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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4202310 No.4202310 [Reply] [Original]

How to get started?
I have 300$ I'm willing to "invest"/"risk" and wanna know how u start trading $ into crypto currency and back to $.
Is there an app or something for transactions?
Please help, don't be mean.

>> No.4202356

Dont listen to any advice you get here. This board is full of scamming pieces of shit. Short term just buy bitcoin. Long term DYOR and invest (less than 50%) in projects that have good volume and community interest.

>> No.4202360

Yeah, many exchanges have apps that are easy to use.
Coinbase is your best option if you're american. But you can register on other exchanges, such as Binance.

>> No.4202377

Yeah, OP, you will lose all your money trading, especially if you use margin trading. But $300 is spare change, I guess.

>> No.4202391

Don't start investing unless you are in it for the long haul. It requires you to be aware of the charts nearly every waking minute. It's more of a lifestyle. Wait for BTC to dip then you buy and hold for as long as you like, the longer the better

>> No.4202409

Are you a girl? Be honest

>> No.4202569

Only Bitcoin? What about all those other currencies people are talking about here?

Are those apps safe? Like I never used anything aside of paypal..
I'm from Israel btw, still go for coin base?
What's blockchain

I'm just looking to make a bit of extra cash from the side, my expectations are not high, even if I could profit 1$ my first week I'll be happy, I know I'm 90% gonna lose that money my first times.

No, why?

>> No.4202629
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>I'm from Israel

>> No.4202665

its (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((them)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4202671

>Are those apps safe?
Exchanges will not immediately steal all your money like that, it hurts their reputation. But NOTHING is ever safe. Search for "btc-e" and "mtgox", and you will know.

>> No.4202784

I thought this only happened in pol but guess biz doesn't like me too :(

What schlomo? Are u scared I'll take your shekels?

Mhm, how do I transfer money in and out of them usually?

>> No.4202917

just think about it, if you were the owner of a shitty soda that you already have millions of it on your possesion, would you tell people its shit, or would you try to get them to try it?

Most retards in here are carrying bags from shitcoins like LINK and other retarded meme-coins, so they just make threads pretending its about to take off so that normies like you buy their bags