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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4201321 No.4201321 [Reply] [Original]

How are you guys producing money outside of wagecucking? Crypto only?

>> No.4201592

Cam on chaturbate with a mask. I'm not even /fit/ but I'm hairy and have a deep voice and fags crave masculinity. No buttstuff, either.

>> No.4201681

Suck 100 dicks at $1 each on the bus after work

>> No.4201695

i collect discarded bottles and cans and return them to the liquor store for the deposit

>> No.4201698

How much do you make? (only curious about it)

>> No.4201702


>> No.4201710

remarketing car alarms and stereos

>> No.4201731


Varies super widely. I usually go on for 2-3 hours. Sometimes I walk away with like $10, sometimes $100+. Averages out to about $40-50 a night.

>> No.4201765

I don't. I only make 25$/hr at wendy's tho

>> No.4201350

I also do Mechanical Turk in my spare time. Some cents here and there eventually add up.

>> No.4201352

rental propertys
small handyman business

>> No.4201377

Affiliate marketing

>> No.4202046

Wagecuck in sales, commission is alright
Flip hyped up streetwear for free clothes/bonus gains
Crypto on the side
Forex soon
Thinking of starting a youtube channel for a laugh in a while that may generate a few bucks here and there

>> No.4203354


>> No.4203452

I made a few YouTube videos and monetized them and they blew up for some reason (2M+ views each). I'm making similar videos and they keep getting millions of views. Videos aren't even that difficult to create.

Generating about $3K in ad revenue, half of which is going to crypto.

>> No.4203462


>> No.4203479
File: 577 KB, 1024x776, 1396211161001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy bikes from germans on ebay-K and sell them for 2x to american military communities via facebook or bookoo. There are 4 US bases here and a constant PCS flow.

>> No.4203746


>> No.4203834


>> No.4203869

what is ebay-k

>> No.4203890

Property Development
Rental Income

>> No.4203897

Ordered small stuff from china and sold in switzerland for 2x-10x the price. Made $1,5k a month with little to no work (1h/day). But that was between 2009 and 2014 when swisslands didn't trust paypal and ebay. No idea if it would still work today.

>> No.4203903

ebay kleinanzeigen

>> No.4203907

Wage cuck

Half goes into vanguard, half goes into crypto

>> No.4204275

Do you know how much a couple can make?

>> No.4204396

a. Find a market you can compete in with your skills
b. Build a product
c. Sell that product

a. Invest in kneepads