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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4232662 No.4232662 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here check out Cardano? Seems like a legit competitor for Ethereum. Plus they got Charles Hoskinson at the wheel, ex-ceo of Ethereum.

- Huge amount of papers:https://iohk.io/research/papers/

- Their blockchain is made in Haskell, a language suitable for financial operations (they got Philip Wadler on their team, creator of Haskell)

- Their paper on their DPOS consensus algorithm, Ouroboros, is provably secure and peer reviewed by a major crypto conference (crypto 2017) and several universities.

- A governance and treasury system similar to the one found in DASH

- A virtual machine which will support a plethora of languages, including solidity (so in theory ethereum dapps could be ported to Cardano). Their VM is being developed by runtime verification, a company which has also developed for NASA and boeing...(https://runtimeverification.com/))

- Team of about a 100 people.https://iohk.io/team/

- Everything is peer reviewed, and has been in development for 2 years. Their ICO was held in Japan only, so that's why most people hadn't heard of it until now.

- Strong focus on sustainability and scalability (they want to shard, prune, compress, partition the blockchain in the future. Sidechains also on their list.)

https://iohk.io/(the company that's developing it)
Github:https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/(11.5k commits!)
https://cardanoroadmap.com/(Staking will be possible around march)
Their wallet:https://daedaluswallet.io/
Dev team youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBJ...-W82TwNM-z3V2w

Currently around 2 cents, but I see this baby around 20 cents when the smart contract layer goes live. Thoughts?

>> No.4232694

30 billion supply it's fucking nothing

>> No.4232724

>2 cents to 20 cents
500m to 5 billion market cap? Delusional.

>> No.4232754

Try for a more reasonable market cap next time you shill a coin, and maybe suggest to hedge your bet using a similar crypto like Eos. In a few weeks their beta will be coming out which will spark new interest. Right now it's being PnD'd but I think it's a good buy in case Cardano doesn't go the way you think it will.

>> No.4232990

I’ve got some. But I’m not going head over heels about it. Gonna get in on EOS too.