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425976 No.425976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrency General - /biz/ - Talkin bout TRADES

Previous Thread Reached Limit.
>Well, not really. But it's kill

>Cryptocurrency Discussion
>What are you holding
>What are you selling
>What do you keep your eyes on
>How do I lose all of my savings in cryptocurrency?
>How do I ruin my entire life by investing in Bitcoins?
>How do I turn my capital losses into a tax refund?

Previous thread: >>415033(is die)

-Suggested Twitter List:

"Why would I open a bank account when the internet turns my dollars directly into unicorn dreams?" - Borock Onbabmo

>> No.425994


Currently invested in:
>BTC (obviously)

That's all I see having a solid near future. How bout you fine folks? Anything I'm missing and should scoop up? If so, why?

>> No.425996
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There's already a thread active you attentionwhoring fagwagon. Keep it there.

>> No.426143


>Not holding Monero

Also, why does everything I touch turn to ash?

>> No.426194


Was thingken of buyin some.

Opinions on the over-all future of the coin/what it does that truly make it a better bet than CLOAK?

>> No.426195

>Currently invested in:
>BTC (obviously)

Proof that tripfags are retarded.

>> No.426201

>crypto thread
>"btc is tarded"
Why are you even here

>> No.426203

I come in every crypto thread to make fun of cryptofags. What do you think if you post something retarded you are going to be protected just because this is a containment board for cryptos? Come on Jimmy boy.

>> No.426206

You can leave nocoins island any time, lil buddy. No need to stay left behind.

>> No.426220


Come on mate, he has a fairly reasonable point. BTC value has been stagnating for months now, despite a huge volume of good news and big business adoption.

This very well could be BTC's death throes.

>> No.426300

would Iran use bitcoin to get around sanctions?

>> No.426544

Still holding a couple k Cloak that I got at around 30k-40k-50k. Was nervous holding but saw the constant communication the devs had on the irc channel. My main concern was that PoSA wouldn't work but now that so many testers have showed it working i am much more comfortable in my holding position. still, watching stuff like a hawk cause you never know.

This week should be interesting.

>> No.426573

How much longer will the alt shitcoin market last? Shit like doge will only retain nostalgia value in the future. XMR might have it in the bag already, but cloakcoin could make things interesting the next few months.
>somehow I made $700 in may/june from crypto trading
>almost makes up for the $800 I lost getting started

>> No.426579


>> No.426588

can someone tell me what the differences between bitcoins and dogecoins/blackcoins or whatever? isn't it all coming from the same process of mining, shouldn't it all be one currency? it'd give the currency some stability, if i'm thinking about this well at all.

>> No.426736

>can someone tell me what the differences between bitcoins and dogecoins/blackcoins or whatever?

They are all based on the same principle as bitcoin and the bitcoin network, however altcoins have tweaks to the code/math that allow for different features, different amounts of total coins in circulation/creation, and operate on separate networks entirely; Think of it like how Verizon is different from Sprint - both use similar technology but exist independently of one another on their own respective networks alongside their own features and business models.

>> No.426912

just a shake out, anon. :^)

>> No.426969
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>How do I turn my capital losses into a tax refund?
like this

>(which I declared under my business and tried to get reimbursed for taxes paid for electricity, losses due to bitcoin fluctuations, and depreciation of my assets)

>> No.426985

Reminder to get in on CLOAK for a nice profit within a month. XMR however will be the defacto anon-bitcoin, so stock up now. No clue about XST or fucking Quatloo.

>> No.426987

"hey i declared capital losses but idk what 'capital gains' are, why is this a red flag to the IRS?"

anyway, have fun shitlords

>> No.427016

I'm making a coin marketed towards stormfags

Do you think it will work?

>> No.427156


Did he sell off all of the BTC he mined as soon as he got them? Because if he still has a huge cache of bitcoins, he wouldn't need to declare anything due to the fact that BTC has been ruled to be property, i.e. until he sells them for whatever they are/were worth at the time of the sale and had the fiat cash deposited into his bank account, he doesn't actually have recordable/declarable "income".

If he sold a shitload of BTC and didn't file taxes despite having thousands and thousands of dollars funneling into his bank account while still filing losses, however, he's unbelievably stupid and essentially deserves whatever happens.

>> No.427558

So if you pay your taxes off right away you're fine?

>> No.427575
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How to not suck at crypto trading 101

>NEVER buy a new coin, ever.
>Only invest in coins that have been on the market for a while.
>Only buy coins that have good volume and strong buy support.
>Buy coins that are going down, only as long as the devs & community are legit. "Buy when people are fearful etc.."
>Shoot for 5%-20% profit margins, don't get greedy and push your luck.
>Sometimes there isn't a good time to buy anything so you wait a day or two until there's movement in your favor.

It doesn't get anymore complicated than that. Been doing this shit for a year and those handful of guidelines have helped me out a ton. I average between .25BTC and 2BTC a month.

>> No.427592

>implying that crypto trading (even BTC) isn't 100% gambling

>> No.427644

>DRK tanking like a mfker
>CLOAK rising
Hope you cryptojuden bought back in the previous thread.

>> No.427650

Hope my fellow got themselves some cloak

cloak rising and it hasn't even entered the marketing phase the team has planned.

>> No.427660

>don't buy any

>> No.427665
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>exercising self control

no thanks

>> No.427674


>> No.427687


It should get dumped back down to 170k or so pretty soon. I'd be buying up then, mate.

XMR is a solid investment at this point, I hear.

>> No.427719

Pick up some XST now while it's cheap. It's headed for 10k territory sometime in the near future.

>> No.427721

CaliforniaCoin gained 750% in the past week

get on the train before it leaves


>> No.427723

XMR-Not that safe but if you are checking on the regular this can have some good pumps.
KEY Released a whitepaper reviewed by an expert regarding anon transfer, this one will pump higher.
MIN-tournament soon and if it's a success, moon.
RUBY-Keep an eye and when it dips below 1k buy
Grab your free BIZ from the other thread.

>> No.427725

>Grab your free BIZ from the other thread.
Is the owner still giving it out? Also, no BitcoinTalk thread for it?

>> No.427730

god damn, I was in the first thread about biz, and the OP was literally retarded. like full blown short bus pants on head retarded. It took about 2 hours or more just to teach him how to mine.

>> No.427733

RUBY has hard-forked due to double spend attacks, it's probably not worth the time. The other recommendations above are still solid.

>> No.427831

> in 2012 i spent 1,000BTC on SR
jesus FUCKING christ, is that legit? i've spent the equivalent of $6,500 on one gram of weed, but 1,000??? i feel many feels for you, poor anon.

>> No.427839

look at this beautiful bastard. those dark markets don't fuck about.


>> No.427844

Or we could be passing the speculation stage of Bitcoin's life. We could be moving into a stable value of Bitcoin for general usage as money rather than as a vehicle for speculation.

>> No.427940
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>tfw sold CLOAK at 150 thinking I could buy back cheaper

>> No.427965

>been holding 10k cloak since 20k
Thanks Cloak for making me rich.

>> No.427966

Screen shotz?

>> No.427991

Holy shit, Wolong is back.

>> No.427992

>sold CLOAK at 150 thinking I could buy back cheaper

>tfw bought 500 CLOAK at 19k and sold it at 65k

I mean I'm insanely OK with a 300% profit but sweet jesus thingken bout holded is jamaican me crazay

>> No.427999


i bought cheap as well.

What can you do? You need an exit strategy, you can't hodl everything forever.

>> No.428167

Don't have any money until the end of summer when I get a stipend

Took 60 bucks worth of ppc out and put it into FOOD cos why not fuck me.

Will invest in more ppc if it's still cheap when I get $$$

>> No.428188

what do you guys think about ESC, eSportsCoin?

>> No.428193

MIN is better

Note the tournament on August 2. This will make or break the coin so if you feel like gambling on an e-sports coin here it is.

KEY is a better way to make money right now though. The dev just released the white paper yesterday and the price will increase to reach cloak levels.

XMR is the best cryptonote currency and it has an active community, and they just released the block chain explorer for it.

>> No.428215

>what do you guys think about ESC

IMO it shooting for a similar market as MIN but lacks the developer competence of MIN and community lacks the over-all momentum to really push the coin anywhere investor-worthy.

>> No.428231

How long until filecoin releases?

>> No.428238

How much would BIZ coin sell for?

>> No.428242

Depends on the services offered in exchange for it. At the moment, not much.

Have you got your bizcoin wallet synced?

>> No.428260

define "not much".

>> No.428271

Anyone looked into SDC?
PoW phase halfway done, only trading on C-Cex so far, dev looks like he might not be totally retarded.
Supposedly they plan to rival CLOAK.

>> No.428274

PoW algo is scrypt and then it transitions to pure PoS.
The most innovative thing is "shadowchat."

So here's the deal, when you are looking for a coin to invest in don't rely on the features. They are either B.S and made up or buggy and won't work. The exceptions are peer reviewed whitepapers. The real money is made by coins with services that force people to exchange their bitcoin to xcoin in order to purchase the digital good or service. Coins that rely on this mechanism tend to have a nice sinusoidal price pattern which is predictable and profitable.

>> No.428335

SO is URO coin still a scam?

>> No.428344
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One does not simply stop being a scam.

>> No.428350


Wait, what??

You're telling me that someone made an internet wizard dollar that was themed around gigantic bags of dried piss and it wasn't legitimate?

>> No.428391
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Already up 200% since this morning.

>> No.428402

No they'll just call you a jew and argue amongst themselves and it'll crash because of the incredible stupidity of irrational racists.

>> No.428404
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It's been done.


>> No.428428
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>there are people in this thread that aren't investing everything into BBQcoin right now

>> No.428432

I had some about a year or two back,along with dev coin

>> No.428434


I just remember that being the joke coin in the altcoin community

>> No.428440

I got around 30k in savings.

how dumb would it be to invest all into Bitcoin (longterm prob 2+ years)?

>> No.428443

invest in dogecoin

its the next btc

>> No.428446

I've been holding onto a small amount of btc for a bit. Thinking of trading with it. Do I invest in other cryptos or just buy and sell btc?

>> No.428447

Quite dumb.
Cryptos are probably going to stick around, but there's no guarantee it'll be BTC. Even if it is, the value is anyone's guess. If you want, put a few thousand into a few coins, and put the rest into some kind of mutual fund or other "real" investment.

>> No.428468


Trade altcoins for real profit (and real losses)

>> No.428473

>Mined for a few days and put 0.5btc into cloak when it first came out

>Still holding

>12 btc value (6.7K USD)

being NEET is fucking awesome I could sustain this for a while

>> No.428476

>how dumb would it be to invest all into Bitcoin (longterm prob 2+ years)?

Investing all you've got into 1 investment is never a good idea. What you could most certainly do, however, is take a chunk of your savings for investments (not a small amount, but also not an amount so huge that if you did lose it all you'd be royally boned) and spread it out across 4 or 5 cryptocurrencies with very positive press and a very transparent and active dev team.

IMO, while BTC isn't 100% guaranteed to remain the crypto king forever, from what it looks like currently it will most definitely be the #1 coin for at least a couple more years. However, the altcoin community has been exploding in 2014 at a rate that also suggests several other coins will take close follow-up positions before this year is even over.

Basically, if you're really serious about a crypto portfolio, do all the research you possibly can, don't be afraid to ask questions in the process, and put whatever you choose to invest into BTC (I'd wait a week, though; it will probably bottom out around 490-510 before the next major upward swing) and from there take anywhere from 1/2 to 3/5ths of your BTC and spread it out evenly amongst the 4 or 5 alts you've found to be the most promising. Even if one or, god forbid, two were to crash, BTC will almost certainly not have been usurped at that time and if the other coins you chose went as they should've, you'll still be sitting with more BTC total (and thus more money of your determined denomination) at the end of this year.

>> No.428481

This is the equivalent of going to Vegas and putting your whole $30k on green in roulette, yet instead of getting 35 to 1 payout you just double your money. Something astronomical would have to happen in order for Bitcoin to even double in value at this point. There are not too many other investments with such high risk and low reward.

>> No.428493

Take a look at key coin, been playing it for 24 hours.

How does one find Wolongs current and up to date information? Who do I add on twitter?

>> No.428526

Fucking CLOAK, seriously not sure whether to go back in or whether it's going to get dumped now.

>> No.428547

i know that feel. honestly though thinking back to some of the other notable runups we've seen e.g. doge last year, then darkcoin, the BTC volume on cloak is still very low.

if it's going to be a top shelf pump involving 5000+ BTC daily volume we are still very far away from that

what does cloak offer that others don't though?

>> No.428604

Which would be a better investment, XMR or MIN?

>> No.428611

XMR for long-term, it's taken a recent dip buy up now
MIN for short-term, could get pumped with the tounie soon as Milky said, or could turn into a dumpfest

>> No.428615

Does anyone here actually mine?

>> No.428631

I don't understand cryptocurrency. Where's the basic guide for it. Are you investing it, do you keep it yourself? I don't get it.

>> No.428684

I wish there was some alt-currency brokerage service just to take advantage of people like you.

>> No.428700
File: 465 KB, 1259x1457, Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's an extremely basic guide.

Hopefully it helps to explain what crypto trading is all about.

As for "understanding cryptocurrency", just do a google search for "how does bitcoin work", "what is a cryptocurrency" etc and you'll find copius amounts of info to explain it. It's actually far more simple than the news makes it out to be and not really mysterious whatsoever one you understand that it's basically money that exists as math rather than sheets of paper.

Or just think of it as this thing that is sitting in your computer waiting to turn to ash but you have to touch it first.

>> No.428714
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fuck. as much as I don't feel like owning or buying litecoin it really seems like it's hiding in plain sight right now as one of the most undervalued coins

on the basis that it has the highest hashrate in the only other algo besides sha256 to bring asics to market

it's also better as currency than bitcoin with its confirm times (not unique obviously as most anything is, but it has the second most security)

also if doge finally auxpows with it couldn't that hype do something? doesn't seem like that's priced in right now and it shouldn't be as it's just hypothetical.

someone please make my day and tell me why it's not poised to go to .05 within the next year? I really don't want to buy any besides the few I have now

>> No.428735

Buy AERO. Cap is still low, 7million coins,good for at least 10k.

>> No.428739

Also this.


>> No.428778


Newby to crypto.....
Doubled my first investment a month ago.....
40% up for my last investment, this past week.....
Why are you here?

>> No.428836

Can you guys explain to me the significance of BlackCoin and why it could potentially compete with bitcoin?

>> No.428846

It was the first PoW/PoS coin to get significantly pumped and followed with some decent marketing (good website layout, good branding, first multipool altcoin). Blackcoin trading took over Mintpal for a couple months.

Now the big thing is anonymous transactions. People want to put money into a coin that will be an improvement on bitcoin. BC had it's moment in the sun. It's on the way out. Anyone who says it will compete with bitcoin is just trying to make you a bagholder.

Dead shitcoins: DOGE, DRK, XC, VRC, BC

>> No.428874

Also, bitcoin is headed down so altcoins will be up this season.

>> No.428885

Friendly reminder to mine CaliforniaCoin

>> No.428918


Why the hell would anybody mine a coin named after that shit hole?

Also its just another shitty alt coin with no value.

>> No.428919

BTC market cap of $9 Billion. Apple is worth what, 500 billion? Off providing ways for people to communicate with anyone anywhere instantly. Bitcoin provides the ability to trust anyone anywhere in the world instantly. Potentially "banks" the unbanked all across the world. Indonesia for example all adults have smartphones but few have banks. Replacing all remittance companies overnight and a giant chunk of banking infrastructure and security.

If you think that isn't worth twice as much as Apple then I can't convince you, but I suggest to anyone seriously considering an investment in BTC to think about what it's really worth and compare to what it's worth today.

Uber is worth 18 Billion. A cab company is worth twice as much as something that can replace all remittance and bank the unbanked across the 8 billion people global population.

>> No.428926

>Replacing all remittance companies overnight and a giant chunk of banking infrastructure and security.
Lmao. Do you even realize how full of shit you are or did you drink the koolaid?

>> No.428950

that "overnight" you added completely changed what he said. Dishonest.

>> No.429016

Seriously? I didn't add anything, I copied directly from his post. You may want to take a look at it again.

>> No.429042

>Mah cryptojuden
Literally made 0.6 BTC on Cloak in the past day.
Add MIN to the list of dead shitcoins (its kicking a bit, but aint going anywhere)

>> No.429043

Music for all my CLOAK niggas:

>> No.429063

In a pretty casual way. I'm CPU mining XMR and BCN, I own a couple of cheapo (like £10) ASICs for PPC and and i'm scrypt mining LTC too, but at a very low hashrate/intensity, as I've fried 3 GPU's mining in 2 years. CPU mining aside, I only take mining seriously (and rent a farm) if I think there's gonna be a huge pump, as happened with TOR, DRK w/e,then immediately dump the lot. My hardware has paid for itself about 3 times over, but scrypt at least, will kill your cards. I think people are largely sick of mining.

>> No.429167

implying these shitcoins don't use inferior cryptography that won't be obsolete in a month or two

>> No.429222

>implying actual users care about cryptography
They want to buy weed, play poker and launder money, nobody actually using the coin gives a fuck about how it works internally.

>> No.429261

Major MIN buy, about 2 go ape, 24 hours til major tournament most likely the catalyst.

>> No.429316

>people that buy drugs, launder money and do other illegal activities don't care how secure and anonymous their currency is :^)

>> No.429341

How exactly are those 3 shitcoins insecure?

>> No.429405

What's everyone got their eye on for a possible moon ride this weekend?

MIN because of the saturday games and CLOAK for the dump-rebound is all I seem to find as guaranteed for good stuff. And you???

>> No.429406


>> No.429420


Hmm SDC? Seems to be having a poor day from what I can tell. What's your reasoning for a turnaround?

>> No.429427

Poor day?
It got added to bittrex and went up like 250% in the last day.

Anyway, it has an active and relatively large community considering how old the coin is, dev seems competent, and judging from their IRC and forum, lots of the BC folks are switching to SDC, their multipool operator included.

>> No.429433


Ah. I just took a glance at the charts and there was a recent downtrend; hence why I said that.

Thanks for the info - much appreciated. Definitly looking further into it.

>> No.429440

The Japs cut his fucking head off in a shipping crate outside Seoul, so...

>> No.429442


>> No.429445

My buddy Tokugawa, from Sendai, his older brother was the driver in the Yak hit squad.

>> No.429448
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Then who was twitter yesterday?

>> No.429450

Imposter using the name to influence the market. He was staying with someone in Lonquan (or however the fuck you spell it), that town where all those swords come from (got a really good deal from them on some tool steel stuff a few years back). My guess is he left something logged in before he fled.

>> No.429453

Now the question becomes, "does it matter?" If a wolong account on twitter can pump markets again I am in.

>> No.429463

What was causing this last drop in BTC this past week? I didn't hear any bad news or anything...

>> No.429465

> I didn't hear any bad news or anything...
> or anything....

>> No.429466
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Never forget

>> No.429467

>If this chat gets leaked Ill drink my own piss
So many memories

>> No.429478

How much are you getting on CPU mining on average? Are GPU mined coins still relevant aside from BTC/LTC ?(this might be a dumb question)

>> No.429536

I have monies. Where do I put said monies to make more monies?

>> No.429559

Okay guys I want to invest in some crypto-currencies.

What methods of payment can I make to buy some online? I only have a debt card, but I could buy a prepaid mastercard as well.

What website should I buy from? And what kind of coin should I buy(for trading)

I'm assuming Bitcoin is the most traded used to acquire other coins. Can I buy partial bitcoins(like $50 worth)?

>> No.429561

You generally buy Bitcoins, however you want to do that. Most places like to do it through a bank transfer, though some do it through Interac. As far as paypal goes, there's one Jewish collective called VirWox that will let you do use it.

>> No.429569

stellar is the new thing. TO THE FUCKING MOON

>> No.429576

While there are plenty of Bitcoin investors with deep pockets, there are also plenty of people who overextend themselves buying more bitcoin than they should in the hopes of huge returns in the short term. When this doesn't pan out they need to sell bitcoin to pay rent.

It does seem that there is some predicability, however small, that the last week of the month Bitcoin goes down more often than not.

Personally as an altcoin trader I barely pay attention to the BTC price I merely buy substantial dips.

Last time I was buying a lot on a dip was in the high 400s. I did buy a small amount last week at ~620.

Bitcoin can go much higher medium term, short term it's tough to predict, but I don't consider it a buyable dip unless it's a very substantial drop. (not like the one we've seen this week)

>> No.429589


>> No.429620

I seriously don't understand how this is still unregulated or why most people don't know about this.
This is literally free fucking money.
I made 20k $ out of 400 $ in 2 months, why isn't the media all over this?

>> No.429631

because on the off chance you're not lying your results are an extreme edge case

>> No.429637

but I agree crypto hasn't received the attention it warrants as an opportunity for people who want to trade but have small budgets

it's far more of a transparent and fair trading environment for small players than the stock market, probably by a factor of about 1000000000

>> No.429639

You need some luck of course, but you'll do fine if you follow the whales on twitter.
Got really lucky with URO and CLOAK though.

>> No.429644
File: 217 KB, 351x480, vlcsnap-30107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking URO.

>be a few weeks ago
>hanging out in URO IRC riding that URO bull
>transparently a scam
>laughably so
>"back it with piss"
>go on camping trip
>sell before, not gonna risk holding that time bomb while in the woods for 3 days
>phone gets signal on the way back check buttrecks
>URO is at .03
>never go camping again

>> No.429645

CLOAK, Key, Shadow and PayPro are all TANKING.

Cloak looks like it's going to keep going down... does anybody think any of those have a future?

>> No.429647

what the fuck happened to monacoin these last weeks? price went parabolic with no understandable news in the english speaking side of the world. anybody know what's new on the nip side?

>> No.429669

CLOAK, yes.
PayPro was a scam, didn't research the other 2 yet.

>> No.429694

Daily reminder that nobody who watches SC2 gives a single fuck about minerals. There have been tournaments basically every day for the last two weeks.

>> No.429697

I know that feel bro. Fuck camping.

>> No.429728

Milky, Y U NO @cryptocobain or @jebus911 in your Twitter list? They talk too much? Also @actualadvicebtc and @bitinvest for good 'ol btc/ltc trading

>> No.429824

check ESC, dev released wallet with betting func. and now moon.

>> No.429853


Dang, shoulda bought a lil I suppose. Might last, might be gone tomorrow. Time will tell.

I steered clear of it after getting lucky by selling off my LOL at a slight profit right before the cease and desist killed it. Guess it left a bad taste in my mouf so I avoided any other bet coin aside from MIN.

Good on all you folks who had some ESC though. Happy profits. MIN is up today and I'm more than willing to bet it'll take a huge spike tomorrow for the CrayonSC tournament. Then anon features adding shortly thereafter. Planning on holding for some time nonetheless. Devs seem very promising and are active as hell.

>> No.429907

How much did you cryptojudens make in between the CLOAK and KEY rise for the past two days? Made ~0.6 BTC, feels good brahs. Reinvesting into VIA and SDC.

>> No.429909

Eat a dick you pile of dog shit

>> No.429917
File: 18 KB, 1206x77, CLOAKgains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hohohohoho somebodys mad as fuck. If you bought 2 days ago, as I have advised to in the last thread you would have made picture related as well. But let me guess - you hesitated and only bought at the peak. Welp, goys gonna goy.

>> No.429926

Why are crytpofags so faggy? It seems to draw in all the flaming homosexuals.

>> No.429993

>tfw cloak is going back up while I'm waiting for my fucking XMR selling to go through so I can grab some Cloak while it's low

>> No.429997


>> No.430046

I bought cloak like at 30-50 so I made out like a bandit and restocked when it fell. (not before cashing out my initial investment +gains).

>> No.430098


do you think it is too late to buy minerals?

>> No.430204

bump for interest

>> No.430207

Huge opportunity to get in on the floor of PRO. Everything has been confirmed legit. Check out the website.

>> No.430211

looking for more members for our skype group for the next project we are undertaking. add timertrainer if interested

>> No.430230
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top kek

>> No.430232


>hurrr durr hurrrrrrr hur hurrrrrrrrrrrr

^This is you.

>> No.430244
File: 76 KB, 640x512, 4913937+_8f46ef962dc12dc171b0d77510221fcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i got me some MONA and FOOD a while back...what do you guys think of XST to complete the holy trifecta?

XST is cheap right now but i need someone to shill it to me i think.

>> No.430264
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Daily reminder I told you to look into SDC when it was 5000.
Now it's 23000 and rising.

>> No.430265
File: 2.00 MB, 4256x2832, wallpaper-1095466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a crazy idea and I need your feedback /biz/.

So basically if you contribute your processing power to mine Bitcoins you receive Bitcoins... okay, okay now just hear me out on this.... your smartphone by itself is too weak to mine Bitcoins.... BUT what would happen if someone found a way to connect MILLIONS of smartphones together to create a super computer to mine the Bitcoins? Could that be possible? IF you were to contribute lets say 30% of your smartphone's processing power to the collective phone super computer could you end up receiving Bitcoin?

I say this because sooner or later a universal basic income will probably be enacted and it would suck if the government forced that upon us with their shitty laws and stripping our rights away.

>> No.430266

I'd get pissed at my battery dying after 1 hour.

>> No.430268

So... a mining pool?

>> No.430269


But just think about it. If there were a giant network of smartphones all interconnected providing processing power, people might be able to receive Bitcoins for providing energy.

I could be so wrong though. This is why I need your feedback, this is why we need to find a proper way of receiving a basic income as robotic automation takes our jobs one by one.

>> No.430274

MONA is crashing...

FUCK pull out!

>> No.430355

uhhh, nope. wtf is going on? my mona was worth 0.5 a month ago and now i have 8 btc....

>> No.430357


Unless there's a smartphone friendly coin to mine, the power cost will exceed the profit. What would be the point?

>> No.430364

so, uh VIA anyone, or have I missed this boat?

>based Peter Todd

>> No.430365


I know man....fucking insane.

I bought in at 20k satosh 2 weeks ago and now I have serious dosh. But it does look like is going down to 80k as we speak. I sold at 126.

Cheers, faggot.

>> No.430372

where you selling at? you using that jap exchange? seems like the only one with serious volume...

>> No.430384


It got added to Bittrex about ten hours ago.

Don't really see why that would lower the price though, usually it goes up.

>> No.430391
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Soon VIA will rise into the stratosphere.
There is no reason not to buy VIA.

>Peter Todd
>Clearing house
>10 million right now

>> No.430392


I didn't know that, I just panic bought back in with gainz

>> No.430393

>I didn't know that, I just panic bought back in with gainz

Don't panic buy.

Trust me, it's a REALLY good way to lose money.

>> No.430395

what's best place to buy VIA

should I be paying current prices?

there's just never enough depth.. ;_;

>> No.430397


Any exchange hosting BTC-VIA is a good place to buy. I use Bittrex.

>> No.430403

how high can VIA go I wonder

I don't buy much ALTs but sometimes I see something interesting, this time that interesting thing is Peter Todd.

(still think he's a bit deluded but he represents a certain segment of BTC community)

>> No.430413

> +155%
iuno about this. i never got into the VIA IPO, it's so much more expensive now, is this a good idea? i mean, do you guys have faith in the coin long-term, or are you just riding PnD's?

>> No.430414

Very high, if you look at their market cap and current price. Very exciting.

>> No.430415


I bought back in cheaper than I sold....and I didn't want to really sell in the first place so it worked out.

MONA is gold anyway. It's going to be the Japanese bitcoin. even that nigger iconicexpert couldn't ruin this.

>> No.430416

Sometimes PnD's, but the really big money is in the longterm.

>> No.430418

>i mean, do you guys have faith in the coin long-term, or are you just riding PnD's?
I will try to sell my initial amount if/when it doubles, but all coins I buy are for "long term" of several months or more...

Peter Todd is a great marketing asset. he talks a lot of shit about BTC, and the idea that he might be attached to an alt + trying to solve some of bitcoins "problems" that he thinks it has... It's a more interesting long term gamble than others.

no idea about the short term or whether it's currently being pumped though

>> No.430422

VIA looks pumped right now, i think I'll wait.

You guys get your 3000 free Plankton yet in the FOOD thread?

>> No.430423


I get into pumps a little bit, but long term is probably the _safest_ way to actually make money off this shit.

I told all you niggers before VIA entered PoW that it would be a contender in the big alt crowd like CLOAK, XMR, and the now dead VRC. Can't really go wrong with putting half a BTC or so in each of them.

>> No.430424

fuckers just don't wanna sell me some VIA

How do you guys usually buy Alts? Say, a few BTC worth where just spending that may double the price.

Should I just put in a low ball and sit tight? Or eat up all the sells because I'm impatient and actually think there may be potential in further days/weeks?

>experienced traders will be making money off me

>> No.430425


>Should I just put in a low ball and sit tight?

That hardly ever works for me when it comes to a successful coin. I usually just sit on Bittrex and watch for a low sell to come up. They get gobbled up real quick, but if you're fast you can usually snap them up.

>> No.430426


VIA looks pumped, wait a few hours. Although I was waiting for my CLOAK buys to get filled and that shit got away from me again. I have been chasing CLOAK for 3 fucking days now. Its on slippery fuck that cloak.

>> No.430428


I actually think that we on /biz/ should try to start organising some pumps on lower volume coins to get them moving and then cash out when the market panics and picks them up.

I'm sure that put together, we could probably move enough volume to create an artificial pump and dump.

>> No.430430

>I usually just sit on Bittrex and watch for a low sell to come up. They get gobbled up real quick, but if you're fast you can usually snap them up.
thanks for tip

I already bought some (fairly over priced, but better than to miss out), but I'll this tactic for the rest..

>> No.430432


Good idea. I pumped a shitcoin on bittrex called Yamashita just buy buying and selling to myself and making long candles show up in the charts. It went from 90 satosh od to 350 and i dumped like 90k on the fuckers

>> No.430441

>Very high, if you look at their market cap and current price. Very exciting.

Can someone explain why this would be "exciting" this to a noob?

It doesn't look to me like there's much difference compared to alts of similar market cap. Comparing price vs supply I don't see anything special.

>> No.430443


Get some shadowcoin. easy 30-40 percent gains in under 48 hours

>> No.430449

nah. I'm not daytrading. only buy stuff I see something novel in. encrypted chat is not novel.

>> No.430454


What do you think of FOOD?

>> No.430461

what, "plankton"? lel. Is this the new PND? I've been away from /biz/ for some weeks.

>> No.430465

Peter Todd and very new technology.
Google Clearing house and tree chains.

>> No.430466

Oh, I see that, I just wondered what Anon can tell from simply "market cap and current price".

>> No.430468

or he just means there is potential for growth considering the current market cap/price?

>> No.430472

I think he meant this.
I'm definitely holding VIA and CLOAK long term.

>> No.430503

Do any of you guys actually have a significant ($100,000+) amount of money invested in cryptos? I've invested for a while in traditional stocks and for me any crypto investment is just too risky UNLESS I have insider knowledge / can distort the market / am a part of a group that can distort the market.

I do think some form of crypto will eventually be big but I'm not entirely sure that bitcoins will be it, generally with these sort of inventions it's true that "pioneers get slaughtered, settler's prosper".

I own 10 bitcoins from back when they were cheap and I was experimenting with silk road. It's not enough money for me to care about unless bitcoin sees a 400-500% rise from where it is now.

Just interested in the thoughts of people with significant holdings.

>> No.430506

For all the newbz as we enter the weekend keep in mind that it's perfectly normal to see lower prices and volumes. So if you are on a coin for long term you should be wary and distinguish people selling off for quick weekend cash vs people dumping your coin. Some newbies see the prices go down on Friday night or Saturday morning and panic sell only to panic buy on Monday when things get going again.

>> No.430518

No, I invested 400 $ and made 20k in 2 months though.

>> No.430524


This is very true and very solid advice.

>> No.430545

Source for minerals tournament tomorrow if anyone's wondering about details/hype/legitimacy:


>> No.430573

I have ~$170K in BTC, the catch is I made it all in BTC (from ~$1000) and haven't cashed out. So guess I'm a true believer. And I guess you probably wouldn't care about my opinion since I know nothing about traditional investments (and have none) otherwise.

>I do think some form of crypto will eventually be big but I'm not entirely sure that bitcoins will be it, generally with these sort of inventions it's true that "pioneers get slaughtered, settler's prosper".
Can't say for certain, obviously, but my thinking is: Making secure, reliable, software is incredibly hard. Bitcoin is battle tested, it has many years lead over these other cryptos. Any novel crypto essentially has that clock reset to zero.

Even if some novel crypto comes along (maaaybe Ethereum or similar), I would still see Bitcoin remaining the "gold standard" for being an actual store of wealth. Others may spike and be pumped and dumped but most truly are shitcoins.

Network effect, infrastructure, is important too. I just don't see anything remotely threatening Bitcoin for public awareness/mindshare. If anything does, it will take years to grow.

hmm, well, I suppose Facebook or Google could launch a crypto that was highly integrated into some social thing, but I think it would take that level of "push". I think it would be far too risky for them (angry consumers when the exchange rate varies).

While myspace and others became obsolete because Facebook, these were single, centralised, businesses. bitcoin is a *protocol*, a layer, around which *many* other businesses, services are being built.

Don't think of it as myspace, think of it as the TCP/IP or HTTP or email of money. Those protocols were built, they aren't perfect, better could be developed... but they were widely adopted, so much is built on them that they have stuck. They are upgraded when necessary.

of course, this is all uncharted territory, the value and prospects of massive wealth for coin creators adds a new dynamic...

>> No.430592
File: 95 KB, 447x444, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck it
>price immediately halves

>> No.430619

I haven't read enough on via but sounds like you panic bought. I like to look for coins that are momentarily in the red or side trading but have lots of great feedback in the announcement threads of bitcoin talk. That usually means that they have already been pumped and dumped but the developers are still taking it seriously and they are maybe on the verge of another breakthrough or release.

why? well some coins die during the pump and dump, some right after. But if you buy in the middle of a pump odds are you will be left bag holding. you want to have a coin BEFORE it gets pumped.

>> No.430626

what bitcoin wallet should i use?

>> No.430628


>> No.430629

people have done this...

someone did it recently with dogecoin, there were articles about it everywhere

>> No.430657

XST is a safe bet. They release their roadmap and it looks promising. I've been with XST since it first went up on bittrex. The dev team is amazing. I watched them patch up and error with their wallet in less then 2 hours.

>> No.430669


Thanks OP

>> No.430697

It was a matter of time.

>> No.430699

Odds are your phone's GPU is not designed to deal with mining, and might get royally fucked.

>> No.430700

Aw shit, my boy HuK is in this. Maybe he'll win this one, he's been hitting the sauce pretty hard since HotS came out.

>> No.430782

when dogecoin first appeared it was so easy to mine that You COULD join a mining pool and mine from your smartphone, old laptop. hell there was this tutorial over at /r/dogecoin which taught you how to use Windows Azure servers as dogecoin miners (because they were at the time running a 30 day free trial at the moment).

Bitcoin is a different beast, it is mind numbingly powerful so I honestly don't think there is any way to do that with btc.

>> No.430804
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Consider that in a few years by 2017 smartphones will be much more powerful than they are now. If collective network hive mining becomes more commonplace then companies might tailor their phones to be strong enough to mine Bitcoin.

>> No.430851

Maybe strong enough to mine, but not enough to be profitable.

>> No.430860
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I just got approved for a $2500 line of credit. would it be a good idea to use that credit to buy buy hardware to mine Altcoins? I was thinking LTC. I don't know anything about mining, gonna do a lot of research. I can use as much help as i can get

>> No.430862

Should I link my Coinbase to my bank. Can I link it to a PayPal or something instead?

>> No.430874

daily reminder to get on the /biz/coin train before it leaves

we're almost on coins-e



>> No.430882
File: 2.43 MB, 285x213, pickpocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy monacoin, you stupid fucking niggerhumping faggot.

>> No.430941

Turns out SDC dev = CINNI dev.
Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.430945

>Consider that in a few years by 2017 smartphones will be much more powerful than they are now.

But also consider that in that same time span the average computer will be relatively more powerful as well, and thus the competition when getting a block will be nearly identical to what it is now.

>> No.430948

time to make some bitcoins m8
pastebin sD9kCTEr

>> No.430950

Unless someone else can confirm this, Ill be forced to assume you own both those sites.

>> No.430953

So do you win? Or just get two rolls?

>> No.430955

How would this thing even work?

>> No.430997

Listen up fags, I hope you all know that no coin has a future other than Bitcoin. The technology behind coins doesn't matter jack shit (as long as they are safe). What matters is the adoption of the currency in the real world. Bitcoin was the first, it has an established ecosystem which is here to stay. EVERY other coin exists for solely one purpose: to get people more Bitcoin by making it subject of hype and shilling, getting dumb people to "invest" while the smart cash out and increase their BTC. Holding anything other than BTC for the long term is hopeless.

This is a fact. The technology behind it doesn't matter, because if something "better" would be able to replace BTC then 2 weeks later something that is "better" than what replaced BTC will follow, replacing the replacer. This would keep going on forever. And the real world wouldn't cope with this shit. They wouldn't waste their time trying to find out which is the newest "best" thing. Stores won't change everything in their system just because a new "challenger" to BTC arrived.

>> No.431020


>> No.431025

>Bitcoin was the first, it has an established ecosystem which is here to stay.

Replace "Bitcoin" with "America Online"

>> No.431030

Bitcoin is a protocol, not a service. You can't compare that.

Bitcoin is nothing that has "better" competition because the competition itself stems from the acceptance in the real world, which, like I've explained, is already here. The competition between services stems from trying to outperform each other for better and cheaper products, which do not require additional acceptance by a 3rd party in order to be put in the real world for people to have the choice to use them. This is not the case for Bitcoin. And there is no reason for the acceptance to suddenly disappear (unless an unfixable problem in the protocol shows up).

>> No.431088

is minerals kill?

>> No.431096

It's up 20%

>> No.431100

>implying anyone doesn't know this
Nobody cares. That's got nothing to do with making money trading.

>> No.431165

Who's getting in on BOOM?

>> No.431167

Wtf m8, he shoots him in the neck for a fkin pack of bills?

>> No.431175

A lot of altcoins mimic bitcoin, during the upcoming fall/winter bubble that's said to be happening will they ("they" as in the ones that typically follow the movements of bitcoin to a T) continue to mimic it at the same rate?

tldr: trying to find out if shitcoins will boom/fall/mimic btc movements during the btc bubble.

nother question, I'm throwing (more) money at crypto regardless, would it be smarter to put it into BTC or one of the larger altcoins? which would make more gains/money during the boom?

>> No.431180

You make a lot of valid points. Bitcoin definitely has the strongest network effect and userbase which is what matters most. It has the highest security as a result of this as well (or of its effect on value). Also as with anything, the marginal benefits of being #1 in terms of value will always be far greater than the marginal value benefit you get between #2 and #3. People like the #1 and in all things you see this phenomenon in cryptocurrencies very clearly.

And your point is reinforced in that the vast majority of coins are a vehicle to acquire BTC for most traders.

But to say that no other coin can have a future is not true. Bitcoin is open source, so its protocol is not where most of its value comes from (its protocol has great value but it's not exclusively captured by bitcoin, anyone can duplicate it or try to expand on it). Its value and the tremendous surge in price it has seen is more due to its value as a brand and the people who use it and attribute value to it and improve it.

As you said, if there were a technical problem that would be one way in which the brand could be diminished and make room for alternatives.

So while we are all trading for BTC, and BTC seems the best and likely will be for the medium term, it's by no means safe over the long term as the only cryptocurrency with lasting value. It's unlikely that anything will replace it though, unless serious damage is done to its brand. Unlikely to ever have 2 #1s at the same time.

>> No.431296

when are you faggots cashing out your MIN

>> No.431299

Dat Mona crash doe... :^(

>> No.431301

play it safe if you do go into altcoins. Go with something that has been around a while. Litecoin ftw.

>> No.431303

Is it worth it to mine for Bitcoins or should I just buy a tenth and sit on it?

>> No.431309


You can't really mine bitcoins without serious equipment.

Buy a tenth of a bitcoin, invest in some good alt-crytos and turn it into full bitcoins. That's what i did. :^)

>> No.431311

Everytime some fucker posts that god damn face I feel this urge to start punching things and tell everyone how I was lied to.

>> No.431319


You mean Pandacoin? :^)

>> No.431323
File: 375 KB, 992x673, 1328910393788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buy stock in having that face be removed from the internet.

>> No.431328

What's the way to invest in alt-cryptos? Cryptsy seems pretty decent.

>> No.431338

If I wanted a secure wallet that I could keep putting bitcoins into every /days/weeks/XXXX with bitcoins, what would I do?

Would I create a new cold storage wallet everytime? Or would it be smart just to invest in a hardware wallet?

>> No.431341

Go with Bittrex or Poloniex. Cryptsy is nothing but established or old shitcoins. Even mintpal is going down the tubes.

>> No.431348


>> No.431370

My understanding is that:
as long as you create a bitaddress using a computer that has never connected to the internet (for extra safety) and make a paper wallet out/cold storage you can keep donating to it because it doesn't matter if the public address is revealed if someone hacks coinbase/whatever correct?

having been keeping money in exchanges and I don't want to be the tard who loses it all when the exchange collapses

>> No.431375

Multibit is a step up from exchange wallets, paper addresses can receive funds easy the trick is importing your private keys to spend. You can always practice with little amounts, use blockchain.info, bitaddress and I suggest you make your own custom paper wallets.

I like the idea of leaving sloppy wallets with little amounts to act as an alarm if your security has failed. I highly recommend having a back up. Store your private keys using two methods.

>> No.431379


>> No.431415

DRKC is worth keeping an eye on atm it seems.

>> No.431428

What do y'all niggas think of KeyCoin? Seems to have some really active developers and interesting shit around the corner coming for it.

>> No.431430

>Bought 3500vtc at 0.14
>currently 0.18
Should I sell now?

>> No.431460

>How much are you getting on CPU mining on average?
very very little. i'm getting like 1XMR weekly from mining on three of my PC's, totalling 8 cores/20GHZ. naff all, but the current value, i believe, will at least double, i.e hit 1mil sat, and very probably go massively higher than that. up to 20x increase, taking it to .1, as predicted by some bitcointalk BTC millionaire whale. Anon coins are still fighting, but i believe XMR has won the throne. if one large dark market starts accepting it, it'll hit the sky within hours. oh and mining via minergate is easy as hell. just sign up, download miner, click start, done.
> Are GPU mined coins still relevant aside from BTC/LTC ?
yeah they are. people are just getting sick of the older mining methods melting their hardware. coins still use the method (e.g. VIA) but i try to avoid them if i can. my 5670 lasted 18 months then died, and two 270x's died within 8 months mining scrypt. got a shitload of LTC out of it, but hardware failure is stressful as hell.

>> No.431492


MONA is dirt cheap right now.

>> No.431495
File: 26 KB, 1566x149, Screen shot 2014-08-02 at 5.21.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you crazy man, did you read the ANN thread? The dev is done with drkc....it's ogre


>> No.431497

it's up 80% from yest.

>> No.431501

VTC isn't in focus at the moment. If I were in your place, I would sell.

It's your call though mate. Do what you feel is right to you.

>> No.431506

lol LTC LE FUCKING TROLL COIN do not waste your shit on this

>> No.431520

>bitcoin wallet?
btc core for cold wallets and safer storage, but i use andreas schildbach's android wallet for general fuck-about-erry, as it's so much faster, and scans QR's.

>> No.431536


>> No.431552

fkn VIA. i can't get a read on it. totally fucked up yest, but it's down 10% today. are we going up or down?

>> No.431553

>deposit to bittrex
>maintenance notification as soon as I do
>can't withdraw to c-cex

>> No.431555


Generally, VIA's going up. A lot of potential and it's cementing itself as a contender in the big alt playing field.

>> No.431567

yeah, but i'm looking at quick returns atm. i am holding the coins i bought yest. don't have much choice given how much i lost. set a small buy order at 3200.

talking of long-term, has anyone bought MSN1 shares from polo? how much of a return do you get daily per share?

>> No.431569

>set a small buy order at 3200.
aaaand price immediately jumps 20%, buy not filled. i'm really getting the hang of completely fucking things up, even if i do the opposite of what i think i should.

>> No.431575


>> No.431581

there are a lot of us that know that but are still banking on the swings

do the Costanza Method

>> No.431619

1 hour until moon

>> No.431704

>when are you faggots cashing out your MIN

Not until well after the tournament of today is over, the next tournament is announced/set up, and the Anon features are implemented.

The anon will be added shortly after todays tourny, which will add more to the price on top of what the tournament results will add, and the days/hours approaching the next major tourny, along with the coin having the anon at that point, will most likely result is a very nice new ATH. Depending on what that ATH is at the time, I will either cash out then or keep holding if there are even bigger developments on the horizon at that point in time (which there very well could be)

>> No.431724


Why are people buying a new crypto that's been abandoned by the developer?

Any insights?

>> No.431727

Seriously does anyone here have any opinion on gridchips?

I want to buy a dozen of them and mine LTC.

>> No.431736


High difficulty,low value, good plan champ. You're better off mining scrypt shitcoins and selling them for BTC then trading for LTC if you wish.

>> No.431743

What does /biz/ think of Ekita?


>> No.431756


It looks like a real loser to be honest. Get some BOOM if you want quick profits.

>> No.431810

This. Get in before it hits bittrex.
Thoughts on DOOM? Picked some up just in case. Trading on C-Cex right now.

>> No.431841

never trade new coins.

>> No.431850


DOOM looks like it crashed, could go back up, who knows?

It's ok to trade new coins that are pumping just don't hodl...ever

>> No.431861

Exactly, never buy new coins. Only invest in stabilized cryptos. One of my rules that I posted earlier in this thread.

>> No.431865

Because they are idiots and are destined to lose all of their money. Just let them be. Look at what happened to Whitecoin

>> No.431885


You mean like....StableCoin™?

There's always hobonickelst oo

>> No.431991

Im building a channel on freenode #shovel_boss
join and you can ask me to do TA on any coin or just chat with me

>> No.432112

Mining Curecoin since it came out.
At least, doing something useful with the processing power.
It tanked hard but it seems to get back on track recently.

>> No.432146

Man, please, you have to realize by now that it's worthless. The largest publicity boost it could ever get drove it down ten percent.

>> No.432341

CANN looks promising. Seems like potcoin with an actual purpose.

And where the fuck did BOOM come from?

>> No.432435

Man, please, betting wasn't even on yesterday.

>> No.432543

Thats not what the advertisement for the tournament said, and I couldn't see any outrage in the thread. So either you're wrong, or they hosted a tournament with a prize pool larger then their daily trading volume, but couldnt give enough of a shit the site that's their entire reason to exist.

>> No.432555

BOOM getting pumped? Or is all this buying legit?

>> No.432577


Apparently there was a server swapping error, which I agree was something that shouldve been handled before an issue even arose. And while it's definitely not positive for publicity, the devs immediately addressed it, fixed it from ever happening again, and are having another full on betting tourny on Monday with everyone on board.

I'd be more skeptical about the situation if the devs werent as hardworking as theyve shown to be, but they seriously just keep on keeping on and constantly give updates and make adjustments when needed as fast as humanly possible. So, while it certainly didnt go off without a hitch, you gotta keep in mind that their platform is a completely new frontier in the sense that they built it from the ground up, and personally I think that one speedbump like this would be dumb to see as a reason to sell, given what they've already done in response to said bump. That's my personal opinion, though, if you think you should sell then by all means do so, but I'm more than willing to hold because the dev team is essentially guaranteeing a large jump in price with all the work theyre doing.

>> No.432588

VIA dropping, time to dump or sit and wait?

>> No.432620

Viacoin has some strong backers. Could potentially be a top 5 coin. Now is the time to buy while we're in this weekend slump.

>> No.432632


I hope whoever pumped this enjoys poverty.

>> No.432894

Is there a guide to investing in Cryptocurrency? Because you're all using terminology that I've never seen before and it's really confusing but it looks lucrative. Post a guide if you have one? Also, how do I keep track of how well a certain currency is doing at any given moment?

>> No.432923

Just get into it and you will pick it up fast.
The key things to know are marketcap (most recent trade price * total number of coins in existence).
Current number of coins (often you will need to find out the current block number and block rewards to calculate it yourself).
While you are at it calculate the amount of BTC needed to sustain the current price. (current price * number of coins generated in 24 hours = BTC needed per day to sustain price).
The best place to learn details on any coin is Bitcointalk.

>> No.432934

Turns out it was a hacker. That probably should have been obvious.

>> No.432942


BTC is Bitcoins, right? Also, I thought mining blocks and block numbers became irrelevant a long time ago.

>> No.432953

Yep, BTC is the ticker name of bitcoin.
Mining BTC is all done by huge commercial farms and idiots that don't realise it's all done by farms. However many coins are minable and block reward matters a lot.
Just the other day I calculated the sustain price of a shitcoin and it needed $24,000 USD per day of buys to hold it's price, needless to say this didn't happen and the price crashed.

>> No.432968


How'd you figure out the number of coins generated in 24 hours?

>> No.432981

Ok I'll give an example. Here is Ultracoin. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=413978.0
Block reward is 15, halving every 990,000 blocks so we need to know the current block number to know the current reward.
So I check the mining pool (http://ultracoinpool.info/index.php?page=statistics&action=blocks)) and see it's on block 517627 so the current reward is still 15.
The block time is ever 30 seconds so there are 2880 block per day at 15 coins per block, this gives 43,200 coins generated per day.
Now for price (https://www.mintpal.com/market/UTC/BTC).).
At the current price of 0.000014 BTC per coin it'll take 0.6048 BTC per day to sustain the price.

>> No.432999


I see, and if you know the BTC per day to sustain it's price you can find out whether or not it'd make a smart investment?

>> No.433006

Okay so a few of the main currencies and used and supported by places like the deepweb markets and in the case of BTC a few IRL places but the rest of these are pretty much useless.

What can I do with anything but BTC, Litecoin, Darkcoin, Doge, and a couple others? Doesn't that mean they're useless and gonna crash? We don't need any of these currencies because we already have markets for the big ones right?

>> No.433007

It isn't the only factor but it's surprising how many coins that look good in every other way need stupidly high amounts to sustain price.

Some of the other traps to look out for is pre-mine and IPO. When they say 2% pre-mine that it 2% of total coins so there may be a coin that only has 1 generated per day and a total supply of 1,000,000 but only 30 coins mined after a month. The dev has 20,000 coins while all the miners have only 30 between them.

>> No.433014


One last question for you. In order to buy coins on MintPal do I actually have to have Bitcoins? Or can I purchase with Paypal.

>> No.433017

All the big coins have faults and new coins come out trying to fix these. Coins are also made to suit changing circumstances, eg. XMR is doing well on the news that NY wants to know who holds BTC while XMR is anonymous.
There are also good old shitcoins that offer nothing new and people just trade for a pump and dump.

>> No.433025

Buy BTC then transfer it to an exchange, some exchanges let you buy BTC from them but at inflated prices.

>> No.433029

Holding: Bitcoin
Selling: Every other coin

>> No.433068
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>Dogecoin merged-mining with LTC

>> No.433071


>> No.433079

Okay, so I bought a tenth of a bitcoin using Coinbase... Now how do I trade it?

>> No.433082

Sign up for an exchange, generate a deposit address, then withdraw from Coinbase to that address.

>> No.433107

so what would you say is a reasonable amount of BTC needed to sustain the price?
Thanks btw this is very informative

>> No.433593

There are no hard and fast rules but I would consider a coin with 10 BTC 24 hour volume and a 0.4 BTC sustain price good while I would consider a coin with 4 BTC volume and 1 BTC sustain price bad.

>> No.433669

The original jap exchange has an English version (that was made with the help of a native speaker) so there's not much reason to /not/ use it. Except maybe for the fact that it's hosted on Sakura (as if latency matters).

But neither Allcoin or mona-tore have the majority of the volume. It's all etwings.
取引所名(Exchange) 24時間の取引量(24h volume)
もなっくす 26490 MONA
etwings 199202 MONA
もなとれ 41759 MONA
allcoin 51585 MONA

>dirt cheap

>> No.433779

> there are people RIGHT NOW who aren't buying XMR at these prices

>> No.433788

Weekend sell offs came and went. Let me guess you panic sold didn't you? Look newbie I told you to not get into the weekend market, now I'm telling you to wait a little before you panic buy higher than where you sold off.

>> No.433840

Looking like GPC and DOS have some potential.

>> No.433855


Finally someone who explains this stuff.

Thanks very much!

>> No.433885

dipping into my long-term holdings to buy XMR. someone must be dumping.

>> No.433992

Why does Litecoin even exist anymore?

>> No.434004

not a scam, tried tested and proven blah etc so people have faith in it and are invested in it, but primarily because it's established online; accepted by loads of sites and services.

>> No.434261

better question why does anything except Bitcoin still exist?

>> No.434322

I'm new to this. Want to spend about £100-£300 on Bitcoin. I have some questions.

>what website should I be getting my live charts from?

I've been using bitcoinity because it's the only one I know.

>where should I go to to buy bitcoin with GBP using a debit card?

>can I trust giving my address to these exchanges?

Anxbtc for example asks for my address. What do they use it for? I won't be sent bills or anything will I?

>is all of this okay with the bank?

I'm not breaking any terms or anything am I? it's just a basic Halifax current account.

>any recommended youtube channels or anything like that so I can learn more about trading them?

Sorry for so many questions. I don't expect anyone to answer all of them, but any answers would be a huge help.

>> No.434326


>> No.434335


Gotta be honest.. can't say I fully understand what's going on there with me being new to all this, but I couldn't really ask for more.


>> No.434341

they need your address to confirm that you're a real person.
although you can purchase with a debit card it's much better to do direct wire transfer if you can because you won't get charged quite as much for fees
yes, it is all fine with your bank
not sure about youtube accounts to learn about trading, but there used to be a good guide to basic market economy on r/dogecoin

>> No.434349


Thanks, that's good to know. Where would you recommend to buy bitcoins with a wire transfer then?

I'm a Brit using GBP if that makes a difference (I noticed a few places only accept direct bank transfers from the US).

Again - sorry for so many questions. I'm just being cautious because this is all completely new to me.

>> No.434356

sry i dont know much about buying btc over in the UK
hop on the pandacoin irc, we have the dev of britcoin who may be able to help out. plus others that know a thing or two about crypto if you have any more questions :)

>> No.434372


what's the pandacoin irc?

and again, thanks.

>> No.434700

>Thanks, that's good to know. Where would you recommend to buy bitcoins with a wire transfer then?
we brits are very lucky when it comes to buying bitcoins. litecoins and namecoins too, actually. bitbargain is what you want, it takes a couple of mins from sending payment to having coins in your wallet, no verification ID, no fucking about at all.

>> No.434705

any darkmarket dudes want a method of buying small amounts of bitcoins (~20bux/day?) anonymously? mail me, i sussed a method yesterday which is better even than any mixer, albeit about as expensive. am hoping for donations as a thankyou.

>> No.434797

#pandacoinpnd on freenode

>> No.434869
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>> No.434883



>> No.434903
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In related news, the precompiled Windows ZipCoin wallet was a trojan.
Has a keylogger, wallet stealer, tries to hijack remote desktop, etc.

>> No.434908

Are there places that accept paypal for currency yet?

>> No.434924

none that i'm aware of. i do know a way you can use a credit card though. (is that something people struggle with? iuno)
go to leaserigs.net, apply to pay by CC, hire some crazy mining factory, mine coin of choice, sell on exchange for btc. it doesn't work out to be vastly more expensive if you get a decent price on the rig and choose the right coin. fuck, choose a fresh, unpumped but promising coin, and you might well end up with like ten times the btc you paid for, if you're willing to wait a day or two for your sells to be filled.

>> No.434934

Anyone going to start a new thread?