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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4213092 No.4213092 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a simple idea I'll pitch to you /biz/, and I want your feedback on this. The recipe to make any coin forcefully moon is as follows.

>Introduce a fear catalyst that strikes into the hearts of every individual
>Introduce a solution to this impending fear
>Only offer to sell this solution in a currency of your choosing
>Rake in the profits as the demand surges
>In order to maintain the value, get other businesses on board with your target currency
>Get rich

Feel free to give feedback or introduce your own take on improving this idea.

>> No.4213868

Anything at all? Someone?

>> No.4213952

This is called war and America has been doing it for almost 100 years now. Nice try though.

>> No.4214047

Isn't it interesting though that all of the tools for cyber war are already within public grasps to use as they please? I wouldn't imagine world war 3 would have only the big players when the internet is still technically the wild west in more ways than one.

>> No.4214057

don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.4214248

He's not wrong though, war stimulates national economy by putting more money into circulation through civilian corporate contracts, and generally results in the acquisition of resources that further stimulate the economy, usually ending when one side forces the other/s to compromise on what happens to these resources. I guess the difference is that you don't form a contract to be paid dividends to baghold what whales offload during a pump.

>> No.4214290

military welfare queen detected

>> No.4214323

Do you have any practical ways that a civilian/ civilians could implement what you've described for their own gain?

>> No.4214445

Do you have any actual details or specifics, or are you content with just slipping the word 'crypto' into this marketing 101 template?

What is this fear going to be?
How will you ensure you get the benefit of the Primacy Effect?
And most importantly - how in the PESO model will you actually reach and instill fears into your customer.

>> No.4214555

And the cosmetics industry, deodorant companies, Tyre companies, and most of all Life Insurance companies.

>Isn't it interesting though that all of the tools for cyber war are already within public grasps to use as they please?
They're not - do you have a million dollar budget to advertise on Google and Facebook? No.
Can you organize an army of seven hundred pajeets to shitpost your political opinion on numerous influential forums and closed internet communities to shift the Overton window... clearly not.

> I wouldn't imagine world war 3 would have only the big players when the internet is still technically the wild west in more ways than one.
Wouldn't the internet be one of the first infrastructures fractured by a global conflict?

>> No.4214616

The fear, I would think would have to be some kind of personal issue, most likely pertaining to a person's physical well being or even health. There is a company that from what I know sells a product that can potentially increase life up to 7%.

Judging by the fact that a life boost is potentially possible, i'd imagine people would clamour for it out of fear of death. It's more of you've got the problem, we've got the solution model in terms of raking in the consumers.

I'm not certain as to what you're wondering about the primacy effect, but as for instilling the fear, you could orchestrate a problem through rumor if enough people are in on the gig to circulate it, or just simply do some research on a lesser known health problem and develop a solution.

>> No.4214712

>Can you organize an army of seven hundred pajeets to shitpost your political opinion on numerous influential forums and closed internet communities to shift the Overton window... clearly not.

That is clearly within citizen capabilities if your good with discourse or communication, or at least have relatively decent street smarts.

>Wouldn't the internet be one of the first infrastructures fractured by a global conflict?
That depends on how much internet providers comply with the government, but considering the value of the internet in our everyday lives, perhaps things might go the china route in terms of vpning.

>> No.4214864

In otherwords you have nothing? Find specifics man!
I mean think about those antiseptic airfreshners
>The air in your home is full of bacteria and germs
Boom, perfect "fear", in the ads they even have those creepy CGI images of bulbous germs in green clouds being attacked by the chemicals in the airfreshner. Perfect
Think like that.

Read Value Propositions

>That is clearly within citizen capabilities if your good with discourse or communication, or at least have relatively decent street smarts.
No it's not. You need $$$$

>That depends on how much internet providers comply with the government, but considering the value of the internet in our everyday lives, perhaps things might go the china route in terms of vpnin
Assuming a global conflict, wouldn't governments start preventing their servers from connecting along the intercontinental cables to servers from hostile nations? Perhaps even physically sabotaging such cables

Why is everything you write so vague? you need to think in more specific, contextualized, concrete terms.

>> No.4215085

I suppose you also need to be able to dress up the fear, or atleast appeal to the very base of a person's instincts. Death is an easy one with that being something that's imminent at any point in time.

>No it's not. You need $$$$
Money is the easy way, if you know how to reason with people and make your interest align with others, that doesn't take money, that just takes time.

>Assuming a global conflict, wouldn't governments start preventing their servers from connecting along the intercontinental cables to servers from hostile nations? Perhaps even physically sabotaging such cables

Why would governments do that when we're already connected wirelessly and economically? That would be a death sentence considering our excessive reliance on technology.

>Why is everything you write so vague? you need to think in more specific, contextualized, concrete terms.

I'm not well knowledgable about these subjects in all honestly, I'm taking an infantile understanding and slowly trying to build on it to hopefully create a map that can eventually be utilized to lead to a money making opportunity for one or many.