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4238346 No.4238346 [Reply] [Original]

I know being a beta white knight is a path towards being JUSTed financially and emotionally but anyone else really enjoy spoiling girls? Im doing the following

>does NOT treat/spoil normal women you fuck or work with
>treat hookers like princesses (outside of the payment) because i can actually be myself around them

Any anons who do the same? i think i can never kill the beta cuck inside of me but i can contain him in specific scenarios.

>> No.4238405

theres nothing wrong with treating women nice anon

even hookers if you like acting like a bigshot
Just don't fall in love and you're good m8

>> No.4238407


>rating yourself on a dog hierarchy ladder

are you a dog anon?
and why do you have relations with hookers?

people on this board are amazing to observe, even if trolling

>> No.4238424

these girls need to eat !

** my fat dick

>> No.4238443

i like moneyslavery and financial domination. i tip my goddess at least a half a bitcoin per month (i convinced her to start accepting cryptocurrency)

>> No.4238470

the funny thing is, i cant even love women i meet in normal settings because im scared of impregnating her and end up being financially ruined by divorce. See brendan fraser as an example. The divorce rate is higher than 50% for fucks sake and majority of the time, women initiate it. i guess thats why im venting my white knight frustrations/love on hookers.


dude, its fucking real. the terminology might be shit but the philosophy is legit.

>> No.4238553

>See brendan fraser as an example.
So that's where the JUST meme comes from.

>> No.4238666

yeah dude, it didnt originate from failed investments. it originate from being divorce raped. this just goes to show how scary fucking marriage is. the white knight inside of me is torn that i can never truly be myself in this lifetime without ruining my life.

>> No.4238874
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>> No.4238975
File: 139 KB, 1224x918, mongol ger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countries with No U.S. Extradition Treaty: http://www.internationalman.com/articles/which-countries-can-the-nsa-whistleblower-escape-to

If you get divorce raped you could just ignore the alimony order from the court and live off of crypto in Belarus or Mongolia or some shit. You could never return to the US and probably couldn't use traditional banks. But once your kids turn 18 they could come visit you in your yurt and you could share a glass of yak milk.

>> No.4239036


i know the feel Anon , its like hookers are "real" they get the thing guys just want to have pussy no bullshit both parties agree and get what they want, and i feel like spoiling good girls also if you threat hookers good u get good service

>> No.4239056

i know this feeling anon. Maybe it's an excuse.

>> No.4239170

I know its fucking pathetic but i can only be myself without repercussions when im with hookers. But yeah i guess this is my betamale side justifying itself. you guys probably think being JUSTed in crypto is bad, but damn alimony JUSTing has no upside. No chance of recovery whatsoever.

>> No.4239281

In all seriousness check state law, talk to a lawyer etc. Not every state has lifetime alimony. A lot of guys just have to pay for like 5 years and the child support is manageable. I'm fully aware of the horror stories though. Maybe just find a chick who's fine with not signing papers.

>> No.4239287

the whole thing is you pay her to be there.

you have paid her to roll with whatever you say or whatever happens.

All you have done was break your own barrier in being uncomfortable because now that you "own" her for that night it doesn't matter what you say or feel or do.

Most relationships work on sense of ownership. If you own your misses you say or do waht you want.

The same works with anyone anywhere. A big company isnt scary if your dad owns it for eg.

>> No.4239307

I used to have respect for women cause they showed utmost respect.

Once you go animal on the 2 holes they become 2 holes and can't help themselves even after you abuse the living fuck out of them. They just want that dick

>> No.4239340

i dunno but I would let those two shit on my chest every day

>> No.4239367

Even if you get a prenup though the court just ends up throwing it out once the shit gets real.

Sex is fun and all, but something is missing no doubt. We fucking need emotional attachment to other people too anon. I guess its embedded in the male brain to want to be the provider or some shit.