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4247473 No.4247473 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking realized something important. Who do I have to Thank? My stupid friend and bitconnect users. Let me explain.

My friend is a chad normie. He is probably average US intelligence. Anyways, I have been in crypto for 5 years so my friend thinks I am a guru. The sad thing is that because of his lack of critical thinking, he invests in whatever I say. Last week I told him about a coin and he went all in. When I asked him basic questions it was clear he did 0 research. The normie fag just went off what I said.

Why is this important?

Normies listen to people that they think are smart. Have you seen bitconnect tards? It's a clear scam for anyone with an iota of brain power.

For these reasons, I think btc will be unstoppable. These sheep do what they are told. The news is now filled with bitcoin shills. Guys we are gonna make it. Even better, we will make it on the backs of uninformed normies.

>> No.4247502

What would the world be like without normies? Thank normies

>> No.4247508

No. It's time to cash out on normies money now.

>> No.4247537

Youre one of the stupid normies too , wanker.
Actually youre stupid like a normie, but also autistic. So congratulations on your autism.

>> No.4247578
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Normie here.

I agree with everything OP said. He seems smart and I would gladly follow him into battle and die for my country if he told me to.

>> No.4247603

it really isn't going to crash at the fork, is it? Did it even crash at the BCC fork?

>> No.4247620

>Did it even crash at the BCC fork?

no, old BTC has been pretty darn resilient as of late

>> No.4247640

BCC is Bitconnect. Do you mean BCH or BTG?

It dipped slightly after BTG fork, mooned after the BCH fork. However, it had a huge bull run up to the BTG fork, and dipped prior to the BCH fork, so post-fork results were the opposite.

>> No.4247676
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>> No.4247746
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I have another friend who finally bought btc at the top because he was getting tired of watching btc go up and missing out. Was he using logic? Nope! He coulda averaged his buys.. but nope he fell for the hype and bought at the top. Normies are the reason we have bubbles.

The thing is that bitcoin gives us normies on a global scale. Think about pajeet normies. They are at least half the iq of chad normies. This bubble is going to give us all lambos.

Reply thank normie for unlimited crypto profits.

>> No.4248017

If I haven't been here since 2013, am I a normie and thus barred from getting lambo?

>> No.4248114
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainstream media is here its over

>> No.4248159

thank normie

>> No.4248821

I dont understand why people are assuming there's going to be a crash anyway, where just yesterday the standard advice was "wait for fork then buy when cheap".

I don't see where that is even coming from

>> No.4248935

thats just the surface news
the btc politics, scams, government movement, a single guy locking funds are just called fuds now
theyre not even considered news or a what if now theyre just fuds

the euphoria is high and people cant see the risks

>> No.4249092
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>> No.4249136

Getting is for dՍbs. In this place we ACHIEVE LAMBO

>> No.4249412

what a fucking retard

>> No.4249834

Do you have the cap wall that includes that? Caps of people for years saying it can't it can't it cant