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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 280x180, ETP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4243420 No.4243420 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you in ETP. I bet you in 2 months there will be so many posts about not getting in earlier. Let me give you a quick rundown for the last time.
> Draper Dragon VC invested in ETP
> Zenair
> Tea
> Chandler Guo
> Dubai Department of Economic Development
> Price artificially kept down by US shorters
> Listing on EXX.com
> 300,000 digital identities
> 60+ employees
> Charismatic and well networked CEO Eric Gu

Legitimately a no brainer.

>> No.4243428

shill like this make it look like FUD

>> No.4243436

Agreed, I'm heavily invested. Team is too good and has too many connections to pass up.

1/16 the mcap of NEO. So much room for growth.

>> No.4243442

Okay, Pajeet. Learn to speak english.

>> No.4243463

Majorly bullish on ETP, this will be great.

>> No.4243473

Chandler Guo pushing meta on this twitter, just wait boys ETP is the shit

>> No.4243490

Huge endorsement. I know a lot of people, and Chandler is BIG. With people like this how can we lose! We just have so many terrific people.

>> No.4243497
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 1510031992638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these chinks gonna deliver man... these bags bros, I need them to multiply into bitcoins

>> No.4243516

Not until tomorrow, or at most after the snapshot.
The issue is that too many people are focusing on BTC.

>> No.4243531

good thing i dumped my bags before this thing tanked

>> No.4243540

Or the whole alt market lol, it wasn't just ETP.

>> No.4243589


EXX.com are you serious OP?
When was this announced? That is huge, not exaggerating that is a damned hard exchange to get onto.

>> No.4243590

Okay my english is bad
i hold this coin too but you shill like linkies it doesn't make it better.

>> No.4243611

Less than 12 hours ago

>> No.4243627

Eric Gu has been hustling out the ass, getting partnerships left and right, talking at every conference. As far as commercial projects go, this is the only one other than ripple that I see having actual user adoption, and not just endless dev masturbation/drama, or speculation.

Not OP, but this was announced only a couple hours ago

>> No.4243646


100% this. and Eric is realistic thats what most young naive developers miss in this world they think TOO big in a to small time frame

>> No.4243655

will 2k ETP make it? I think so.

>> No.4243662

That'll be worth around 50k in 2 months. $25 per ETP is a conservative estimate

>> No.4243694

EXACTLY. He is focusing on being the professionals of Smartcontracts and digitalising assets. Devs think they can be the big players at everything, but being the best at a fundamental aspect of this will differentiate themselves in the market from everything else. As a company you can decide between a jack of all traders master of none, or the legitimate professional quality provided by ETP.

>> No.4243697

>$25 per ETP
I'm majorly bullish on ETP, and I know this is going places, but is $25 actually possible soonish?

I have 0 doubt that it will be at least $15 by years end, but $25 would make me a very happy man.

>> No.4243723

it'll definitely overtake neo within a year

>> No.4243725

Look, I am bullish. But at it's current level of production, partnerships and releases, I think that I am not wrong in thinking that. Fundamental analysis is KEY to crypto. And ETP is second to none.

>> No.4243732

Time to add another $1k to this. If this goes $50 like neo did, I get to retire...at 21 years of age.

>> No.4243758


so it hasn't even reached people yet, guess ill be putting in a buy before the news hits

>> No.4243759


heh, im in 10k deep i bought at 1.80$ i will sell some off at 10$ like 10-20%

>> No.4243789

Good luck to all my /etp/ bros

>> No.4243800

What exchanges is this on

>> No.4243967

EXX (soon)

>> No.4244106

Are you unironically shilling exx?

Nigga that shit ain’t even listed on coinmarketcap lol

>> No.4244171

Did anyone notice the coin count is 55 million now? 170M market cap.

Did this come out of nowhere or was CMC just wrong for a really long time?

I've been in since 1.50 and loving this ride up I see so much potential, particularly in Eric Gu. A great CEO is almost enough on its own to get a company places.

>> No.4244179

You're so new it hurts.
You don't have any concept of the Chinese market do you? It's one of the most difficult exchanges to get listed on. How long have you been here? Less than 3 months my guess.

>> No.4244197

I’ve been here since 2015, but I really don’t give a fuck about chink subhumans or anything chink related.

Fuck off cuck, if it’s such a good exchange why can’t I find it on cmcap?

>> No.4244212

Chinese Marketcaps aren't listed, and if you had any modicum of fiscal sense you would care about China, brainlet scum.

>> No.4244219

You can tell it's no more than 3 months when they worship CMC

>> No.4244228

Kek too true, CMC is wrong half the time.

>> No.4244232

Keep worshipping your chink overlords pajeet. And enjoy the bagz lol

>> No.4244246


your so ignorant its cute haha

>> No.4244248

Dude, just stop. You're wrong, you know it, and to make matters worse, ignoring one of the largest economies and driving factors behind crypto shows that your probably some /pol/tard who is indoctrinated in an us vs them mentality. I'll be selling my holdings to chumps like you in 2 months, and then you'll post pink wojaks.

>> No.4244257

Dat vpn tho

>> No.4244268

Uhh sure, I go to that length to make arguments to some anonymous stranger on a monglian catmilking image board. Kek, cope harder.

>> No.4244277

There’s no real tangible reason for this shitcoin to pump. It’s 100% speculation, and I know that speculation plays an important roll on this market, but once pajeets start shilling a coin saying it’s going to be added to any exchange you know they’re running out of useful things to shill with.

>> No.4244283


let me guess your a link bagholder haha

>> No.4244298
File: 122 KB, 299x456, 4DB684F3-C76E-4EC4-90F7-8DB2F02AE7C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4244299


>chinese ETH shitcoins

>putting money into them


>> No.4244302

Seriously stop, you are new and we can tell. How old are you? Do you even have the capability to be investing?
You're so wrong it's just laughable. I don't have any points to prove. If that's your thoughts. don't buy ETP. Simple :~)

>> No.4244317

It's not eth at all.

>> No.4244325

Holy shit get REKED

>> No.4244326



>> No.4244355

Tell me one good reason and I will invest more than 100k usd in this shitcoin and provide proof

>> No.4244364

>chinks use crypto/tokens as opposed to gambling with them
>ETP does not implement parity
>Founder and CEO is an actual businessman and not a starving russian communist

>> No.4244374

>unironically posting 36 min long videos

The absolute state

>> No.4244379

Lol. Actually listen to it but, you'll see why it's a very good project.

>> No.4244398

> Not willing to put in at least AN HOUR of research into investment

The absolute state

>> No.4244409

>unironically claims to have 100k usd

The absolute state.

>> No.4244411


Ah i see now, your just looking for the next PnD, why dont you leave this thread let real man invest here. When you got 10k+ come back

>> No.4244416

I have 35k and planning on using margin on bfex pajeet

>> No.4244418

Just doesn't know when to give up.

>> No.4244516
File: 174 KB, 725x483, 1510123184118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25$ is low balling in short term. Wait for Q4... It will be around 300$ a pop
Regards 40000 ETP

>> No.4244528

They made some special fund of 5 million ETP for someone, read their twitter

>> No.4244536

Fuck off bitch cuck nigger I've been here since 1950 and I hate Chinese I don't trust them shit cunt bear ass

>> No.4244567

Draper Dragon is huge. One of the leading US Sino VC.

>> No.4244571

>implying anybody knows what US Sino VC means

The absolute state

>> No.4244622

Sorry brainlet, it means United States, Chinese Venture Capital!! Dw, you'll learn all these tricky words in 9th grade!

>> No.4244650

Hmmm ok, this is getting interesting. Will look more into it you fucking faggot

>> No.4244652


thats what you call a man , welcome Sir and gl

>> No.4244667

Kek all the best faggot, if you decide ETP isn't for you I still wish you well.

>> No.4244688
File: 129 KB, 1119x691, wdcmcmbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did cmc mean by this

>> No.4244707

Stay mad nigger

>> No.4244755

cmc is a third party market cap website, they often do not update things in a timely manner.

when looking at a project you should always look at the projects own block explorers as they will give you valid information. This is known as due diligence.

Also a word of advice there exists much better market cap sites than cmc, which is quite literally a kids basement hobby.

>> No.4244770

>their own block explorer not a third party
>due diligence
holy conflict of interest batman. also if not cmc then??

>> No.4244784

CMC had wrong data according to the team.

>> No.4244785

you don't understand blockchain, do you?

the absolute state of cryptonoobs

>> No.4244791

Are you joking?
A block explorer can't be used advantageously to promote their product.

>> No.4244800

you dont understand due diligence

>> No.4244825

then why does cmc show different market cap when all it takes is to go to their block explorer?
even now cmc valuation and etps ownvaluation are 30m apart

>> No.4244834

blindly trust cmc (as was implied) or perform due diligence and research further, such as looking at the immutable blockchain explorer of the project.

it's ok bud.

>> No.4245389

You can add web wallet to the list now OP, this team is getting shit done.


>> No.4245451

Quick question /biz/, do you think we'll drop down again to $3? I can buy now at $3.15 which is obviously still very cheap, but buying at $3 is pretty fucking nice.

Bitcoin rally should drop it down again shouldn't it?

>> No.4245783

3.15 is safe. Really depends on the risk of ETP mooning and you buying in higher. If you think there will be another rally I'd wait. That being said, ETP is very low so we can't expect too much of a drop now.

>> No.4245907
File: 299 KB, 1280x774, cex-exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another chinese exchange confirmed

>> No.4245918
File: 404 KB, 1024x686, Eric-Gu-Siunaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4245932
File: 1.81 MB, 800x1143, 1508261001402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldnt count on it. 3,15 is a pretty damn good price for a +100$ coin