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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4247756 No.4247756 [Reply] [Original]

Another 20 million Tethers were minted last night. A couple of hours later BTC was pumped to near $7300. I wonder how long Bitfinex can keep this scam going until the market is going to collapse on itself.

>> No.4247767

This plus bitconnect. When these two go down, people are in for a rough ride.

>> No.4247781

One question, dear anon.

I see you post this shit relentlessly on plebbit as well - so let me ask you;

> what makes you think you're the one catching up to these evil schemes and US authorities haven't?

Just a question.

>> No.4247797

You always see posters like you coming up with increasingly inane methods of handwaving this shit away.

>> No.4247807


You didn't answer my question, lil faggot. The burden of proof is on YOU, not me - I'm not the one bringing this up.

Should I re-type my question again or can I just ask you "please answer my question"?

>> No.4247845
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>burden of proof

Where the fuck do you think you are, faggot?

I'll answer your dumbass question anyway, since you're so retarded that you can't see for yourself why it's a stupid question:

>> what makes you think you're the one catching up to these evil schemes and US authorities haven't?

Because crypto is so new, it really is that fucking simple, moron. Why do you think US based Poloniex hasnt gotten in trouble yet? If they havnt, why should Bitfinex?

Shut the fuck up and read about the situation before asking stupid fucking questions that would be answered......if you read about the fucking situation.

>> No.4247851

Nobody has to prove ANYTHING to you. If you don't believe it, fine. Fall on your ass. But have enough decency to realize that nobody "owes" you to spoonfed you if you don't get the whole picture.

>> No.4247853
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you know its multiple people talking about tether?
i first posted before 7k.
>> what makes you think you're the one catching up to these evil schemes and US authorities haven't?
why is bitfinex cutting off US users? oh right, they dont want the entire federal government up their ass over a blatant scam
the US government only allows itself to hurt the US, anyone outside does it and they get tunnlevisioned
> The burden of proof is on YOU, not me
come back to this pic in a week or two and watch.

>> No.4247865

You do realize bitfinex closes tomorrow for U.S. customers, right? This is the dead cat bounce before it plummets to sub 3000. Not even memeing.

>> No.4247908

This is coming from a French "finance" board (quite popular for French-speaking people).

They are not even shilling for the BTC to go down, they really believe in this shit and they think they discovered fire.

>> No.4247912

A good sense of hubris.

Also good notice, my fellow 4chaner

>> No.4247924

>Because crypto is so new
>Nobody has to prove ANYTHING to you
>plummets to sub 3000

This place really is a cancer.

>> No.4247930

You got so btfo that's the best you can do.

I'll give you credit for showing your face in here again, though.

>> No.4247951
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OK. Thanks for saving crypto as a whole, kind anon. We will never forget you (100% in fiat as of now).

>> No.4247953


Do you realize that the pumps come from the normies in coinbase?

They did a partnership with forocoches.es, so if you want to register in the forum, you need to at least buy 100$ of btc

Get your facts straight bigot

>> No.4247964

Good, crypto seems to be a bit too complicated for you.

>> No.4247982


Domain is for sale. Url pls?

>> No.4247985

So what's going to happen when people sell BTC or any other alts to USDT (tether) and let's say USDT will drop to 50 cents?

>> No.4248007

Not only forocoches.es, but also a lot of yuronormies are buying BTC right now (between 100-1000€).

>> No.4248031

During periods of very large sell offs over the last year I've seen Tether fluctuate to maybe 1.05 or so due to raw demand. USDT dropping to .50 would likeonly only happen if people lost confidence in it and decided to sell it off at a loss (if they even could, Tether doesn't function like a normal crypto, you can't just set up a Tether wallet, you need Tether's permission).

>> No.4248040

europoors all bought BTC in the middle of the night, with a combined volume of $19.8M?
doesn't make sense to me

>> No.4248053

>>>4247985 (You)
>During periods of very large sell offs over the last year I've seen Tether fluctuate to maybe 1.05 or so due to raw demand. USDT dropping to .50 would likeonly only happen if people lost confidence in it and decided to sell it off at a loss (if they even could, Tether doesn't function like a normal crypto, you can't just set up a Tether wallet, you need Tether's permission).
But USDT is cryptocurrency as well so anything is possible. The exchange can manipulate the price because they own USDT... just saying... I wouldn't trust USDT - rather sell btc to cheap alts.

>> No.4248160

1. hedge fund(s) / institution(s) / whale(s) / whire males want to buy spot

2. for big players, BFX is the only place to buy because it's the only place where liquidity isn't shit

3. can't wire money to BFX directly due to their banking issues. don't want to go the legal route (BFX offers legal services for big enough players to enable getting funds on the exchange)

4. instead, players wire funds directly to tether (https://tether.to/))

5. wire(s) hit. tether credits USDT to accounts. additional USDT is created ("printed") during this round as demand > current supply.

6. USDT is sent to BFX. BTC is bought.

7. anon posts a chart showing BTC being purchased after tether being credited, and mistakes correlation for causation

>> No.4248217


Took feds 2 years to get silk road guy. All they had to do was a simple Google search to find him.

That's why - they're slow and incompetent.

>> No.4248377

of course nobody will bother trying to refute this because it's obviously what happened

> Occam's razor is a scam and the bottom will fall out of it any day now
t. Alex Crypto Jones, a frequent poster on /biz/

>> No.4248406

Flying fuck Occams razor is not a scam fucking tard. I bet he believes in TA but not occams razor

>> No.4248408

Don't try to reason with the underage fags in this board which are only hoping to buy a dip.

These are the retards that ignored BTC since it was 3 figures.

>> No.4248415
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I dont even actively trade bitcoin but you can clearly see these tethers are not the price pumping machine people believe they are

>> No.4248428

Riddle me this

If they mint usdt, why don't they just cash the usdt out?

Isn't usdt 1:1 with usd? What exactly are they doing? Giving users usdt?

>> No.4248433
File: 48 KB, 503x436, 1509758603839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See these USDT print threads last night
>FUD spreading like crazy
>Sell at 7319 from fear of dump after sharp increase
>Wake up
>Bitcoin Stabilized at 7483


>> No.4248437

...no shit.

>> No.4248510

>Isn't usdt 1:1 with usd? What exactly are they doing? Giving users usdt?
Yes, they are giving usdt to users that wired them funds in exchange via their accounts on tether.to

If users wire money to Tether in exchange for USDT, Tether has to create more when the demand exceeds the current supply. In doing so, they keep USDT pegged 1:1 with USD.

>> No.4248578


You have any proof these Tethers are not backed by assets?

>> No.4248607

>You have any proof these Tethers are not backed by assets?
>Purchase and Redemption of Tethers: The Site is an environment for the purchase and redemption of Tethers. Once you have Tethers, you can trade them, keep them, or use them to pay persons that will accept your Tethers. However, Tethers are not money and are not monetary instruments. They are also not stored value or currency.
There is no contractual right or other right or legal claim against us to redeem or exchange your Tethers for money. We do not guarantee any right of redemption or exchange of Tethers by us for money. There is no guarantee against losses when you buy, trade, sell, or redeem Tethers.

>> No.4248615

>do you have proof that something does not exist

do you have proof that tether IS backed by anything?

>> No.4248668

do you not see a problem with that? if somebody makes 10x profit (or more) and withdraws his funds, eventually that USD will be gone and there will be nothing left for others to withdraw. solution: the exchange produces more tethers and uses bots to liquidate margin traders and keep their money. also, what do you think happens when tomorrow (9th) bitfinex bans all US users? where is the USD that is "pegged" to USDt (Tether) coming from then? yeah, that's right... BTC is done for, and so is most of the crypto market. it may sustain itself for a while, until people start to panic. hahaha you're all fucked. should've listen

>> No.4248806

literally the only posts in this thread that aren't retarded

bitfinex'd pls go

>> No.4248810


That's about redeeming Tethers. Yeah, no doubt it's a scam and any exchange that trades in Tethers should be blacklisted and boycotted.

But it doesn't prove that they're premining Tethers with no dollar backing.

They say they do..

>> No.4248837

>bitcoin volume and popularity increases

Can you faggots fuck off already ?
You remind of the retards saying that bittrex was going to do an exit scam and that they wouldn't add any new coins ever but nowadays they've started adding more coins.

>> No.4248930

If Tethers are not redeemable for USD, what makes you think they're backed by any asset?
Since Wells Fargo has froze any wire transfers from and to Bitfinex earlier this year, Bitfinex became its own bank and is doing the same thing that other banks do: fractional-reserve banking. There has not been a complete audit of Bitfinex and Tether's reserves.

>> No.4248941

I started to reply in an effort to explain how it works, assuming you were just crypto/market illiterate, but then I finished reading your post and realized you were a troll.

How's that ROMO?

>> No.4248950

yes, let's keep community concerns under wraps instead of disspeling it...
i still haven't seen a SINGLE piece of evidence that tether is not a fraudulent piece of shit. we need full transparancy on this, otherwise i'll assume the worst.

>> No.4248972

Who gives a flying fuck. If that's what's pumping the price then keep going. What are banks going to do? This the internet homey

>> No.4248994

any dumbass can see, tracking tether isduance, that pumps occurr within hours of. instead of expecting to be spoonfed, check it out. you might learn something if you arent too much of a dumbass to prevent new correlations from forming in that cognitive dissonance you have.

or wait. youre a paid hand waver huh. nothing to see here folks. i hope you take your payments in tether so you go down when fonex pulls the next Mt Gox. take your fake fly by night korean company audit bs with you. "any day ne" for the past. fucking. year. theyll release it right anon?

Finex is not based in the US, so they are not subject to answer to, without some high level shit. that said. US Treasury has a history of coming down hard on anything that tries to pass itself off as, or peg itself to, the almighty dollar. that alone should worry you

anyways gl anons. if you can, hold in actual USD (ie like Gemini does) not these IOUs with a limited lifepan

>> No.4249017


>> No.4249023

Maybe the amount of tethers is needed to fulfill demand? If they didn't print more the price of tether would go up or down, destroying its usefulness you dingus

>> No.4249028

wromg. finex leads to pumps just look at the price and volume.

cmon this is level 1 crypto shit you shold already know

>> No.4249099

you're a retard and one of the only brainlets not smart enough to know you're getting scammed

>> No.4249103


> hold USD on Gemini
This isn't a bad suggestion, especially for people untrusting of tether.

However the rest of your post is just hand waving and FUD.

I see you didn't bother to address the simple explanation of the "tether pump" behaviour I offered here:

Is that you, Bitfinexed? Sucks to have sold the bottom years ago and have to watch BTC soldier on without you, huh? I'd probably concoct conspiracy issues to deal with my feelings of ROMO, too.

>> No.4249142
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you are wrong, crypto is new in comparison to how many people actually use it. We still have a few billion people to get to...

>> No.4249159

So it tether a huge Ponzi scheme ?
They claim every tether is backed by 1 usd
Why haven't the sec investigated?

>> No.4249191

Decentralized meme no one cares

>> No.4249234

99.99% "people" here are kids. They know jackshit and are not willing to learn. Useless to teach them.

>> No.4249294

everyone is bitfinexed to you, right? how about you just accept that there are many people who can see the BS for what it is, you fucking cuck?

>> No.4249499

The problem is the reasonable doubt as to whether Tether has 514,061,667 US$ to back up their peg or not.

This could only be seen if everyone tried to exchange their tethers for cryptocurrencies and the exchange didn't allow it.

It is good to put them in the spotlight, these rumors and doubts need to force them to have transparency. It's not necessarily a scam in the same sense as countries pegging their currency to USD is not a scam, the scam comes when a country tells you 1 of their coins is worth 1$ and you go exchange it and they tell you sorry but no, we don't really have USD.

>> No.4249693

I still don't get it. How can they "create" usdt? Is bitfinex behind usdt? usdt is erc20 right? so these coins need to exist for them to be used. Like issued anew. How can bitfinex do this?

>> No.4249860

FFS it's not erc20. It's its own blockchain, and tether has governance over it.

Fucking read the white paper already guys, before you throw clueless accusations around (I don't direct this comment at the specific anon im replying to).