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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4236401 No.4236401 [Reply] [Original]

you have six days

>> No.4236411

if green id then all in

>> No.4236417


>> No.4236430

Literally transferred all my bitcoin ($150 poorfag reporting in) to BCH on Kraken. What now?

>> No.4236458

You may afford a starbucks one day with your crypto gains

>> No.4236497

accumulate means buy more

you have six days to sell your lice-infested poorfag furnishings on craigslist

>> No.4236751


>> No.4236770

Shit I hate BCH but my ID is green.

Do I have to shill for it too?

>> No.4236897

What happens in 6 days, I just dove headfirst into this shit as a newfag yesterday. Related to segwit fork? Finally got all confirmed transactions and have all in on BCH now

>> No.4236934

you lose your anal virginity.

>> No.4237000

You have a time machine to head into the past big boy?

>> No.4237060

I have a small position already, what target do you expect it to hit

>> No.4237149


suck dicks and buy more BCH

>> No.4237162


Hi your ID is actually a yellowish colour with a slight tinge of green. You're colourblind, sorry to tell you.

>> No.4237313

it's green on my monitor. it depends on the monitor. also, people never agree about this shit. haven't you ever had an argument about this stuff before?

>> No.4237372


It really doesn't change depending on monitors, my ID is green. Colour blindness is quite common among men.

I've been tested and my eye colour detection is nigh perfect.

>> No.4237379

>I've been tested
not being able to detect that without a fucking test
amerifat detected

>> No.4237465


You dense cunt I have been typing in Australian English this entire time.

And yes the test was a simple web based test.

>> No.4237503

long live Greenish IDs!

>> No.4237661

Got cucked there m8

>> No.4237672

Why accumulate an airdropped shitcoin. if coinbase normies ever get their BCH they're gonna dump it

>> No.4237785

time for cheap talk is over, gentlemen take your corner

>> No.4237828

I'm accumulating this, why should I be doing it though. I'm doing it without understanding why. BUY MORE.

>> No.4238044

all the gains you make from cash will be stolen from you by pajeet scammers tricking you into buying shitcoins like digibyte and link with that strategy

>> No.4238663

I know even more than when I posted earlier now and I am in BCH because it seems that segwit will continuously fork forever more while BCH can actually be used in real time transactions much faster. Is this inaccurate?

>> No.4238752

Not if the king falls first

>> No.4238985
File: 58 KB, 500x498, 1495494978043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's one facet. the majority of the chinese miners signaling for 2x are only doing so to undermine and disrupt btc core, and they will use the ensuing chaos and price crash as their reasoning for jumping over to bch for good

keep this on the hush hush

>> No.4239279 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1435x1947, 22254960_1929271660727394_3341535806423478529_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls b real. I can't be a Taco Bell tier pleb forever

>> No.4239327

Seriously. Miners will switch to bch during the fork and 10x while the two bitcoins Battle it out

>> No.4239329
File: 147 KB, 760x738, 1507391482927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls b real I can't be a Taco Bell tier pleb forever

>> No.4239363
File: 395 KB, 380x382, 1467131675844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know about leverages

>> No.4239364

I don't get this meme.

You know the Amex Gold Card is actually plastic right? The Platinum/black card are metal. Also Amex hands out Gold/Platinum cards to pretty much anyone with a pulse who can pay the annual fee.

>> No.4239384

Don't take the bait.

>> No.4239406

can anyone spare some bitcoin for a poor fag, i wanna start investing.

>> No.4239455

Everyone here are poorfags.. that's why they invest in shit like link hoping it will blow up and get them out

>> No.4239457
File: 96 KB, 637x637, 1508815363748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamblers cards not credit cards nucka

>> No.4239560

you're the one who's colorblind here, sorry to tell you

>> No.4239589

If green ID all in --------> Pink ID. You cant lie to Kek, Faggot.

>> No.4239607

>some bitcoins
>atleast 2
>Asking for 14.000 Dollerionos

You will make it anon :)

>> No.4239634

No, he said "some bitcoin", not "bitcoins".

>> No.4239639

Alphabet Agency Computer Forensics specialist reporting in. All those "Miners" are fake Amazon accounts. Just checked all of the I.P.'s. If any of you Anons have any info on who is behind this scam, we would be VERY interested in hearing about it.

>> No.4239651

Illuminati confirmed.

>> No.4239658

hurr durr larp more

who the fuck cares if the nodes are on AWS or some neckbeards computer in moms basement. hell, having nodes on AWS just makes BCH /more/ secure

>> No.4239675


it's pretty green dude, like neon green, highlighter green. maybe you're the color blind one. get your palette checked.

>> No.4239704
File: 1.40 MB, 1423x827, 20171015_100506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your a Big Guy.

>> No.4239730

It's light green you fucking numpty

>> No.4239739

Teeka and Tone shorted Bitcoin nust nefore all of those fake miners showed up. You can find them on Reddit, Alphabet Anon. They also have a lot of paid shills on biz. Case in point, rhis thread.

>> No.4239753

Thank you, you are a Patriot.

>> No.4239769


Sorry to tell you but I've tested myself several times on various sites and my eye colour detection is perfect.

You should probably look into your disability a bit further.

>> No.4239833

BCH went from 300 USD to 600+ in 3 weeks DURING a BTC rise. Serious money is better hard for BCH against BTC. Serious money would not do it if they didn't think they had much to gain. The only people who could possibly think betting against BTC in favor of BCH and triggering this massive pump are people who know there is going to be a move against BTC.

The only group of people who profit from BCH over BTC in any other way than pure currency speculation P N D are miners. The only group of people who could ruin BTC pre-fork are miners (between the difficulty adjustment and the new fork). The only group that could be organizing this are a cabal of miners.

2+2 = NYC agreement has been reneged upon in secret by big dick miners and they are planning to stop mining BTC after next difficulty adjustment and put their mining power into BCH so the BTC network stalls to the point where it takes multiple hours for a transaction at best and BTC gets ruined before it can get the workaround updates it needs to not depend entirely on miners in the segwit update.

Read this https://theflippening.github.io/open-letter-to-bitcoin-miners-from-another-miner/

I am sitting out this battle. Got out of BTC entirely at 7.2K and I'm going to sit on ETH. This war is way too risky. Either BTC get absolutely demolished, or BCH gets absolutely wrecked.

While betting on BCH is tempting (imagine 10x gans), ETH will gain from this because miner political conflicts will ruin the reputation of ASIC friendly POW and to some extent POW in general.

No need to thank me for warning you. I do it for free.

>> No.4240049

So far, our investigation indicates this letter was the beginning of the scam. Does anyone have any hard forensic evidence as to who generated it?

>> No.4240128

Is posting misinformation on this board common? Vitalik tanked Eth this morning by taking a controversial political position against a Popular Figure. We noted that any gains to Eth from BTC / BCH holders fleeing political turmoil caused by the BCH scam would be negated by Vitaliks unwise decision. However, we have ruled Vitalik out as not being behind the "Open Letter" Scam.

>> No.4240169
File: 42 KB, 720x540, Dragon Ball - 101 - Die Entscheidung.mkv-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. BCH is a scam. There's various reddit and discord subreddits dedicated to shilling it. BTC is the good guy here, and if it stands this attack it'll go up by a fuckload and prove how reliable it is.

>anime screenshot to prove I'm not a shill. I actually use some boards besides /biz/ since I'm not a greedy shill kike who shills BTC 24/7

>> No.4240175

your incessant larping and FUD attacks are cringey at best

is this your job or what?

>> No.4240194

I'm not a greedy shill kike who shills BCH 24/7*
my bad, awful typo

>> No.4240217

I'm guessing the people from *the dollar vigilante* clients, you can pay 25k for advertisements.

The Lamier brothers.

>> No.4240255


>> No.4240429

Now that I think about it, the Larimers are rich enough especially now due to the EOS ICO. They also have a great incentive to discredit proof of work, though if there's no substance behind the supposed miner conspiracy, it won't really discredit proof of work, so, erm.


>> No.4240491

the amount on coinbase compared to the amount in circulation on exchanges is comical. if they dump their BCH coinbase will scoop it up for whatever they sell it at, and sell it for higher lol

>> No.4241403

YOLO If I get a green ID I will transfer all of my ETH to BCH

>> No.4241479

Where do I buy bitcoin cash and where do I store it?

>> No.4241486


>> No.4241488


>> No.4242175

buy it at bitfinex or binance exchange store it on a wallet called electron cash unless you have a ledger wallet