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File: 35 KB, 278x276, 1-qiRzcuyOTM1UjH3dq7SMOA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4250861 No.4250861 [Reply] [Original]


This ship is headed for 50 cents+ again


>> No.4250876


>> No.4250897


>> No.4250898

same, kms

>> No.4250905

Its my hardest pumping altcoin WTF? Salt and the others are only up like 11 to 20% but LINK is up 50% AHAHAHAHAHAHAHa

>> No.4250908


>> No.4250909

For some reason I bought back 10k with a small loss yesterday. Couldn't have timed it any better.

>> No.4251011

ur lucky

>> No.4251058



>> No.4251074

Fuck should I get out when I'm back in the green or hold forever? Arghhhh

>> No.4251103

lol its going back to 50cent+, dont sell now idiot

>> No.4251123

There is no resistance:

see >>4251051

>> No.4251135

I was day trading ever since sibos and stopped yesterday when I went all in. Good timing finally

>> No.4251172

Okay guys I bought in at 3350 am I rekt?

>> No.4251175

I miss the rocket FUCKKKKKKK

>> No.4251185

Already 3900

>> No.4251205

Chainlink has been undervalued for a month now, its about time this goes back up. All the fundamentals point up

>> No.4251233
File: 43 KB, 853x352, sati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Did you always know it would moon?
> No, but I believed.

>> No.4251249


>> No.4251253


>> No.4251273

Brainlet reporting in.. I was gonna go all in after the fork.. now my btc is crashing wtf do i do buy now or will it dip? FOMO is kicking in

>> No.4251274
File: 129 KB, 696x704, 1478474891126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to 3600 do I die now

>> No.4251284

do it faggot

>> No.4251306
File: 1.76 MB, 963x806, ^E33A43CA26785910E0FFE0F53FDC100E7^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my dick

>> No.4251322

No, it will hit 4K today easily. Just check the orderbook.

>> No.4251324
File: 7 KB, 201x251, cdff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't always stay in people's heads. But when I do, it's

>Rent Free

>> No.4251339


>> No.4251372
File: 350 KB, 434x500, 15100132316541654121739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go boys, finally..

>> No.4251377

well it's dumped to 3.5k. it's a low

>> No.4251378
File: 57 KB, 326x326, 1508112669220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I sold half my link yesterday because I thought nothing was happening short term

Fuck you god

>> No.4251436

Say goodbye to sub 25 cents guys, its never going back

>> No.4251473

fucking sold 7400 to buy back lower, then it mooned


>> No.4251501
File: 598 KB, 1080x742, 1509434638127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh bois i sleep tight tonight

>> No.4251530

Why didnt I buy at 0.17/???????!?!


>> No.4251533

STOP dumping LINK

>> No.4251569

>liquidated all my other alts and bought another 15k of LINK at $0.17

>> No.4251592

It's only mooning because it was so fucking low that Satan was assfucking it.

>> No.4251606

its crashing

>> No.4251622

Binance just logged me out and won't let me log back in
What is it's fucking problem??

>> No.4251625


>> No.4251738

lol its back at .23. the faggets predicting the price are the reason why it dumps. false hope

>> No.4251763

>good thing i sold at the absolute bottom..................................................................................................
God I will never understand how some of you got to be so fucking stupid.

>> No.4251774

At least it went back to over .20. Fucking coin in killing me.

>> No.4251776

I can only buy 2 LINK at a time, why's that?

>> No.4251813

its just refueling, gonna charge up again in a sec

>> No.4251970

i love you

>> No.4252004

did some small buying back in

only lost 1400 link now,

trying to get this moon, with the little dip followed to get my stack back up, still trying to get 50k

>> No.4252098

Now that the fork bullshit is over I wonder if we will get any news.

>> No.4252256

they getting heavy but that means we only getting jacked

>> No.4252259

I'm poor but I managed to get 500 link yesterday while it was still $0.17

I only have 2,600

>> No.4252327

is this what it feels like to m-moon

>> No.4252397
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>it's dumping

>> No.4252425

you only have the number 2 on your keybaord?

>> No.4252506
File: 58 KB, 1599x806, Screenshot-2017-11-8 www kraken com 504 Gateway time-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this always happen?

>> No.4252512
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>> No.4253008

it's not

>> No.4253796

Is this trash ever going to get on another exchange???

>> No.4253814



>> No.4253833

Coss has it.

>> No.4253844

binance, etherdelta
It's not too late

>> No.4253861
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Legit question, how much Link do I have to buy to be a billionaire?

>> No.4253890

5 Million at least.

>> No.4253893


>> No.4253961

fuckin lol

im a linkie but what spicy memes

>> No.4253966

i went to buy link on ether delta and bought 300 hundred instead of 3000 because i missed a fucking zero

>> No.4253988

The fact that this wasnt priced in is already priced in, faggot

>> No.4254006

I only got 3k two days ago :/

>> No.4254015

Lol stop using etherdelta nigger

>> No.4254031

how much link to be a 500k club guy?

>> No.4254034





>> No.4254049


>> No.4254055

probably 10k LINK. $50 LINKS by 2020

>> No.4254057

i ll buy but bitcoin is expensive
how the fuck am i supposed to buy if bitcoin is at ath range? faggot

>> No.4254063

BrainLink is literally gonna ETH tier moon in 2018

Don't buy any, you're too retarded.

>> No.4254109
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 1505027792557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still didn't get paid for wagecucking, no money to buy link


>> No.4254120

$50 Link is a market cap of 35B at 700M circulation.

It's 17B at current circulation. $50 Link is achievable within the next sixth months.

>> No.4254126

buy litecoin it to binance. convert it to bitcoin and buy link

>> No.4254139

damn I'll make it if that happens

>> No.4254141

Isn't it too late to join the LINK moon?

>> No.4254182

>17b is achievable in next 6 months
Delusional. You have absolutely NOTHING to base this off other than your dreams

>> No.4254193

no it's still a good time to join

>> No.4254198

That would give me $1.4M, which means it won't happen

>> No.4254219
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>> No.4254220

chainlink $300 a coin after institutions drive up the price of LINK so no one can compete against their nodes.

>> No.4254246
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>tfw sold all my link for confido

>> No.4254255

I have 50k LINK but you have to be fucking delusional if you think that will happen. $10 LINK next year is the best case scenario and the everything will need to align perfectly for LINK for that to happen.

>> No.4254257
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>> No.4254280

Yeah, I would have $2.5M. I would literally retire from LINK alone and that only makes 20% of my portfolio right now, so that's never gonna happen.

>> No.4254287
File: 553 KB, 477x724, 1509448648314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not falling for this meme again. I bought at $0.36 and it lost more than half it's value overnight. Still holding about 10,000 LINK but once it hits $0.50, I can't wait to bail on this shitcoin and move my assets over to BTC like I should have in the first place.

>> No.4254289

It's projected several trillion dollars will enter the crypto market over the next two years. I don't think you understand how much bigger crypto as a whole will be in sixth months.

>> No.4254296

Why do fucking people expect linkies to have a conservative expectation but when its shitcoins like NEO oh boy $100 to $300 EOY. $5 LINK is literally just 1b in marketcap. Took just 1 to 2 months for ANS to get there. But when its LINK, oh boy better lower your expectation even though there are a lot of potential fuel for the rocket (HCL announcement, Swift annoucnement, new exchange etc etc).

>> No.4254317

No it will not, the bitcoin bubble will burst just like in 2013 and we will enter a 2 year bear market. Then in 2020-2023 we may see several trillion entering the crypto market as bitcoin goes to $100k, but it won't happen sooner than that.

>> No.4254339

>Random anon knows more than the WEF
Yeah good luck with that. Blockchain is more than just Bitcoin.

>> No.4254347

>bitcoin bubble will burst
uh huh

>> No.4254404
File: 9 KB, 269x187, Draems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all have derams..

>> No.4254405
File: 146 KB, 500x533, 1510170280344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, just why? Every day that passes, crypto becomes more and more known and closer to it's "goal" as in being the next dollar or gold

>> No.4254415

$10 which is a 50x increase from current price is a conservative expectation? If that would happen I would have almost a million dollars, but with $50 LINK I could literally retire for the rest of my life while driving lambos and fucking whores and there's no fucking way that's happening in a year or so, maybe 3-5 years from now.

>> No.4254504

I think we’ll see $2 LINK within a year from now.

>> No.4254555

There it is. Your don't actually have any logic backing your position. It's purely emotional because you don't believe it can happen so easily. You are so jaded you think it's more likely for crypto to implode than for you to actually get rich.

>> No.4254558
File: 8 KB, 250x202, deluded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG reached that marketcap on hype and a whitepaper alone? why the fuck are you guys such downers when it comes to LINK yet invest in total shitcoins with 500m marketcaps thinking it still has a chance to moon?

Cough cough LISK, NEO, QTUM, OMG, LTC. Yet when its LINK, boyy you better sit down because this isnt reaching a $2billion marketcap until 3 to 5 years.

>> No.4254640

There is a logic behind it. $50 LINK would mean 50 billion market cap with all LINKs in circulation. That is almost twice as big as ethereum is right now and LINK relies on ethereum. The entire crypto market would need to explode like crazy in 2018 after it already fucking exploded in June 2017. There are always corrections, ALWAYS.

>> No.4254669
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No, it wouldn't, you fucking Sapien, there's only 350 M in circulation

17.5 B market cap for $50 LINK


>> No.4254703

All Link's won't be in circulation. There will be 700MM tops by 2018 assuming full usage of the node stipend. That is a market cap of 35 Billion.

20 Billion entered the market over the past four weeks because of a fork.

>> No.4254706

350 million is reserved for oracle operators and another 350 million is reserved for the dev team, do you really think these will not get into circulation in the next year or two?

>> No.4254721

So put all your money in btc then dumb fuck

>> No.4254729

It's crashing. Sell while you still get 2x cents for it

>> No.4254766

Sergey NazarOFF - Something is off with this dude. Am I the only one that sees it?

>> No.4254787

>21 cents

>> No.4254863

No more off than Mark Zuckerberg and look at that motherfuckers net worth.

>> No.4254997

>OMG reached that marketcap on hype and a whitepaper alone?
>why the fuck are you guys such downers when it comes to LINK
I've been asking myself this for over a month now lol.
It makes no sense.

Best not to think about it. Do more than 5 minutes of research on Link and you'll be able to completely annihilate 99% of Link fud you'll ever read on /biz/

>> No.4255070

This...I've never seen so much in depth FUD on a coin...every little thing in the whitepaper that might suggest something negative is ranted about over and over again.

OMG only ever had:

>> No.4255177

I hope so, the crazier the dev, the more profit their coin makes it seems....look at vitalik:


>> No.4255241

>I've been asking myself this for over a month now lol.
>It makes no sense.
The team is just lacking. Everyone is skeptical of a two-man army.
It's basically one guy developing the whole thing and another guy going around doing presentations. Plus the fact that Chainlink doesn't even have an official Twitter account or any type of social media presence, it just doesn't bring any hype to the table.
And you need to have at least a little bit of hype to prevent eternal bleeding of the coin.

Look at this pump today great example, from 2300 to 3900 and it's going to bleed back to the same levels because people are instantly taking their profits because they know that they'll lose them.

>> No.4255339

I hate this guy so much wow

>> No.4255425
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There is not even real FUD. It is just blatant lies and idiotic statements even some 10yo downie could easily see through. It is just many bad (and actually a few good) memes.

The 1% is clearly the lack of communication. And it is justified to do some FUDing there. But this dimension of Link-FUD is just retarded. Like ADHD munchkins who have nothing better to do.

The recent pump was just the perfect example on how ballistic this goes when the variables are right. There was not even news. It just moved because all alts moved. Everybody FOMOd in like a motherfucker.

Expect huge movements when this shit actually starts really doing something because of proper news, communication and development.

>> No.4255567

Have you ever seen the list of major names attached to Link?
Swift, World Economic Forum, Capgemini, AXA, Sony, BNP Paribas, Santander, Barclays, ...

Have you seen or even glanced sideways at the white paper?

The "lol two ppls" fud is beyond stupid at this point.

>> No.4255729

>Have you ever seen the list of major names attached to Link?
Yes, and nobody cares apparently. You know why? Because of everything I said about the team in my previous post.
I agree, with the info that we all here know, LINK should be at least $1 by now.
But that's not how things work, investors appreciate a team with good communication. And there's no social media presence to spread the word so the growth stopped.

>The "lol two ppls" fud is beyond stupid at this point.
It is stupid but it's true. I've been in their slack for a long time to know that a lot of people are angry that they're ignoring them.
Eventually those people just give up on waiting for something to happen and dump their coins because they've learned not to expect anything from the team.
Every new announcement brought another dump, this community is unlike everything I've seen so far.
The team is taking an approach that's just pissing people off. And you can disagree with me all you want, but that's how things work in crypto and that's why there are shitty projects out there worth 5 times as much.

>> No.4255794

>they've learned not to expect anything from the team.
Except ties with some of the biggest names in finance, and actual development progress?

>> No.4255861

>dumping already

Face it linkies, Sergey is assfucking you.

>> No.4255923

>Except ties with some of the biggest names in finance
We were aware of this since the presale, this was nothing new. We knew there were "ties" but they still haven't told us what's exactly going on with these ties.
This was when it dumped straight after Sibos news or rather lack of.

>and actual development progress
We don't know where they are with development, that's my whole point. Up until recently everyone was saying "the product is finished", then came the Confido FUD, price tanked even more and the rest is history.
And I blame the team for this because they clearly haven't communicated at what stage of development are they at. Would it be hard to have weekly or bi-monthly developer updates?
A lot of people asked for this and they always get the same answer: "we are working on it". This was weeks ago, how much time do you need to figure out how to post development updates? See where I'm going with this, people are fed up with this attitude.

>> No.4256047

>We were aware of this since the presale, this was nothing new.
We didn't know about Sony, AXA, BNP Paribas, Barclays, ... until SIBOS day.
And now HCL, as well as Confido etc.

>We don't know where they are with development, that's my whole point.
Except they started rolling out testnet nodes a few days after SIBOS.
And we got more info at Devcon.
And if you set up a node you can join the node slack and get a lot more info.

>> No.4256108

Smh it's not enough for Sergey to make you rich u want him to wine and dine u too?

>> No.4256143

>Except they started rolling out testnet nodes a few days after SIBOS.
But they're not on a testnet. There's no network. No live net, no test net. Nodes have been available since smartcontract.com launched, ages ago. They're not new.

When they actually do launch the network, it will be huge. But we're not even there yet.

>> No.4256175

Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger nodes were released a few days after Sibos.
Go join the node slack.

>> No.4256268

>We didn't know about Sony, AXA, BNP Paribas, Barclays, ... until SIBOS day.
All of those are working with SWIFT, those 5 could've been any of the banks SWIFT is working with, how is this new?

>Except they started rolling out testnet nodes a few days after SIBOS.
As far as I know you could've set up those nodes even before Sibos.
And where was this published officially? I'm in slack every single day and I've only heard this here on /biz/? (I found out about it last week for the first time, not just now)
How is someone supposed to get any information about this project? By reading hundreds of slack messages religiously every single day?
Is this the best they can do in terms of communication? I also need to mention that I get more information from some random guys in slack rather than the team themselves.

>And we got more info at Devcon.
What info was that?

>> No.4256312

These are the nodes currently being used by smartcontract.com. They were not released a few days after Sibos, but that was when people started writing tutorials on them, giving it attention. The nodes have been available since whenever smartcontract.com launched.

These nodes are just centralized nodes. They are working on a decentralized network. When they actually get that working, that will be news worthy of pumping the price up. Until then, play around with your "test" nodes. They do nothing new. Price will remain low while this is the case.

>> No.4256367
File: 1.97 MB, 360x225, MGL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's trying to make us drop our bags. dont trust this man

serg will drop news without warning - dont be nolink'd when he does

>> No.4256408

Why do link shills always bring up omg skateboard? No one outside of the biggest retards on biz took the apple skateboard memes seriously. No one outside of biz even knew the rumors existed.

Meanwhile omg has been partnering with banks and massive companies every week, securing more in funding from one partnership than they did from the ico.
How the fuck is a product from a company that already processes millions of dollars a day vapor ware and a product made by two no names isnt?

>> No.4256437
File: 45 KB, 987x652, oracle setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of those are working with SWIFT, those 5 could've been any of the banks SWIFT is working with, how is this new?
Banks have to actively choose to join PoCs, they only do it when they're actually interested.
And the Sony/AXA thing is separate from the Swift PoC. That's an actually functional firewall smart contract that's been ongoing for like a year.

>As far as I know you could've set up those nodes even before Sibos.

>What info was that?
Mostly about the upcoming SGX (off-chain) security, and the fact that Sergey talked about the API library development.

Pic related was what you got when you clicked the button. An oracle, but not a node.
Since a few days after Sibos you can set up much more developed ETH, BTC, and Hyperledger nodes.

>> No.4256583

>Pic related was what you got when you clicked the button. An oracle, but not a node.
>Since a few days after Sibos you can set up much more developed ETH, BTC, and Hyperledger nodes.
Boy, you don't really understand how all of this works, do you?

I'm extremely bullish on LINK, hold big and heavy bags, and done above average (apparently) amount of research. I've talked to several team members, and from what I can gather, we're months away from having a network. Until then, just hold and wait.
But don't fool yourself thinking those "nodes" are worth anything. Not now at least, and not until they've built the network.

>> No.4256622

The current node system is in any case a lot more advanced than the one before Sibos. Never said they were hot shit just yet.
Development is very much in full swing.

>> No.4256640

>moved all my Link to MEW during the whole "lol lets empty the hot wallet and crash binance"
>watched this shit hit 3.9k today
>knew, fucking knew it wouldn't last
>had to watch in agony as it slowly bled out lower and lower
>could have picked up an extra 30% link in a few hours

Lesson learned, moving my coins back to Binance.

>> No.4256708

Not even that is true. The documentation has been there for a while. It's all on github. Look it up, as you can see every single change there.

I don't have much time to continue the discussion. Just know that what's available now is nothing new, and it's no reason for the price to increase.
When they actually bring something new to the table, that's when it would make sense for the price to go up.

>> No.4256756

coins were going 50x every single fucking day a year ago you dumb newfag you have no idea how easy it is to flip a market cap in crypto, let alone with a coin that has as much potential as LINK

>> No.4256768

>Not even that is true
You couldn't set up ETH, BTC, and Hyperledger nodes before, and now you can.

> it's no reason for the price to increase.
Wait, you think Link is fairly valued rn?

>> No.4256797

People need to be patient. Many dumb bagholders willing to dump at the first possible moment when they break even out of sheer stupidity. We will have some more smaller pumps before this significantly increases to a place where it stays. Dumpers will FOMO back in again when it goes ballistic.

>> No.4257009

>You couldn't set up ETH, BTC, and Hyperledger nodes before, and now you can.
Not 100% sure about the other chains, but there's been documentation on how to set up the smartcontract ETH oracle nodes for more than 1 year now. Since way before they rebranded.

>Wait, you think Link is fairly valued rn?
Not necessarily. I've bought link all the way up to $0.44. What I'm saying is that the only thing that's giving link value right now is the hope that they're going to make a good product (the decentralized network). The current nodes mean nothing to the price, as like I've said, they're more than a year old.
As things are right now, unless huge future partnerships are announced, there are no reasons for the price to increase.
Hold and wait until they've built (and launched) the network. That's when we'll see $1+ and some real action.

>> No.4257027

>there's been documentation on how to set up the smartcontract ETH oracle nodes for more than 1 year now. Since way before they rebranded.

>> No.4257124
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You are thinking to rational. From a rational point of view Chainlink would hover around 0.50$ instead of being slowly dumped to 0.14$. Markets are not rational and prices increase due to hype, marketing and FOMO not because "there is no reason" or "there is a reason". Literally any good news made Chainlink drop further in the last weeks, which is just idiotic.

People rather buy vaporware like OMG when they put stickers on a skateboard. With Chainlink the increase will be slower, also because of the somewhat autistic dev with his halfassed communication. But in the long run it is the autistic fucks that make the awesome products without artificial hype that are not getting dumped in the gutter after some months. Anybody not seeing this is just plain stupid. No other words to put it.

>> No.4257264

but i can't wait. i want my money now.

>> No.4257314
File: 260 KB, 683x1024, 1509925780070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dropped the last of my bags today during the pump, this shit is so done

good luck when it gets drained to 0

>> No.4257419

Totally agree that the no-artificial-hype-approach is more sustainable.
We will make it, but today is not the day, neither is this week, and probably not this month either.

We haven't seen any really "good news", yet. There's been positive updates, but nothing groundbreaking. This has caused the price to drop this far.
Like I said, when huge partnerships are announced, which will happen sooner or later, (or literally anything else than these past few updates) there's going to be action.
They are working with some big players. It just needs to be made public before it can justify any price increase.
Until then, accumulate, hold and wait.

>> No.4258233
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>> No.4258712
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Tell me it's going to be ok bros

>> No.4258730

while a chink coin came out yesterday at 30c, and going to be a dollar soon. This nigga is still under 20c. Give it up u deluded cunt, sergy aint saving u, he ate all ur 32 mils.

>> No.4258741

LINK/REQ/XLM gonna go ham

>> No.4258753

Same here man.
When are you planning on buying more? I might wait for it to go down to the low 20Ks but I'm FOMOing pretty hard atm.

>> No.4258786

Which one? $NULS?

>> No.4258814
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>> No.4258846

nobody cares what you did with your 200 link

>> No.4258880
File: 255 KB, 587x546, Clinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything under $0.50 is a good buy imho.

I've only got 2700 but I increase my stack every payday when I dont have bills to pay.

>> No.4258960

Wew lad crashing and burning

>> No.4259300

bought at 3500, why is it crashing again????

>> No.4259312

it's not crashing. lol

>> No.4259325
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Back under .20 you go, linkies!

>> No.4259410

It IS bleeding, though. Will probably settle around 2600 sats.Order book is still filled with some fake buy orders

>> No.4259418
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