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4258509 No.4258509 [Reply] [Original]

I did it /biz/. I finally got a job. I work at McDonald's now. I start next Monday.

>> No.4258514

lol loser

>> No.4258521

congrats bud.

>> No.4258530

You're gonna make it!

>> No.4258543

Good job anon. Start saving your money and invest and shitcoins and you won't be stuck there forever.

>> No.4258545

My mum wants me to work mcdonalds because I'm taking a gap year...I'm not going to do that shit but I'm getting no calls back on IT part time jobs because I'm 18 with little education and experience. Considering working as a life guard at a nearby swimming pool but I need to take a course

>> No.4258548

My boi Ronny will take good care of you

>> No.4258551
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I'm make more money per day than you will in your whole Mcshit *career*

>> No.4258574

if you put your whole paycheck into crypto and do good investments your gapyear can help you not worry about getting a wagecuck job for the rest of your life anon

>> No.4258586

>ywn work in fast food again
>ywn rub up gently against hot jailbait making a burger in the tight confines of the kitchen
>ywn smoke weed with your coworkers from the 40 y/o nigger that has been working the night shift for the past 20 years
>ywn stay up till 4 a.m. closing down on a saturday talking about pokemon with your chill as fuck slightly older manager that is cool yet nerdy and probably fucking all the jailbait on the side but you still admire him

why live

>> No.4258593

Ok nobody asked cunt

>> No.4258677

I'm just so happy I finally got a job. I have been living with my parents for years after high school and staying in my room. I am just so happy now. Things will finally change

>> No.4258840

What the fuck... people like this exsist?

>> No.4258899

I'm just really happy because I'm finally going to be around people again. I hope I can learn how to talk to people again and how to make friends. I had trouble during the interview but the manager was really nice and understanding. I know things are going to get better now

>> No.4258913

hey, its better than never leaving the house

>> No.4258919

Go back to it, poorfag

>> No.4258924
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Congrats man

>> No.4258929

I was talking with my boss one day, he said he would rather hire a guy who worked for mcDs when he was desperate rather than hire the guy who just sat on his ass collecting unemployment.

>> No.4258970

It wears off real quick, like 2 weeks and you'll be done

Being neet with no outside social interaction isn't as bad as people paint it out to be
Make friends with your parents, they will enjoy having someone go out for breakfast with them, run errands with.

I've gotten to the point my parents don't give a fuck if I ever get a job, I'm like their best friend now

>> No.4258980

No one cares, asshole.

>> No.4259018

>tfw worked overnights and McDonald's in a small town with 2 weed dealers
>we would just sit in someone's car and smoke weed and only get like 3 orders from 1-5 am
shit was so cash. after I stopped working their they stopped doing overnights

>> No.4259036

you really are an insecure fella if you have to shit on someone else for no reason at all.

>> No.4259066

Good mindset to have, good job man. Remember how you feel now and don't get discouraged.

>> No.4259120

Work hard and they might promote you to a non-min wage position

>> No.4259136

lol they are like that to your face bcause they probably blame themselves for how fucked up you are and dont want to deal with you killing yourself.

When its quite at night I bet if you hold your ear to the vent you can hear them talking. Saying things like we failed as parents, what the hell is wrong with him, and I bet you $50 that he is gay.

>> No.4259191

Go to Alaska for A season

>> No.4259231

Congrats anon. But dont settle.

>> No.4259240

It is bad. You may not realize it but you're stagnating and rotting as a human being. You're hardly producing any new memories, years will just pass by in the blink of an eye with no events to remember them by.

>> No.4259249

Obviously it depends on the parents, but my parents were cold to me my whole life. Never really involved as I have 2 brothers.

Once the two brothers left and relatives die off, old friends stop seeing them, live the retired life with no actual hobbies.

They like having me around, I keep them from being at each other's throats too.
Give it a try, seriously. I never thought in a million years they would take to me because of how hands off and cold they used to be. It's better for everyone involved. In having the house left to me,so I basically just have to get some menial amount of income to live off of for the rest of my life.

>> No.4259288

When I had a social life, I just played video games and watched movies with friends. At work I longed to not he working,I have a few solo hobbies that friends weren't involved in.

I'm literally doing exactly the same thing I used to do, and would strive to do. Just with less social interaction with old friends.

That and I go everywhere and do everything with my parents, it's not so bad at all.

>> No.4259363

sooo you've gone from being a son to basically a dog...

yeah keep telling yourself that, see if you tell the lie so many times that you might actually start to believe it yourself..
That tension you sense that your parents might be at each others throats might actually be that they want you gone so they can finally have a normal sex life..

>> No.4259387
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how did you do it anon I don't know what to do to get one

>> No.4259408

Congrats man. Now look at what you can do with that money to make more.

>> No.4259538

I've been at home for over a decade now, I'm not an 18 year old Anon. You know how happy your parents are to see you when you go home for the holidays?

It's like that, but several times a week when your take your old and tired folks out to Walmart or the grocery store, and you stop and get lunch with them.

Not a dog, but a deep loving relationship.
The mundane memories of going to the hardware store to buy something, then going home and fixing something? Those ARE the memories that you are supposed to be making and cherishing. It's your own blood after all. I'm living the retired life with my actual retired parents. Its stress free

>> No.4259970

Good... use your first paycheck to buy "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Then start digging your tunnel out.

>> No.4260090

i had some fun with my coworkers when i worked my fast food job last year but im never going back to fast food

>> No.4260133

I never worked in fast food but in my high-school years I worked at golf courses and I would bet it's probably a lot more fun. Congrats on grabbing this job, but if you want something a little more exciting, try caddying or working in a bag room at a country club. Probably lots of people your age and you'll have a lot more fun.

>> No.4260162

Kys faggot. Congrats op

>> No.4260358

I'm unironically proud of you anon

>> No.4260450

congrats OP!
i have an interview tomorrow at grainger for a warehouse position
they pay 17/hr so crossing my fingers!

>> No.4260460


good for you. One piece of advice tho

don't eat that shit

>> No.4260486
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I'm genuinely happy for you, Canadanon!

>> No.4260503

congrats man, good first step in life

>> No.4260512

Tell me their secrets of taste

You are our inside man

>> No.4260539


>> No.4260575

You'll make some new friends at your job. Most of the co-workers are probably around your age. Also don't let the cucks here get you down. I installed carpet and tile when I was in college. It was a tiring job that didn't pay a lot but it helps you appreciate what you have once you get a better job. Congrats again.

>> No.4260585


ive been neeting it up for 10 years now. no friends the entire time.

how fucked am i? i can tell my brain has fused in a certain way that i wish didnt

>> No.4260597

Good for you, OP. Any job is better than no job. The only reason anyone can live comfortably is that millions of people get off their asses and work. And you are one of them. Most people who are rude about other people's work, don't work at all (like most of this lazy-shit board).


>> No.4260612

Welcome to hell

>> No.4260614
File: 75 KB, 720x1081, wowsocute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you buddy!

I know its a shit job, but try and use that job to learn how to talk to people. I worked at a restaurant all through college and it really helped me with my social skills. I can now look at people in the eyes, even 10/10 stacys.

Keep up the good work, Anon!

>> No.4260617

good for you. don't plan on staying there for more than a year or two though, you gotta move up to a better job.

>> No.4260626

Bro... why aren't you making friends man? That's no way to live.

>> No.4260637

that's not how mcshit works, dumbass

>> No.4260638

Real story incoming no larp

>Be me, 17
>Trying to figure something the fuck out because I need money
>Moms a drug addict
>Dad works incredibly long hours so it's hard to get help from him
>Realize i gotta crank out some job apps so I can have a phone and eat something more than the pizza from pizza hut my dad brings home from his shift manager gig.
>Apply to McDonalds
>Tell them I want 10 dollars an hour on the app because I feel like I'm worth it.
>Don't know any better, kanyeshrug
>Get a call a few weeks later
>Go into McDonalds nice and polo shirted up ready for the interview
>Sit in waiting room for literally a FUCKING HOUR, asking the cashier occasionally if the manager was going to be able to come and do the interview
>Get told yeah,soon but she's dealing with something
>Wait for another 30 minutes
>Go into the bathroom piss on the floor, leave.
>Get a call a week later asking if I would come in for my first day soon but they would only be able to pay 7.25.
>Laughed and hung up.
Seriously though if you're grinding to invest in your life or to gain investments then I'm happy for you.

>> No.4260653

Stacy's... those bitches take a shit like everyone else. Enjoy the view and give them shit if you want to get in those panties.

>> No.4260671

How was the interview? I'm apply to warehouse/manu jobs right now. Would like to know. Was it just one interview and they said they'd let you know?

This OP. or at least lift if you're going to eat that shit every time you work there.

>> No.4260684

Has anyone here actually made friends past age 30?

>> No.4260698

>I believe that flipping hamburgers at McDonald's is worth $10/hr

You didn't need to say "Real story incoming no larp", I find it easy to believe you're this retarded.

>> No.4260700

Dude... you're on biz. You can do better than this. If you got a 40 hour week there at that price (which you probably wouldn't) that would be $290 before FICA and income taxes. You're telling me you couldn't make that dough on Fiver.com or somewhere else doing something for people that wouldn't make you that same amount of money without dealing with the bullshit?

>> No.4260714

You're missing the point I think lol. Didn't know any better at that point. Parents didn't have shit to teach me either. That wasn't the integral part of me not taking the job. It was being scheduled for an interview sitting in the place for an hour and a half, leaving and then getting hired.

>> No.4260726

That was like 10 years ago. Forgot to add that part. I'm a network and systems administrator for a mid-sized health center now.

>> No.4260774

Glad to hear it anon. Top Kek... thought you were slaving for that bullshit now

>> No.4260807

>Gap year
>Staying with your parents for years with no job

What exactly are you taking a gap from?

>> No.4260987

Aaaay congrats OP

>> No.4261078
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I did this before

I guess for me, I was trying to figure what is worth working on and I had a lot of bad habits formed from HS and 2 years of always-turning-stuff-in-last-minute @ college. I didn't know what to do and getting a job seemed stupid to the family since everyone was educated and went to college in the first place. Wageslaving isn't just a meme on 4chan, but they didn't call it that.

Ended with me making some money off of music and now I'm trying to go back to college for comp-sci maymay. Honestly still not sure how things will turn out, I can't put my heart into anything that will last 4-6 years also including after school.

>therapist said not to say this anymore, but not gonna make it...

>> No.4261101

congrats dude

>> No.4261213

OP hasnt responded in a while
hope the asshats didnt get you down

>> No.4261277
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He must've bought link

>> No.4261408

nice bruh. i got fired from mcdonalds for being stupid when i was 18 and now im kinda rich.

>> No.4261410


You guys need to take experience life. Go travel and talk to people and see what you are missing out on.

The main thing that you can never have as a NEET is love, the feeling when you start talking to a girl and you both develop feelings, being able to talk to her each day and then going on dates, first kiss, sex, then once you are in a relationship you are so comfortable around them. Go on holidays ect. It is a certain happiness that cannot be replaced by video games.

>> No.4261561

interview isnt until later tonight, my dude!

>> No.4261590

Don't listen to all the no job fags.
It gives you more purpose and more enjoyment.
Put that hard earned cash in to assets and crypto
Your winning at life already

>> No.4261616

Why do you have to be so mean to OP?

>> No.4261641

A job is a job. Nice
Bettet than being a welfare fag

>> No.4261654


>> No.4261674

Love your attitude OP, good work and congrats on the job! You're going to make it

>> No.4261715

Got a job at a ramen restaurant as the token white guy, and since I was a neet before I get to save 100% of my paycheck.

Getting a job is nice and not as bad as you would expect even going from 100% neet to 6 hours a week of work. Grats op and gl.

Before I got the job I put 160 into bitcoin to trade and fuck around with, made lots of mistake initially but at this point my "portfolio" is 300 something so I think I've got enough bad ideas out of the way that I want to throw in 1000 bucks at some point. Is waiting for btc to crash a bad idea, did I miss my chance to buy in at 1000~ forever?

>> No.4261731

6 days a week.

>> No.4261888

i had an amazing highschool and college chading it up with all the "certain kind of happiness" experiences. It's great the first time but if you have half a brain you realize how it means nothing. It's emotional baggage for no reason. I could have a conversation with anyone i want ant and convince myself it means something but it doesnt. The only thing that mattes is your profession and the study you wish to further as a whole. If you dont feel like doing that then NEETing it up at your parents house is second best.

PS: Traveling is a gimmick. I spent my college years going to Asia, Oceania, other states in the US, meeting new friends, being the "traveler adventurer type" etc. It's fun but there's no reason to set it at a supeior standard to being a NEET.

>> No.4261917

good on you man. Ignore the haters in this thread. You're doing good.

>> No.4261927

This thread made me happy. Thanks lad. Go get 'em OP, the world's ahead of ya.

>> No.4262037
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>> No.4262134

Congrats OP. Stay positive and don't be a dumbass, you will be surprised by the amount of people that don't follow these rules. Get money bro.

>> No.4262155
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Checked. Good luck OP

>> No.4262316
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You're a nice boy.
Just sent 100k

>> No.4262459

This dude is going to be eaten alive by the bratty teenagers he's going to be forced to work with

>> No.4262511
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Good for u anon. This is a start of good things to come. I rooting for u bud

>> No.4262563

>people congratulating OP for getting into wagecucking at arguably the wagecuckiest job on planet earth

Is this some reverse meme I am not aware of?

>> No.4262657
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Fuck man. Hits hard, and I'm not even a full time neet.

>> No.4262677
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It's better than doing nothing and you gotta start somewhere to move up in your career so why the fuck not? I started at chic-fil-a, now I work in logistics for $13.50 and I'm interviewing for a desk job at a construction company at the end of the month for 45k

>> No.4262714

I started the same way. Started as a salesman, quit that shit, then cashier cleric, moved to inventory clerc, then got a 45k job, a year later got a raise to 65k, now earn six figures.

>> No.4262757

What u do now

>> No.4262806

I work in the music industry, helping artists promote their music. Pretty sweet gig.

>> No.4262832

That's a shitty pepe. Definitely not saved.

>> No.4262949

I do retail sales for $35 an hour after commission and bonuses
meme jobs are best jobs anon

>> No.4263258

>tfw too autistic for retail
>work warehouses instead

pretty comfy honestly, even get to use headphones which is usually a big no no near vehicles

>> No.4263515

No matter what anyone here says OP. GOOD FUCKING JOB, you will make it :). Save as much as you can, put it into btc and some good large-cap coins and a bit into retarded ones. Hold and save, do it for 3-4 years and you will make it. I wish you all the best from my heart.

>> No.4263552

Nice job OP. Steady work is the first step to financial freedom

>> No.4264290
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Congratulations my man, flip those burgers like no other and you'll be assistant manager in no time. I believe in you!