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4204836 No.4204836 [Reply] [Original]

How can you just create a new wallet? Isnt there limit on how many wallets there are possible to create? Always tried to understand how this checks in on the network..

>> No.4204881

It doesn't check the network when you make the new wallet. That's the magic of cryptography.

Yes, there's a total limit 2^160. If you can understand math you'd understand that's a very very large number.

Yes, it means there's a nonzero chance that when you make a wallet, you collide with an already existing wallet. Your private keys are the same per address, so you can drain someone's funds. But when I say nonzero I mean exactly that. It's so infinitesimally small you could generate private keys until the sun explodes and you'd never hit. You could make you computer a quadrillion times faster, still no dice.

>> No.4204895


Can you even begin to comprehend how big that number is?

>> No.4204963


no boss, I am too stupid for that.
boss, can I ask you for some bitcoin?
Thx boss. Will suck you dry if you want me to boss.