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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4218056 No.4218056 [Reply] [Original]

Do you seriously believe Bitcoin will reach $8000 before the 16th?

>> No.4218083
File: 337 KB, 593x635, 1504840584372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4218085

It'll be past 8k this week.

>> No.4218088

it's almost there already, wtf are you on?
why the fuck wouldn't it?
Almost every day, it's been going up 5%
are you retarded?
holy shit fuck you make so fucking angry

>> No.4218110

>It's gonna be 8K before the day is done

>> No.4218196

-1.6% today :(

>> No.4218208

17,5 by market close

>> No.4219061

Tether can help. PUMP IT, Bitfinex!

>> No.4219100

Its gonna fall to 6400. Then near fork it will again hit 7500. You can thank me later

>> No.4219109

No, I think we already saw the top and will hover around 7.3-7.5k until the fork. Then flash crash while BCH does solid 5-10x

>> No.4219122

lol no

>> No.4219126

8300 in 2 hours, pump from wallstreet fond incoming, you read it here first

>> No.4219134

It could happen. Maybe Bitfinex just creates new Tethers again, who knows?

>> No.4219145

I like this Wall Street meme. Everyone knows it won't happen though. NERDS

>> No.4219165

I just bought 5, you'll see

>> No.4219176

It will be down to 4k.

>> No.4219238

Im out of this BS. Clearly, the presure is applied to sell off before fork. Bunche of retards will get rekt by bots in attempt to day trade. Others will chicken out and sell and miss the train.

>> No.4219402

what happens after the fork?

>> No.4219523

It will hit 10K, screencap this post.

>> No.4219651

Calm down spergo

>> No.4219675

when should I sell, ... and possibly buy again? I live +08:00

>> No.4219719


Wow what a fall. I can't do math but hopefully the past week of 25% gains are greater than 1.6%

>> No.4220196


>> No.4220206

u realised it will go back full gear by tomorrow?

>> No.4220224


>> No.4220235


why tomorrow?
its monday today

>> No.4220263


>> No.4220332


yeah and then its going to go back up to higher that it was before.

>> No.4220436

its going to crash to 4k and by the end of the year its going to be at 10k

>muh fcreencap dif

>> No.4220830

no fucking way, it bounced off 7500 like 3 times already, and its not gonna cross that

>> No.4220844

yeah, but if you want to increase your stack you sell high and then buy back lower because you now its gonig to crash again

>> No.4220855
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I thought it was gonna dip before 10th, not this early
Is the real dip still coming? Do I sell or hold???

>> No.4220863

BTC is pissing me off today! I need to pull some out but it’s down from yesterday when I added more! FML

>> No.4220917
File: 136 KB, 1661x655, Teeka Con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tone Deaf and Tweeka Are both Convicted Felon Pajeets that are banned from Trading securities.for this exact kind of scam fud bullshit.

>> No.4220946

Just looked it up. This Anon is correct. Tweeka has been fired from 15 companies in 9 years for scams. Not much better with Tone Deaf.

>> No.4220995

my gut is telling me this is a last quick grab of $ on alt coins before the final pump in preparation of 2x

>> No.4221029

I'm dissapointed in this correction simply for the fact that I planned to dump post Segwit and buy back around 5.8K I think any fake dump right now caused by pajeet scammers will take off of the backside dump, and we will all have to buy back at a higher price post dump.

>> No.4221083

Just got a ohone call. 356 million entering the market if it hits 7008. HODL!

>> No.4221153

yeah i rly don't know what to do, leave now or wait for 8k?

>> No.4221239

Lol. Last time I bought back in was 5700, so I am OK. I don't have time to leave BTC and play the alts for a couple of days to gain BTC before the last steep runup to 10K, So I am just staying in. If you are really good,and have nothing else to pay attention to today, you could leave for a bit and play the alts, but I wouldnt do it today for any more than 6 hours or so. At that time you will want to be back in.

>> No.4221335

yeah that's what I thought.
No i'll just wait. I understand that the greedy whales already positioned in Alts before this sell off and are just looking for one more money grab on alts before the fork.

>> No.4221374

You have to be a complete idiot or a newbie to believe it will jump to 8k without a MASSIVE correction first.

>> No.4221401

WTF is market closes

>> No.4221444

Tweeka / Tone Defie detected.

>> No.4221583
File: 238 KB, 1843x626, AltcoinerIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! I just actually watched this garbage. What. The. Fuck. Did this basement dwelling Fedora have a stroke? "Uuuh dis one time, at Band Camp, I went down on TWO HUNDRED FOOTBALL PLAYERS blah blah blah, this one time, at band camp, blah blah blah. This. This is the height of autism, and the general mentality and appearance of the Alt coin scam shiller and Bitcoin fuder . I feel like Rod Swerling is going to pop up behind this pajjet at any second when watching this, it's so surreal that ANYONE would admit watching this. let alone believe it. Holy shit.

>> No.4221630

>Im so dumb I dont get a message unless its literal as hell please rape my face

>> No.4221642

Is the hard fork over?

>> No.4221708

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.4221742
File: 149 KB, 452x500, wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm the fuck down sperg