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File: 184 KB, 2310x558, Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 23.05.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4224446 No.4224446 [Reply] [Original]

What are you waiting for anon?

>> No.4224481

Strap in boys. $5 before februari 2018

>> No.4224500

>Bitcoin, Ethereum & Blockchain Superconference

Sounds like a super virgin circlejerker club.

>> No.4224616
File: 17 KB, 400x335, Big-Bully-Busick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right. Fucking nerds

>> No.4224663

Good. They make money rain.

>> No.4224734
File: 602 KB, 748x561, asdfasdre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salty nocoiners detected

>> No.4224750

I've been ready and willing to reinvest in LINK since before I even made my LINK losses back.

Haven't seen good market conditions for it yet. I don't think it'll shake its lousy reputation in the immediate future.

I'll keep monitoring for re-entry, but I might never re-enter.

>> No.4224766

How much did you lose? If you're so good at day-trading that you can consistently make 100% gains every couple weeks then sure, don't even bother with long-term hodls like LINK.

>> No.4224785

>If you're so good at day-trading that you can consistently make 100% gains every couple weeks
Lmao, imagine saying that with a straight face.

>> No.4224791
File: 7 KB, 201x251, cdff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Superconference.

We are gonna make it.

>> No.4224850

They left off the room number, but I already reserved the urinal three slots away from the handicapped stall where he will be talking.

>> No.4224856

Is this new? Link?

>> No.4224867

>Is this new?

>> No.4224874
File: 102 KB, 203x250, rentfree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw $80 within a year

>> No.4224877

And by "Link?" I meant that I want a link to the site.

>> No.4224879

Might buy some of this after I get my free fork moneys

>> No.4224885

I lost about 50% in the post-SIBOS crash, even though I was logged in for the ATH and should have known better.

Made all of it back playing safe margins, mostly on BTC/BCC. Holding BCC now, feels comfy senpai

>> No.4224891


>> No.4224902


Note how it's not "blockchain for X". It's a fucking PROTOCOL FOR ALL FAMOUS BLOCKCHAINS.

Every coiner whatever fanboy they are ARE going to NEED ChainLink for oracle problem sovling

>> No.4224917

Buy high, sell low. Also
>buying BitConnect

>> No.4224950
File: 195 KB, 354x346, Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 21.40.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChainLink is our ticket to high class women.

>> No.4224951

>some random ass wordpress blog
>no source anywhere
not very believable

>> No.4224969


Does this faggot do anything but eat Mcdonalds and speak at conferences?

>> No.4224974
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happy now?

>> No.4224988
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>> No.4225028

Considering the amount of weight he put in cos of SIBOS if he's actually doing this 'superconference' he may very well start affecting the Earth's rotation.

>> No.4225110

What % of 5k would you put into btc, ether, link, and alts

>> No.4225113

Sergey is smart. This isn't a vaporware exit scam because the CEO attends major conferences and speaks about the product without actually producing a product.

Basically if you want to start a scam ICO and want to get away with it, just start speaking at conferences every few months or so and people will believe that you're trying to build something

>> No.4225142

>at an airport marriot


>> No.4225171

religion of peace

>> No.4225174

Cool maybe you should go try that. Oh wait, it wouldn't work because you're a stupid cuck :^)

>> No.4225181
File: 260 KB, 637x750, 1509833423982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would succ Sergey so hard, he'd lose all that extra weight, and have an 8 pack
Sergey is love, Sergey is life.

>> No.4225192

all in link

>> No.4225196

40% LINK
20% ADA
20% ETH

Dump all of them for BTC as necessary (before forks, huge news like derivatives trading etc).

>> No.4225205

>rent free

>> No.4225215

1k ETH
1k BTC

>> No.4225244

kek, you getting your toes wet.

>> No.4225263
File: 340 KB, 824x609, 12-22-26-1509458099649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boys you are slow today. Can't believe no one posted this yet.

>> No.4225267
File: 5 KB, 232x162, cf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serge it up.

>> No.4225291

60% LINK (low risk)
20% OMG (medium risk)
20% RDN (high risk)

>> No.4225302

big If true

>> No.4225307

Super conference, held at a Hotel? LOLZ

>> No.4225326

Sibos was bigger and it dropped.
So ya don't expect too much

>> No.4225339

Link memes kill me on a consistent basis.

>> No.4225412

He always markets himself as CEO of smartcontract.com and not chain link. Anyone else find that concerning?

>> No.4225426

havent you stinky linkies learned by now that conferences dont mean shit

>> No.4225438

company is smartcontract token is chainlink...?

>> No.4225446

Not really. SmartContract is the company. Chainlink is the product.

>> No.4225448

No more concerning than the CEO of McDonald's not calling himself the CEO of McNuggets.

>> No.4225453


Thanks for your input, boys

>> No.4225486

SmartContract is the name of the company and website, LINK is the product.

And you boys are daft if you're expecting some major change in the price this soon. Any shill from now until actual usage of the product is BS flying straight from a whales asshole.

>> No.4225491

I want Sergay to bust a nut in my mouth. I mean im not even gay or anything. I just want to swallow his cum.

>> No.4225534

me too but I will wait until LINK 10K

>> No.4225566

Priced in

>> No.4225582

do these crypto "co-founder" faggots do anything besides talk at conferences. fucking retarded.

>> No.4225595

Mainstream smart contracts are the product.
Chainlink is the tool, the decentralized network that makes it all possible.
And Link is the token that is the lifeblood of the Chainlink network.

>> No.4225605


>> No.4225665

Airport Marriott. It's a hotel. Most conferences set up at airport hotels or at least very close to them

>> No.4225710

the best way to profit from this chainlink scam is to sell the token and buy carls jr stock.

>> No.4225717

I need to see the marriott floorplans before I buy in this time

>> No.4225756

Not to mention being endorsed by HCL a 7 billion dollar technology integrator.


>> No.4225771


>> No.4225774
File: 459 KB, 780x781, Orange-Zap-App.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link has nothing on Zap

>> No.4225845

Except being decentralized and trustless.

>> No.4225879


>> No.4225982
File: 115 KB, 413x395, 1482533601683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's 1 AM here, i probably woke up half of my neighbors

>> No.4226014

You win the Internet today.

>> No.4226341

Holy fuck guys. Can you even imagine how big Sergey will be by then?

>> No.4226450

He will be big enough to stop the hordes from South America when he lays on his side

>> No.4226501

I'm LMAO at all you fags calling Sergey fat. You realize that he was just cultivating mass on his bulk during the past few weeks and will start losing weight soon? 3 months from now he's going to rip off his shirt at the conference and show his aesthetic, ripped, Russian body with a Chainlink logo tattoo'd by the Russian mafia. LINK instantly moons to .25 cents, get ready fuckers

>> No.4226526


Kek, looking forward to seeing if he balloons some more.

>> No.4226563


>> No.4226573
File: 114 KB, 299x456, sergeyfat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. don't be jealous of his gainz bruh