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4214370 No.4214370 [Reply] [Original]

i'll start.

how does blockchain.info watch all unconfirmed transactions?
if you run a node do you see all unconfirmed transactions?
or do you have to mine to do that?
say I wanted to watch all the transactions live, what software would I need?


>> No.4214503

How does OMG exist on the blockchain and in the skateboard simotaineousiously

>> No.4214515

Did you delete the old ssh keys from your sisters computer?

>> No.4214523

Why the fuck transaction fees on BTC payments so high?

>> No.4214553

Which coin does Kirino invest in?

>> No.4214586

wot m8
i dont have a sister
how much is the average btc transaction fee?
btc satoshi is family

>> No.4214647
File: 149 KB, 924x572, 1509157884800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4214680

Skateboards are a common prop now for events for people to take "selfies" because it increases brand penetration, it's small and portable, and photogenic.
Semiotically Skateboards have some kind of youth concatenation, even though boomers like my father skateboarded

>> No.4214780

how does your bought solve the captcha

>> No.4214789
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this thread is getting loopy

>> No.4214879

>how does blockchain.info watch all unconfirmed transactions?
they run a full node
>if you run a node do you see all unconfirmed transactions?
>or do you have to mine to do that?
see above
>say I wanted to watch all the transactions live, what software would I need?
run a full node or use some blockchain explorer's API

>> No.4214924

thanks im going to read this https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Full_node
1 more question say i wanted to parse the blockhain znort or blocksci?

>> No.4214996

Never heard of either.

>> No.4215016


>> No.4215081

BlockSci seems more current so probably that one.

What kind of metrics are you looking to calculate?

>> No.4215195

I want to watch streams of Bitcoin transactions flowing between market escrow accounts to sellers, exchanges to users, users to mixers, unconfirmed transactions, I want to flag interesting transactions so i can follow flows between these accounts I also want to parse historical transactions quickly