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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4252756 No.4252756 [Reply] [Original]

CTO of IBM did an AMA , saying that big project and partnership are coming up in 2018.

This is going to be a moon really hard by
January maybe earlier.

Get in while you can.

>> No.4252796

And the Universal Payment Solution, with Stellar, has a vision that goes far beyond just cross-border payments. I hate saying this because it's not published yet - but more details on this vision will be released very, very soon.

>> No.4252870

This partnership is not just long term - it’s tight. Stellar joined the Hyperledger Foundation in addition to partnering on this project.
There are many upcoming projects coming up this year about to be announced. Stay tuned :)

>> No.4252900
File: 129 KB, 1928x380, use this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post link faggot

>> No.4253061
File: 335 KB, 935x548, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously can you faggots shill harder? people are depending on us

>> No.4253086

This shit doesn't need shilling, wait for it to rocket again in December you Pajeets

>> No.4253102

Lots of news this week for XLM. With the segwit2x gone we can really moon!

>> No.4253189

tfw imminently rich

>> No.4253264

Meh, Ill be holding 10k of them just in case. I hear its not a blockchain though.

>> No.4253312

also first ICO on stellar finishes today, also decentralised exchange, also better that eth cause no fuckin turing complete retarded smart contracts, also no hack every 2 montths