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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 292x293, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4206097 No.4206097 [Reply] [Original]

When did everything go so wrong?

>> No.4206110

It was never ever good. I'm glad I did not fall for the massive, massive artificial 4chan shilling.

>> No.4206124

>Fuck it, supersize my fries.

>> No.4206129
File: 88 KB, 303x463, 1509820862907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats your gains.

>> No.4206134

Same here. For a moment I thought it could actually be the next 100x due to the shilling but then I made my own research and realized that the token itself is completely useless and not necessary at all. Poor linkies.

>> No.4206144
File: 55 KB, 536x699, 1509585548960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years from now

>> No.4206148

He is unironically on some type of meds. Either anti-depressants, finasteride to combat his baldness or he roided and it went wrong. He isn't only fat he has legit gynecomastia, that is caused by hormone imbalances.

>> No.4206163
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>> No.4206165

I doubt it. It's very common for entrepreneurs to stress eat, or to gorge on five star dinners cuz they are rich.

>> No.4206175

you faggots shilled the fuck out of this coin all based of a rumor of some swift agreement, and it became over valued, same thing happened to omisego with apple pay.

>> No.4206194

OMG has plasma.

>> No.4206208
File: 67 KB, 413x600, 2183059_stock-sergey-man-with-money-in-a-hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4206242

That isn't fat from stress-eating.

It's legit gyno, which is either caused by too much prolactin, progesterone or estradiol production.

Such a big hormonal unbalance state WILL fuck up with his mentality and cerebral functions.

If I was in his position I would take 1-2 months for rehabilitation, get my hormones and endocrine system checked and hit the gym and lose all that fat.

Mens sana in corpore sano

>> No.4206274

This guy knows what's up probably a doctor

>> No.4206316


no doubt about it

>> No.4206333

Nah, he's actually retarded and browses /fit/

First of all, the "gyno" you're refering to is just fat you retard.
He could have caused some mild gyno by getting fat, that does lower your testosterone, but that's unlikely.

He gained weight you retard, that's all.
Go back to /fraud/

>> No.4206411
File: 785 KB, 616x796, ewrwerwr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That legit gyno you retard. Once it settles in the gland it can only be removed via surgery. No amount of ralox, tamo and letro will then help him out.

Also, his skin looks very oily which is also a sign of hormonal imbalances.

>> No.4206540

It's not gyno you fucking spic.

>> No.4206691

> oily skin

the conference was held in fucking Mexico
it's fucking hot there
this means you will sweat a lot

holy shit some people here are legit retarded

>> No.4206774

>oily skin
Nigga, this guy lives in San Fransisco, he can't deal with Mexican weather.

And besides, it doesn't even look like gyno in the slightest. /fit/ is laughing at your dumb ass.

>> No.4206885

perhaps you are the retarded, because mexico is pretty nice right now. 80 degrees in the day with cool crisp nights.

>> No.4206914

He spent 32 milion dollars into donuts.

>> No.4206916

you must be a nigger or a spic not to sweat in 80 degree (26.6 celsius) weather

I spit on you.

>> No.4207851

Same I thought it was amazing until I did my own research

>> No.4207863

Why is /biz/ so full of bad fee fees lately? Calm down, guys.

>> No.4207866


Most tokens are completely useless though.

>> No.4208668


>> No.4208764

>hormonal imbalance
he is undergoing a sex change and becoming sergeya

>> No.4209415

Have you seen the alt-market? Lmfao

>> No.4209486

>No amount of ralox, tamo and letro will then help him out.
Dude, letro will wipe out his gyno in 2 weeks.

This is a weight issue.

>> No.4209659

can somebody pls photoshop a female sergey, just like female vitalik? thx

>> No.4210562

Cool. Are you a doctor?