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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4204659 No.4204659 [Reply] [Original]

Correction when?

>> No.4204676

1 block post-fork

>> No.4204690

How do you define a correction? When do we hit a 1 month low and stay under it for 24 hours? Possibly never below $5k, given so many new investors coming online, futures, and the Segwit2x upgrade dramatically lowering fees to speed adoption.

A 1 month low correction? Maybe early 2018. But that "correction" could be well above where we are now.

>> No.4204691

only when the bots, chart glitches and tether production stops... which means probably never. bitcoin will just keep going up, as long as tether is produced. if you try to margin trade, you will get liquidated... if many people try to cash out, they will immediately dump the price. this is no longer a market... it's a slaughterhouse. free market has failed. soon, the powers that be will bring their "hammer of justice" and end our dreams of lambos and farm houses. from now one, you will need a lincence to trade cryptos, only inside authorized gubrment approved exchanges. wait for the news after the crash.

>> No.4204693


What block fork?

>> No.4204694

Just before the fork. Why? Because whales likes it when you carry heavy bags while waiting for "free coins".

>> No.4204713

Before the fork, after, never, today,...
Nobody knows, stop posting this

>> No.4204717

when we have 10xd in 3 months then there is a correction. I say 22nd december +/- 2 weeks 40k

>> No.4204720

November 9th

>> No.4204722
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Diff adjust in next 7 days

>> No.4204724

Can we breach the $7600 wall tonight is the more important question

>> No.4204735

Can we do it within the next 30 min is the question

(Answer is yes)

>> No.4204748
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>> No.4204753

Bitfinex US customer ban?

>> No.4204787


Yup. Largest US platform by volume about to cut off fiat to the second largest crypto market. There's going to be a lot of burgers cashing out that day with ATHs + their money being trapped otherwise.

>> No.4204796

you mean 9000$?

>> No.4204809

Just fucking crash already

>> No.4204831

No, they're just going to move to coinbase, gemini others.

Same bullshit was said about ALL the chinese exchanges given there'd be nowhere on the mainland to trade after October. A whole bunch of Chineses liquidating all at once as the deadline came up. NOPE.

If it doesn't happen in China with ALL mainland options closing at once, why the fuck does one exchange cause that?

>> No.4204870

Biggest volume exchange?

>> No.4204916


China DID cash out, they just did it when the announcement came rather than leaving it until last minute. With this BTC bullrun and general burger laziness, they are going to leave it until last minute. That paired with its timing so close to the fork, and the fork is already contentious and adding uncertainty to the market. People are skittish about continuing to buy in past here already since we're already at ATHs and there's no guarantee those continue past the fork.

Markets are driven by psychology, and crypto is an especially irrational market. A small shift in trajectory can make a huge psychological shift when there's already so much uncertainty in the market.

>> No.4204936

It'll go to 10k and crash to around 6.9k I think

>> No.4204974

it will go MUCH lower than in th beginning of 2017, tether production (fake dollars) started. bitcoin's price rose with it (it was around 1k i think). once tethers are gone, because bitfinex will no longer accept US accounts deposits or withdraws, then BTC price will go at best to 2.2k... at worst 1k.

>> No.4204997
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Correction coming probably tomorrow or starting later today. We’re at a 9 on the daily, setting up for a 9 on the 4 hour. Probably gonna see a downturn over the next couple of days, but we’re at a 6 on the weekly so we’ll likelly see a return to the upside for a couple more weeks leading into the fork, then a major pullback

>> No.4205007

You are schizophrenic

>> No.4205010

Alright guys I'm fucking sick of this. How do I transfer my ETH to BTC on binance? I'm fucking sick of the ETH stagnation while BTC keeps fucking mooning and all my BTC hodling friends just keep laughing at me plz fucking help :{{{

>> No.4205013


Yup. BTC rose to $1000 in 2013 and then crashed to $200-400 for years after that.

It didn't hit $1000 again until January 2017. Then Tether pops up and the price fucking explodes. Yes there's more big money interest, but these magical ponzi scheme bucks have propelled it higher, faster than is natural or healthy for the crypto market.

There's going to be a reckoning, and its going to be fucking brutal.

>> No.4205024


lolol. buy high, sell low. good pajeet.

>> No.4205098

not pajeet just brainlet :(

>> No.4205115

the past doesnt matter in crypto, this is all uncharted territory

>> No.4205123

4 days.

Finex closes US customer accounts and THE TETHERING will stop. Massive crash.

>> No.4205126

Lol it collapsed due to the theft and shutdown of Mt Gox which was the largest Bitcoin exchange at the time. Investors lost about half a million BTC. due to the theft.

Another collapse like that doesn't happen as the result of some normal correction.

>> No.4205157
File: 90 KB, 1001x835, kraken-btceur-Nov-05-2017-16-27-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crash 8 nov

>> No.4205170

the past matters. also, this is not uncharted territory. it is charted, but the charts are all wrong and fake. all the values are inflated exponetially, far higher than they should be.

>> No.4205189

What should I convert my BTC into when the crash is about to happen?

ALT? Tether?

>> No.4205206


>> No.4205265

put your eth in your wallet. tell your friends to not be such greedy fucks. warn them about the shitstorm that is potentially coming... send them ronpaul_whydidntyoulisten.jpg after the storm passes, because they will probably not listen to you and call you a jealous loser because they are "making so many gains".

>> No.4205294

so.. wait on buying BTC huh.. :{ please dont kill me but how do i transfer my eth to my wallet? i used gdax to buy

>> No.4205301

there is literally no way in hell it goes below 4k ever again

you have much more people right now in crypto than early 2017, let alone the years before, this correction won't be that bad (but will still happen)

>> No.4205407

i don't think gdax uses tether.
but, anyway.. to transfer to your wallet you need to download the ethereum wallet from the official ethereum website. you will then transfer the eth from the exchange to your own eth address

>> No.4205483

Bitcoin is fully speculative internet money with no real value. It will crash hard in one day, mark my words. Buy stocks instead.

>> No.4205512

how low?
Below 4k?

>> No.4205542


>> No.4205615

People(me included until recently) think that it's really that obvious that it's gona crash after fork, it fucking won't. I bet we hit 10k before fork and after the fork, whales omnom your cheap BTC that your going to dump to alts that are gona "moon". Unfortunate but thats how it is.

>> No.4205645

Would love to believe that, but I think the FOMO before the fork is too strong.

>> No.4205676
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you fags are desperate

>> No.4205693

>you fags are desperate

yes I am.
I need more. I always need more.

I can only spend so much every month. So im in constant need of buying opportunities.

>> No.4205699

it will happen before the fork. 1-2 weeks

>> No.4205706


Agreed, it's not going to crash since there is plenty of normie and 3rd world country money pouring in and none of those people know what a fork let alone blockchain is. All they care about is getting 1000% ROI in one year.