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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 557 KB, 1650x2174, Goal_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4266703 No.4266703 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: things money cannot buy

>> No.4266717

A dinossaur

>> No.4266726

nice gyno bitch tits, faggot

>> No.4266733

I bet I could buy that ass for 0.05 BTC

>> No.4266739


>> No.4266754

>That gyno
Nice boobs m8

>> No.4266765

Nice cope cucks

>> No.4266766

You know you failed when you used steroids and still look like you barely ever been to the gym.

>> No.4266769

lmao, this fucking guy right here.

>> No.4266772

Money can def buy a hairless fukboi faggort

>> No.4266785

Money cures everything

>> No.4266790

That belt is pure clout

>> No.4266797

Step 1:
Get rich
Step 2:
Go to poor country and make friends with father of hot girl
Step 3:
He'll basically beg you to marry and impregnate her so you'll be in the family
Step 4:
Realize the huge cultural disconnect between you and your in laws and either flee, sink into depression, or embrace your new very weird life

>> No.4266821

What are u talking about? Money can buy me gyno

>> No.4266824

Its spoiled by his zipper being open.

>> No.4266842

Imagine coping this hard

>> No.4266862

What is it money cant buy?
15% bodyfat?
Unzipped pants?
A razor for your bodyhair?
Tell me senpai!

>> No.4266863

Trust me they can.

I used some of my crypto gains to pay a good pectoral implant. I look jacked now even if Im quite old. Probably older than all of you. I also fuck all the whores I want.

>> No.4266920

so you got a titjob?

>> No.4266937

That’s fucking ugly. I wouldn’t buy that either

>> No.4266957

ur mom cause she does it for free

>> No.4266970

Op got cucked hard by this guy

>> No.4266976
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, CeN9Uaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, why not buy roids?
>buy titjob
>still dyel with "dadbod"
>still look like shit
>still a manlet
>wow i ave pecs now

>> No.4267081

Kek nice one

>> No.4267108

You do realize that you can buy an ass with money, right?

>> No.4267117

You know cosmetic surgery is a thing right? It's fucken weird but you can buy muscles..and the slut

>> No.4268001
File: 126 KB, 800x769, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't money buy a whore with a fat ass?

>> No.4268039


>> No.4268122

a transformers belt ?

>> No.4268143

Non-gyno tits?

>> No.4268148

>you can buy time to go to gym
>you can buy good food
>you can buy girls

>> No.4268213


>> No.4268216


>> No.4268225

Anon you need to do lower chest (declined bench
) to get rid of those saggy tits. Had the same problem myself

>> No.4268246


>> No.4268720

Lol true all I want is more. Still rather be rich and miserable than poor and happy

>> No.4268750

nice gyno op

>> No.4268816

money can't buy validation from anonymous it would seems. Nice gyno op

>> No.4268818

this guy isn't asian
he has nice tits though

>> No.4268851

My love

>> No.4269051

No seriously, you have gyno. It's fucking nasty and gross. You look like you have petite girls tits, not manly pecs.

Stop taking steroids, start lifting harder you pussy.

>> No.4269053

Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.4269070

You ruined it by adding step 4

>> No.4269087


Seriously, I have a home gym, and I have a better physique than you. Never used steroids, unlike you, and I'm in better shape. lmao

Consistent workouts and diet > steroid use.

>> No.4269091


>> No.4269096

fucking gross dude, get surgery

>> No.4269116

Agreed, breast reduction needed.

>> No.4269126

Coping this hard lmao

>> No.4269139

The only coping is you denying you have gyno bitch tits from steroid use. Everyone in this thread noticed the gyno, and all you can say is "cope!"

>> No.4269185
File: 14 KB, 450x430, 19386806-excited-man-laughing-holding-his-both-thumbs-up--isolated-on-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP implying money can't gym membership and thirsty sluts
>OP being called out on steroid tiddies

This fucking thread

>> No.4269199


Literally the oldest profession in the world. You absolutely can buy a grill.

>> No.4269208

a skinny fat pale body?

>> No.4269209


Had same kind of breasts like you after using steroids. Had to get surgery to get rid of it. Good luck anon its pretty easy operation.

>> No.4269229

the only think you can't buy (yet) is genetics, and it looks like op got the short end of the genetic stick

>> No.4269250

>le everyone is a steroid user meme

>> No.4269254

C'mon dude you don't need steroids for a physique like that.

>> No.4269283

nice body bro, also, i could sink my head into this hot ass

>> No.4269285

plenty of people can buy a dyel body for 0$

>> No.4269291
File: 192 KB, 750x700, 58274983794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice OP. Youre almost fully transitioned into a man. Just have to remove those boobs tho

>> No.4269313

The thing is, you can't actually "buy" 6 pack. You can take a lot fucking steroids and still not have 6 pack. Diet and cardio which ia actually hard work...

>> No.4269321

Any more of her?

>> No.4269326

that gay ass belt

>> No.4269328
File: 208 KB, 600x750, 1426782823293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money couldn't buy him a non-faggot look.
Get some hair on this gay body, OP.

>> No.4269348

I know, but OP is such a pussy ass bitch he needs steroids to get the physique he has. Which is why he has gyno.

>> No.4269367

Good genetics.


>> No.4269414

God damn I want to suck those man titties

>> No.4269464

Give him a break. At least he's trying. Probably 75% of you basement trolls are fat fuckers...

>> No.4269706

kek, you must be a skinny bitch calling everyone steroid users. I've been lifting for 1 year naturally and i'm a lot bigger than the OP, so yeah go screw yourself, work on yourself before talking shit to others

>> No.4269769

>Transformers cloth belt
Yea nah, cunt... You're hopeless

>> No.4269777
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1425899880770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about how big the guy is, its about how gay steroids look on him.

>> No.4269811


I can buy a twink and a whore for less than 0.1 BTC per hour

>> No.4269857

I can buy the whole life of that hoe for one satoshi
Feels good

>> No.4269896
File: 682 KB, 2048x1362, 1503628550019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL! Come on this thread trying to brag, end up crying because you have a 12 year old girl's body. Nice try, faggot.

>> No.4269907


You fags really thing this faggot roid?

This is achievable with 2 months of gym + bitch tits genetics

>> No.4269949

that guy got gyno on his nipple :(. Bitch tits.

>> No.4269958

who the fuck rents Twinkies?

>> No.4270419
File: 408 KB, 2000x1309, Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of things necessary for mental well being

the base physiological and safety parts can be covered
but the top three categories can't be bought

whilst I would like to make money, I realise that it won't fix all aspects of my life

>> No.4270487


>> No.4270534

Post this on /fit/ for a rude awakening OP

>> No.4270588

more money

>> No.4270590
File: 23 KB, 402x431, 1508898581844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you thought you were the only /fit/ to /biz/ crossover

I guess it wasn't the exit board after all

>> No.4270603

/biz/ is the exit board, once you get rich you never have to go on 4chan again

>> No.4270604

big and true

>> No.4270637

>tfw i dont have boobs like op but i do have slightly puffy nipples

tryna make it for surgery lads

>> No.4270658
File: 60 KB, 1049x964, haHAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well when a bunch of autistic lanklets see someone with more than 9% bodyfat and more than 15 total lbs of muscle overall in their body i guess its not surprising they call large pecs "gyno"

I mean theres certainly some fat there but its clearly mostly muscle

>> No.4270665

big if true

>> No.4270802

says the poor faggot who rents pastries.

>> No.4270811

Nothing surprising from a DYEL neet cuck board

>> No.4271076

that's just the gyno talking brah.

>> No.4271094
File: 169 KB, 1480x832, 160911-Yamato-Gringo-The-Dangerous-Life-of-John-McAfee-tease_zmtqjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4271249

Don't give them attention, anon.

No one has ever improved by talking down other people on the internet, as long as you do this you'll always be a jaded incel that people hate. They could've ignored this thread, yet couldn't resist the urge to reply to such a weak bait.

>> No.4271407

You are right. Style. A fucking Transformers belt? Fucking faggot

>> No.4271507

Stay anally ravaged lmao

>> No.4271568

Actually, he's a Decepticon.

>> No.4271780

you are such a fucking idiot you do know that people can get gyno from never using steroids? 1/3 teens develop it during puberty