies are still massively in the red unless you bought the bottom

>> No.4268548

Your lack of judgemental abilities is what made you stay poor so far.

>> No.4268552

Wow look, someone with logic.

>> No.4268576


IDs are a thing on this board

>> No.4268606

I know, I would have included it all in one post but I was driving and it was just easier to separate my posts.

>> No.4268617

>Posting and driving
Shame on u

>> No.4268628
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half the reason I put over half my portfolio in chainlink was because of the memes desu.
I mean, the other half was because of solid fundamentals. but memes played a big part.

>> No.4268632


But I'm not poor. I pulled out of Link the moment I realized it was gonna dip hard and didn't end up being a sad bagholder that missed true moons like Vert or Groestl or Feather.
I knew from the very beginning Link was gonna be DGB 2.0 and that you should pull out as soon as it looked to crash. I pulled out at 9k SATs

What is the price right now? 6k? Fucking lel. Just keep telling yourself its worth holding these bags

>> No.4268664
File: 97 KB, 473x709, I WANT TO BELIEVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we will make it boys

>> No.4268667

I'm a linkie I live on the edge

>> No.4268689
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1508361841320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Link at 1800. My bags are not really killing me and there is still only one direction, if you are able to read the charts. Also I am not stupid enough to only invest in one thing to miss out on all other things.

>> No.4268692


>> No.4268761


>free advertising in possible scam ico

are you guys retarded or what

>> No.4268850

Holy fuck.

>> No.4268863

I never said it was a scam. You linkies are so touchy

>> No.4268906
File: 247 KB, 502x502, Link_unchained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally

>> No.4268921


I am just saying the risk/payoff for advertising on some randoms guy powerpoint is just not worth it.

They may not be partners but they have some interest in this.

>> No.4268940

>But I'm not poor.
keep telling yourself that

>> No.4268944
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>"Hey, you wanna advertise my billion dollar company whose image is directly proportional to the amount of money we make in your scammy project without having to fear legal consequences"?

Those millennials simply have no understanding of the business world, where reputation is just the most important factor of success in the real world. I mean come on, you'd have to be really fucking stupid to actually think that. But they actually think all those names are just appearing arbitrarily and have no significance to the Chainlink project.

The ability to comprehend this is what distinguishes people who make money from those who don't make any money.

>> No.4268952

>When Link is so huge Paypal and Bloomberg are honored that they are used in its power points

>> No.4268961

Or it's all just a huge scam.

>> No.4268977

it sure is, poorfag pajeet. just buy your retarded shitcoins and stay poor.

>> No.4268985

Just wait a couple days, it will comeback down

>> No.4268987


When is the last time you saw an ad for SWIFT? NYSE? Or even Visa and Mastercard? They don't need to advertise. Especially on some brand new ICOs webpage.

>> No.4269086
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>> No.4269134
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>memes literally decided the US election

This is the intelligence of the average link holders.

>> No.4269227

YES I was asking for someone to make this the other day. Fundamentals aside, I'm balls deep in link for teh lulz.

>> No.4269316

>He thinks Trump won because of /pol/ memes and not because people hated Hillary

Get a grip dude.

>> No.4269496
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>> No.4269807
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All aboard!!! The green market!!

>> No.4269836
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Dubs will confirm!!

>> No.4269842

top kek

>> No.4269963

Crypto market cap has been rising, not just BTC money

>> No.4270038

You forgot about SONY.

>> No.4270252


>> No.4270520
File: 430 KB, 800x493, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink has just been supported by HCL Technologies, and their in discussions with purchasing a shit ton of $Link. Fucking retards who bought LInk expecting an overnight moon-landing post Sibos are dumb niggers.

>> No.4270583

it's COMPANIES for God's sake

>> No.4270636
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>tfw bought at 17c
>already made back all the credit card fees and transaction costs + all the food I bought and link barely moved

>> No.4270763

>their in discussions with purchasing a shit ton of $Link
Wut, source?