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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4261627 No.4261627 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck someone just bought the entire 3 BTC buy wall at 8k sat on a coin that only had 14 BTC vol yesterday and the order book is going nuts

Is it really moon time now?

>> No.4261638


Bloody hope it's moon time. It's overdue. Either way, nice to see it back above 8k

>> No.4261652

I hope so too. Either way this project is severely undervalued

>> No.4261658


11k tomorrow at the peak, prepare yourself to hardly feel those gains if you've been holding a while. Otherwise, might be pretty comfy. This is beginning to look like it was the absolute floor.

>> No.4261659

the "sell" book is only 9 BTC total


>> No.4261668


>inb4 how do you know this

I fucking don't, it's wishful thinking, like everyone else around here. If I can sell around 11k and get back in at 8500 I'll be a happy man.

>> No.4261672

met these fuckers at devcon3.

glad I did because i won't be buying

>> No.4261686

why? explain

>> No.4261689


Your loss anon, stick to your stickers on skateboards

>> No.4261725


>bought the buy wall

im retarded, I don't know if anyone noticed but i meant sell wall

>> No.4261751

Ok, shill me more I'm tempted to buy for some quick gains, not planning to hold for a long time. Should I do it?

>> No.4261774

Market cap should be atleast 200 mil compared to other shitcoins

>> No.4261783

>no reason why

>> No.4261800


If you buy now and set a sell for 8400, it will probably process tomorrow and nobody will be upset. It's not a hard flip, but you aren't guaranteed nutty gainz like what we saw on many alts today. Alternatively, you can set your sell high because there is the chance we do see a 30% tomorrow. Either way we hit bottom and support is strong.

>> No.4261821

man, feels fucking bad being in this shitcoin when a potential rare "moon" is still 10% less than what a regular coin gets naturally

>> No.4261825


Golem has the same sort of vision in mind and has no working product and has a market cap nearly 5 times as much as RLC, which does have one and huge updates coming in December. This could genuinely 5x without a lot of effort.

>> No.4261864


RLC is undervalued and undermarketed. It has more room for growth than a fuckton of alts, but also less traction. Basically, it's a higher risk than other coins cause it isn't already established, but the potential return is much higher, and guess what: the team knows their token is undervalued, but they don't give a fuck, because the price of the token doesn't affect their dev pipeline at all. They're not interested in generating hype OR investors yet because they don't need either when they can already work on their project from ICO funds.

It's technically a higher risk but the project is so fucking legit that it hardly feels risky. It's more about feeling like "okay, can I make money yet?"

December will be a big month for RLC but we may see a lot of what they announced in the AMA priced in in the meantime. Buckle up.

>> No.4261868

golem has that meme magic skateboard synergy going on. iexec has "low energy" julien.

this is a 100% serious point.

>> No.4261875

What makes the tokens have value? You get paid for "staking" part of your machine and then it cost tokens to rent out others GPU?

>> No.4261887

you sure about that? look at these guys? they look retarded/downie


where were those big-name partnerships, like microsoft, intel? nothing

>> No.4261921


>Directly from the AMA

>How the payment system is supposed to work on the final product?
>If you allow me to use a gross metaphor: will I have to buy a bunch of RLC and basically use it as « fuel » that will be depleted progressively over time to pay the people doing the computation or will iexec be able to « estimate » the price of the computation I ask before doing it and making me pay?

>Maybe it is a stupid fear but for example let’s say I want to use your blockchain to calculate something but there is a bug in what I programmed which multiplies the time/processing power needed to obtain the results by multiple factors, how screwed am I?

>gilfed • 16h
>Yes, each user will have to “charge” or “credit” his/her iExec account with RLC tokens before submitting computation jobs to iExec workers. For the time being, our Oracle is locking the funds during the time of the computation to ensure that all parties involved in the transaction really provide the resources agreed upon. Regarding the payment, there won’t be any “surprise” as the cost of each computation is known ahead of submission (the execution cost was determined thanks to a benchmarking, more on that in the V2...).

>> No.4261934


Thanks, anon.

>> No.4261950


The asian does, the rest are all pretty average

>where were those big-name partnerships, like microsoft, intel?

You mean the ones that don't exist because those companies are probably going to develop their own blockchain solutions before they partner with a third party, and there is absolutely no true value in creating baseless speculation like OmiseGo who has tarnished their own reputation by constantly trying to pump their own coin with fake partnership rumors.

>> No.4261967

About time, let's go!

>> No.4261976

We are at 8100 now, which means I am green on this coin again after bagholding mildly the last few days in good spirits. I'm curious where we will be when I wake up.

>> No.4261979

then why does their CEO send out this tweet?

in my eyes, their reputation is already tarnished, except they didn't even accomplish a pump like OMG - that's sad


>> No.4261995

Basically, half the internet will be powered by iExec by 2025. If you want to own the next Google for 60cents a share, now is the time. These guys are super computing/grid computing rock stars, their code is already powering massive datacenters and the biggest super computers on the planet, and they are like 'fuck this' let's do our own thing. This is 15yrs in the making and just out of stealth. An independent research report placed them 5yrs ahead of any competition. Do I have to keep going?

>> No.4262004


Uhh, yeah, exactly what the fuck do you want? For them to announce partnerships they don't have? They said in the AMA they only announce formal partnerships, of which there is currently one (with a literally who) but more in the works with nothing announced until it is set in stone.

"In talks with Microsoft. Maybe partnership soon!" Is omg tier. Maybe it'd pump the price but it doesn't actually do THEM any good. Their time is better spent developing their product now for a more sustained growth in the future.

>> No.4262013

you write good shills. can i subscribe to your newsletter?

>> No.4262022

Source on report? I agree they are farther along than GNT but 5 is a bit much.

>> No.4262029

well their tweet said microsoft is a "potential partner" plus many others like intel, BNB, etc. i'm just syaing, they presented it as a possibility, and when they show up empty-handed, that's disappointing.

>> No.4262046


Everybody is a potential partner you spick, that's the point of going to network. OmiseGo puts up a photograph with a brand and says "big news on the way!" and everyone loses their shit over the rumor that omg started themselves, and it is utterly shady business practice.

>> No.4262054

it's on their site. GNT? GNT is a joke, all it can do is 'folding at home' crap, iExec can do everything and as V2 and V3 hit, everything AWS can do at a fraction of the cost. It's a working product, Request.network will be running on it and app store launches in Dec.

>> No.4262062

they partnered with request.network do the research you peasant

>> No.4262085


>> No.4262092
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>> No.4262109

I only heard about this coin recently, it does look really promising. I bought 1 BTC worth at ~7.3k which feels comfortable as fuck.

>> No.4262115


Oh shit, that's legit? I thought that was just memes like the NASA thing. Couple months old, but super cool to see.


>> No.4262137

>I bought 1 BTC worth at ~7.3k which feels comfortable as fuck.

How'd you manage that? Did you accumulate for hours or did you manage to grab a few 0.3 sells? Either way, congrats on being 10% up before it even moons.

>> No.4262157

I exaggerated a bit... but my buy in was between 7.3 and ~7.6.

>> No.4262186

have over 50k from ico, comfy af

>> No.4262248


What was ICO price, are we below it? Looking at the 1y, it has been bleeding out ever since it hit the market thanks to lack of marketing, but that wouldn't reflect the ICO at all

I envy you, I bought in right before the last leg down, so now I'm broken even and everything from here up is gravy.

>> No.4262305

My conservative target for this coin is over $150 around 2021-2022, happy to hodl.

>> No.4262321

God, i hope you are right

>> No.4262394

I am glad about every single RLC in my portfolio. IEXEC doesn´t need this altcoin hype shit, because it will/has deliver(ed) fundamentals. It will be one of the elite altcoin unicorns succeeding longterm.

>> No.4262416

Agree on that. My target is 60$ in 2020.