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4225632 No.4225632 [Reply] [Original]

Be 26. be /fit/.
Have 200k in the bank.

>No gf

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

>> No.4225645


>> No.4225655

try talking to girls

>> No.4225657

you have all that, now grow a personality and be interested in others

>> No.4225658


thx mommy and daddy :)

>> No.4225662

You can go back to larping on r9k then kys

>> No.4225666
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Also, how rich do I have to be to get a qt japanese gf?


>> No.4225667

Why is your personality garbage? There's no other explanation assuming everything else you said is true.

>> No.4225670

damn larping can be so much fun right OP?

>> No.4225674


>> No.4225697

Maybe you are very feminine and have lots of estrogen.. bitch tits... and women don't want you

>> No.4225699

Maybe he's busy with work all the time. Can't get a gf if you don't have time.

>> No.4225708

I usually sperg out.

I have no personality other than work, gym and vidya.
What I do to grow my personality?

>mommy and daddy

Or years of good saving/investing habits and long, long hours of work.

>larping on r9k
I am more of a /fit/ and /pol/ guy.

>> No.4225724
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>learn japanese
>take vacations in japan
>put effort into finding a japanese qt

>> No.4225733

First start by not asking these kissless virgins how to get girls, none of them have a clue. Girls are extremely easy to get. They'll pretty much accept any guy, even ugly ones. They all have low self esteem. If they knew you had $200k they'd be all over your dick in a heart beat. For most, even just a place of your own and a wagecuck job is enough to enter their pussy. The hard part is finding one that actually isn't a dumb bitch.

>> No.4225734
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I usually work from 9am to 10pm when they ask. Cause I have nothing to do at home might as well work myself to death.


>> No.4225735

Tell me more about yourself. Not only to see if you're just a lazy troll but also to see what kind of personality you have.

What are your hobbies?
What kind of work do you do?
What dreams and goals do you have?
Pets? Do you like animals?
What kinds of things get you excited to get out of bed in the morning?
What sort of books do you read?
What movies do you like?

>> No.4225790

Wrong. No 26 year old saves 200k unless mommy and daddy seriously helped out.

Having a life

Kys larper

>> No.4225803

Nice bait

Only 200k at 26? Did you miss the btc train?

>> No.4225812

I had 200k by age 17. Everyone thought I was lying, and then when they saw the things I was buying, they assumed my parents were spoiling me. It was pretty annoying.

>> No.4225814

I'm 22 and my crypto portfolio is worth 200k

>> No.4225817

You only need to save 25k per year if you started working at 18. On a 40k salary after taxes, that's completely doable, and that's before compounding interest. I'm willing to bet you spent thousands of dollars, perhaps tens of thousands over the years on vapid shit like clothes, computer parts, eating out... Stop bitching about reasonable numbers.

>> No.4225827

Thanks mommy and daddy :)

>> No.4225836


>What are your hobbies?
Gym. Vidya...?
Pretty much it.

>What kind of work do you do?
VFX, been doing that for probably 7 years now.

>What dreams and goals do you have?
Own my own company some day, cause fuck this salve life.

>Pets? Do you like animals?
Yeah I like animals but I can't take care of them. Barely take care of myself.

>What kinds of things get you excited to get out of bed in the morning?
Shit. Wow. I can't really think of anything.

>What sort of books do you read?
None, just listen to self help books.

>What movies do you like?
Wolf of Wallstreet. Dark Knight.
But these days I just hate more movies than like them.

>> No.4225837
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>>No gf
>What the fuck am I supposed to do?

Leave your bitcoin alone and go approach and talk to women??

I know, its hard right? A lot of failure and maybe a little success. Not what you're used to. Go get em dumbass.

>> No.4225838

Lemonade stand and penny stocks?

>> No.4225841

I stocked shelves for money and ate beans and lentils while investing what I could into ETH

>> No.4225854

>saving 25k per year at 18
>what is rent, bills, and taxes

Those 45k+ year jobs at 18 are so plentiful!

>> No.4225859
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Just say what you want with confidence, as long as your are not ugly it will work, and if it doesn't, who cares, you're rich and a lot of girls are whores.


Wear your MAGA hat out in public. Filters out degenerate whores and shows that you have no fear if you live in a liberal shithole. Also use your /pol/ to talk about interesting things about history and geography. Like how the state of Connecticut used to claim Ohio. Or how Indians shit in the street.

Learn how to make cocktails. Dabble in things enough to talk a bit about them. Indulge in some normie shit enough to talk but not enough to succumb to the brainwashing.

>> No.4225860

Zou cannot for the love of gd have 200k saved up at 22 without mommz and daddz providing chicken tendies :) you have no gf with 200k? well that means that you are such a shit person that no girls wants to be with you, ALTOUGH you have money kek. im just jelouse m8.. just go out there, ge ta cool hobby be yourself etc. go to cooking and salca courses, find a girl. Dont tell her about your parents and your money etc. and enjoy

>> No.4225865

Quick rundown on that guy in pic?

>> No.4225900

Literally Nakamoto.

>> No.4226044

Take a vacation and go travel, srs. Makes you more interesting very quickly.

>> No.4226064
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>not just paying 10/10 escorts and make them fulfill every fetish of yours

>> No.4226065

Same, have total of 150k, made from crypto and shoe hustling, 22 year old, fit as fk, never had a gf

>> No.4226140

Well, at least I can feel better knowing I am not alone.

A lot of escorts are not 10/10. They are disgusting 5-6. Sometimes 7.
I am not gonna pay over 200 dollars to get laid.

Also to save money these days I just fap.

I am not one of those guys who travels alone. I've gone to event's a few times alone and have had the worst time of my life. I am not very extroverted.
Maybe I'll try to hike somewhere nearby.

>> No.4226169
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>200 dollars

10/10 escorts are more in the 1000s range

>> No.4226182

Congrats if your only personality is vidya work and gym, and you live in america or europe, your ahead of 95% of people on the planet.

Now get a hobby like MMA then learn a 2nd language like french or spanish. Then you go to a tropical island for a month and smash strange by not giving a fuck because youll never see them again

>> No.4226209

Shes korean

>> No.4226229
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>shoe hustling

>> No.4226263

post a screenshot of your bank account or gtfo

>> No.4226268
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get some cute broke chick without a hope in the world and train her into an decent wife, long haul dude long haul

>> No.4226275

>thinks people who have 200k liquid assets keep it in a bank account

>> No.4226303

You're so salty lmfao. Step outside your eco chamber and realize that not everyone has to struggle like you.

>> No.4226354
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Well, it's in my trading/mutual funds account of the bank I use.

>> No.4226360


>> No.4226376

>mutual fund
>using your bank as an investment firm
Youre not going to make it

>> No.4226398

ceo of bitcoin ltd

>> No.4226400

Download Grindr faggot

>> No.4226403

But I have 8k US on my Questrade. :(
The fees and practically the same maybe less depending on how I use it and the convince of not switching money back and forth kinda helps.

>> No.4226418
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learn how to summon a succubus

>> No.4226421 [DELETED] 

Im in similar boat as you, im good at saving, not good at investing. I figured property is a safe bet. I wish i was more of a risk taker.

>> No.4226431

I actually did.
I tried to find some qt femboy traps but there are like non-existent. When I did find one or two, never got a response. So... yeah.

Tinder also have a hard time, when I do get likes it goes nowhere. I am never able to woo them.

>> No.4226448


Be 33. Be an unfit fat fuck with man tits, going bald.
Have 1k in bank account

>fucking a married woman.

>> No.4226454

What's your secret, bud?

>> No.4226465

Buy high sell low

>> No.4226486

Act like a friend and buy a lot of date rape drugs

>> No.4226490


She has low self esteem. Way out of my league and doesn't realize it.

>> No.4226705

LMAOing at your life. If you haven't figured out how to make and save money by 26 you are falling behind. Go back to /r9k/, you may be at risk of suicide if you hang around even mildly successful people too often.

>> No.4226897

Have you tried a matchmaker or seekingarrangement.com?

>> No.4226928

what is CDN, Canadian dollars?

>> No.4226958

>Why is your personality garbage?
I became a shell of my former self when I worked 12+ hour jobs for a couple months. When you're dedicating so much of your life to someone else's cause or labor the little free time you do have, you end up spending on low effort things to relax.

>> No.4227012

Try making atleast 1 friend through work, go to bars together or join their social circle. Try watching a sport or shows on netflix so you have something to talk about with normal people. Your 200k in the bank doesn't mean anything since it's invisible to others and bringing it up for no reason is autistic. If you want to show it off, get some nice clothes, watch, car or some other expensive hobby you can talk about.

>> No.4227027


No. I've tired Tinder haven't worked for me.

>> No.4227028

LMAOing right now OP. 200k at the bank thanks to your parents and the fact you grew up with a golden spoon, right. It also explains why you're a /pol/ fag, usually the rich spoiled white bois who need the check their privilege unironically believe /pol/ack shit.

Come back when you learn how to earn money, okay? Lol

>> No.4227037

yeah my girl is like that. known her for 10 years and been dating her for most of that time. sad thing is she is starting to realize what a depressed loser i am :(

>> No.4227088

Just reading through this thread reinforces the idea that bringing up money around normal/poorer people is a bad idea. Many will get jealous and hate you instantly.

>> No.4227151

You have to use your money to your advantage. Get a sugarbaby, an arranged girlfriend by a matchmaker.

You can hire a dating assistant to do all the messaging and boring part for you. You only get bothered when she wants to meet in person or gives the phone number.

>> No.4227202

>check ur privledge white boiiii
Stay poor

>> No.4227278

I'm a trap, where you from?

>> No.4227293

Turn that 200k into 20 mil
Then you can start coastin'

>> No.4227298

looooooool sure.

>> No.4227310

>If you want to show it off, get some nice clothes, watch, car or some other expensive hobby you can talk about.
Op doesnt even have enough money to do all that.

>> No.4227372

No 45k+ job for a retard who can't read (plainly spelled out 40k AFTER TAXES) nor understand a time period between 18 years old and 26 years old means your AVERAGE income must be that. You could earn 20k at 18 and 80k at 25. This is middle school math, you fucking mong. Don't quit your mcjob.

>> No.4227384


that doesnt sound like bullshit at all

>> No.4227429

All that money and still an incel. That’s a shame.

>> No.4227461

>tfw I have about 400k in the bank but would give literally all of it away to get rid of my fucking wife, but somehow still haven't yet divorced

>> No.4228089

Il make your wife divorce yu for 400k

>> No.4228102
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>> No.4228149

>You can hire a dating assistant
Where can one find this?

I am sure you're not in toronto.

>> No.4228193

Il do it for you leaf. Takke care of yursocial media and tinder and all u have to do is not be a cringy faggot when yu meet them in person

>> No.4228202


>> No.4228225

>I am sure you're not in toronto.
Nah, good luck though

>> No.4228288

TD bank master race I see

>> No.4228498

Post a photo of your account balance in your tinder profile... duh

>> No.4228900

you are probably short and wierd looking.

personality doesnt matter much because people can fake personality and personality isnt shit when you get laid constantly.

your social game is shit because you are probably short and weird looking. like asian or something.

how does it feel that being fit doenst matter like personality and all you need to be sucessful in life is to be tall and good looking.

>> No.4228918

>t. brokejoke

>> No.4228940

Dude you have that money because you don't have a gf. When you get a gf you will not have 200k, its that simple.

>> No.4229035

>The hard part is finding one that actually isn't a dumb bitch.
Any tips on this?

>> No.4229065

pay me and I will help you out

(i'll talk to you first so you know im not full of shit)

Kik: LowCDW

>> No.4229071


I just don't fucking get it. Like why!? WHY is it such a big deal for you people to not have a fucking girlfriend? I don't understand it. I'm 19, I haven't even fucking kissed a girl yet, and I don't even care. I am more concerned about being alive and making sure my family is happy and securing a future for myself.

Why the fuck would I care about having some snot pocket to put my fucking dick in when I can easily just look up some of the most sexiest examples of humanity and deal with my sexual urges that way? Then I don't have to deal with a woman. A woman which
>Breaks up with you,
Fuck that. I'd MUCH rather be alone and have peace and quiet and sanity.

If you fucking people really want to go fuck someone just go to backpages. That's what I am going to do. Who the fuck needs a relationship with these cunts anymore?

Most women nowadays are on this stupid women empowerment thing anyway and aren't interested in starting a family. So their primary function is fucking null now. Fuck em.

>> No.4229077

>The hard part is finding one that actually isn't a dumb bitch.

Mommy problems dedicated, you're just another kissless virgin m8 :+)