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4236360 No.4236360 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot pay my student debt right now and it's about to go to collections in a week. What should I do? I'm currently waiting to hear back from a job application that would pay me 12/hr

What can I do?

>> No.4236381

>college degree
>making 12 bucks an hour
What a great ROI.

>> No.4236385

You cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy.

What did you get a degree in?

>> No.4236391

I quit school after 1 1/2 years. I have $5333 to pay off RIGHT NOW, but I can't do it :(

>> No.4236413

>take out a loan
>get nothing in return
In any other instance this would be fraud.

>> No.4236421

Bankruptcy doesn't absolve you from student loan debt. You're fucked.

>> No.4236427

Going to uni is something I deeply regret. I felt entirely pressure to attend after going to a nice prestigious high school, and now I'm left with nothing. I didn't even want to go.

>> No.4236433

Why did you quit after 18 month? Didn't it dawn on you earlier that you might be in the wrong place?

>> No.4236439

Just don't answer your phone. What can they do? Nothing.

>> No.4236459

Why do amerifags insist on going to college even though their degrees are useless and it puts you in crippling debt for life?

Seriously. When everyone has a degree, no one does. You need to line up work experience in your teens then line up a low-level job for yourself for when you finish high school.


>> No.4236467

>I didn't even want to go.
Remember this, because there will be other situations where you don't want to do things but feel pressured to do it. Never do it. As for your financial situation, isn't there an option to pay only a fraction at a time? You should be able to pay 50 bucks.

>> No.4236469

My mom didn't want me leaving lollllll.

Well, maybe I can ask my extended family members for help. They're all rich

>> No.4236482
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>be dutch
>can pay off debt in 31 years

>> No.4236488

>My mom didn't want me leaving lollllll.
Son, this isn't funny. Did nobody tell you that your mother shouldn't make your decisions? Grow a pair, you are a grown adult, at least to some degree.

>> No.4236495


It's not fraud, because it was his decision to go to the university.

>> No.4236508

I know this now!! This hasn't been easy ok.

I've grown balls since. I'm going to just ask some people for favors...make some offers

>> No.4236521

I'm going to make an account on seekingarrangements.com

>> No.4236526

>Why do amerifags insist on going to college even though their degrees are useless and it puts you in crippling debt for life?
It's a paradox they can not escape. If you don't have a degree, you won't have that comfy office job everyone lusts for. If you get a degree, you have no time to get the working experience you'd need for said office jobs. Only a rigged game can not be won. Unless you bend the rules and go into engineering. Not STEM, but solid engineering. The amount of computer degrees is getting out of hand and you coding won't pay the bills anytime soon.

>> No.4236554

>I'm going to just ask some people for favors...make some offers
The word you are looking for is begging for favors. As far as we know, you have no skills to offer, hence the mess you are in. I am wondering, what do you plan to do now that your college education has come to a swift and hard end?

>> No.4236591

I have skills, but in media and film. That's why I quit school, because film degree is useless

>> No.4236615

If you are a Burger then bankruptcy has no effect on student loans. You will still owe.

>> No.4236627

>I have skills, but in media and film.
Good think that your relatives are rich, otherwise you'd be eating bread and drinking water for the next twenty years.

>> No.4236630

Buy bitbay and HODL for a year for monster gainz

>> No.4236650

you're a girl aren't you, OP?

>> No.4236838

You can own the college by the time you're 25 if you do.

>> No.4236952

I'm about to go 250K in debt for grad school. Can my 13K LINK save me?

>> No.4236962

>Already has 13k link
>Bothering with grad school

>> No.4236976
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>tfw lnot iving in a country with free higher education that supports your leech lifestyle

not gonna make it.

>> No.4236989

>I'm about to go 250K in debt for grad school.
Any school that charges you 250,000 bucks for a degree is a scam worse than LINK.

>> No.4237166

you can defer your loan payment. This will buy you some time to figure it out. Call the lender and ask them to defer (kind of like a hold on your payments). Bankruptcy wont work on student loans.

>> No.4237186

What if we're too lazy to do this? Don't like to make phone calls.

>> No.4237276

Ivy League dental school *shrugs*

>> No.4237410


Buy a good set of kneepads.
Try practicing with a banana.

>> No.4237411

Is it fraud if I spend $5333 buying Justin Beiber's used tissue on Ebay and don't get anything out of it?

Check, mate.

>> No.4237434

>tfw live in rich european country burgers like to label "socialist"
>live off government handouts shitposting on 4chan all day

>> No.4237475

I went to a shitty school and make more then people in my same field who went to tier 1 big name schools. Save 50% and go to a different school after the first job nobody gives a shit. The only thing different is the parties and girls.

>> No.4237541

Garnish his wages

>> No.4237967

But xvg from me

>> No.4237979

This, some people have been trying (Liberals) to be able to discharge student loans on Bankruptcy but capitalists want none of that.

Prob because people would just declare bankruptcy after their degree.

To be fair America has a serious issue with greedy schools and costs that go into it

>> No.4237984

Couldn't you open a line of credit and then pay off your school debt and then pay off the line of credit with your shitty job?

>> No.4238003

I'm a liberal and I don't want that shit either. The current college student debt is I think 1.2 Trillion which even all the Bitcoin in the world can't pay for

>> No.4238042
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1509749882008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a liberal

>> No.4238049

oh no! he doesn't know

>> No.4238234

tell me