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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 517 KB, 1600x1600, tethering_doomsayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4207570 No.4207570 [Reply] [Original]

Can you feel it? Yes, that feeling of dread... ever present. I know you can. I have been feeling the same feeling for a long time, but I couldn't comprehent the source of it. After looking for a long time, I think I have finally found it... The Tethering! Yes, indeed... You see, some guy named Bitfinexed on twitter has some pretty interesting theories about this Bitcoin pump. Anyway, I have come here to tell you that I have come to the realization that Bitcoin is 100% doomed... the entire price system... market cap... everything! There is enough evidence to show that it was all erected on top of lies. No fundamentals... no logic... nada. As I post this, the sheep are falling for what could be one of the most successful and sneaky ponzy schemes. We probably have but a few days before The Tethering, which will be followed by The Flippening. There is no reason to deny it anymore... you know it's true. All those warnings about the irrational state of the market were right. And yet... only now have I finally understood the sheer magnitude of the event that will soon unfold. It could literally happen at any moment. Are you ready? Are you prepared for The Crypto-Apocalypse?! YES! And it's going to happen right as the normies rush into the market. Sadly I've lost so much that I no longer care about the outcome. I've been JUSTed in such a brilliant manner, that I do not even know what I am feeling. Is it anger? Is it sadness? Is it despair? No... THIS IS MADNESS!! Yes, deep inside... I can't shake the feeling that it's all gonna be alright. At least we will all be in hell together. Unless, of course, you know of a way out of this nightmare.
>november 9th
>bitfinex bans US accounts and will not permit withdraws or deposits from them anymore
>what happens to USD Tethers? Apocalypse!
>Bitcoin's market cap is mostly based on buy/sell orders, of BTC paired with Tether.
Do you realize what you are dealing with now?
We are all doomed...

>> No.4207616

Unironically this. Once Americans are out, this pump will end. But next time OP cut all the fluff bullshit

>> No.4207627

>next time OP cut all the fluff bullshit
pick one

>> No.4207633

You know nothing OP

>> No.4207643

don't we have a few more years before the bubble pops? are you not up to date with the rate of adoption that cryptocurrencies have?

>> No.4207654
File: 1.67 MB, 1668x826, craze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been JUSTed in such a brilliant manner, that I do not even know what I am feeling. Is it anger? Is it sadness? Is it despair? No... THIS IS MADNESS!!
Indeed. Crypto has literally driven me INSANE

>> No.4207704

Deaf ears


Deaf ears


>> No.4207718
File: 59 KB, 720x495, 1509801233915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are all doomed...

I'm full ETH, AST and ZRX waiting to see BTC finally burn the rise of decentralized exchanges is a few weeks closer

>> No.4207752

Do you actually believe increased adoption is what is behind Bitcoin's price increase? Compare Tether's market cap with It's BTC price, then go compare it to BTC's market cap and "USD" price. Can you spot the beginning of this "bubble"?
Do you see it now?

>> No.4207807


"The Hackernoon article suggests Tether solved this problem by minting more Tether units, even though they said they would not increase their supply. Yet Tether has drastically increased its supply. The article said, “Tether claimed that the supply of tethers would not increase until their banking problem was solved, yet the supply of Tethers has actually increased by 482% since this announcement. From July 2017 to August 2017, the supply of Tethers has increased by over $100,000,000 ‘USD’.”

>> No.4207811


120k$ in usdt
100k$ in eth

never been more comfy op. sucks u too autistic to not have profited in the biggest bull run of the history and ended up justed.

stay poor.

>> No.4207837

>calls someone else autistic
>is holding ETH

>> No.4207911 [DELETED] 

what do you mean november 9th? dont they just have to click i dont live in the usa to register?

>> No.4208046

>120k"$" in usdt
I hop you're fucking joking. Is that really your exist strategy? And I was feeling borderline insane for holding digibyte... but I guess, (by /biz standars) I'm good. Cmon guys, tick-tock... it's almost time for the REAL JUSTing. I know you can all feel it's coming. Most will be so crushed that we may not even see some pink wojacks. Many will be shattered... nothing but mere shadows of themselves. ETH seems good though. Solid, maintains it's price no matter what.

>> No.4208075

requires verification (with ID and shit), if I remember correctly

>> No.4209252

So Bitfinex is basically Mt. Gox 2?
I knew nobody in their right mind would pay 7k+ for magic internet beans. kek

>> No.4209280

ITT assmad cuckcoiners looking for any external reason outside of themselves to Rationalize staying in alts and losing not all their money, but the potential to make so much more.

Look inward dear friends. It is YOU who are the tethers.

>> No.4209339

anyone wanna make some easy money?
there is one coin on CMC that is going AGAINST this entire market inflation. Look at the charts for ZEC on coinmarketcap. When this bubble pops, 10B+ in marketcap will flood ZEC. Look at the stats and tell me i'm wrong. The ZECenning