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4200262 No.4200262 [Reply] [Original]

So ETH hasn't moved an inch in the past couple months, should I swap it for some BTC for the time being and then back eventually, after the fork?

>> No.4200268

as soon as you do that BTC will crash. choose wisely

>> No.4200275

in the same boat

At this point I wonder if it will even dip after the fork; the main reason for this ridiculous bull isn't even the fork anymore but the future options now being offered by hedge fund groups in BTC< so im beginning to wonder if the "dip" after the fork just ends up being like $7300 at this rate

>> No.4200281

Sell it and then buy BTC at the next dip

>> No.4200296

BTC is digital gold, pure speculation, like gold, and will always go up.
ETH is digital copper, pure fundamentals, and used like a utility.
There's only one digital gold, so never sell your BTC. ETH isn't going anywhere either.

>> No.4200326

Same boat. I rather not be a trader and be an investor. Fuck it— holding ETH. Ride or die.

>> No.4200335

eth moved to 350 when byzantium happened, the went back to 300
>free money!

>> No.4200343

Yes dude. Btc has 5% gains everyday.
Eth nothing. Just go to Ethereum when you need to buy other tokens or transfer between wallets exchanges etc

>> No.4200352

ETH is the real long hold imo

>> No.4200567

I have only eth and watched it go from being worth 3 btc to now worth 1.2 btc. Technically didn't lose any $ but lost half of potential btc. Kept waiting for a crash that never happened. Don't want to buy an ATH. Fuck.

I still think that eth has much better gain % potential over the next year or so. At some point I will move half over to btc

>> No.4200726

You should have done this months ago.

>> No.4201809

more people need to shill this analogy so that the normies never let bitcoin crash. Embedding this idea so deep into the masses that it literally becomes digital gold.

>> No.4201816

vert and hodl

>> No.4201833

no dude, i dont think BTC is going straight up until the fork, it's going to be a bit more bumpy from here on

if u'd switched like 3-4 weeks ago you'd be pretty happy but i think it's riskier now and since you've already proven to have shit timing you're more likely to take a loss if BTC dips hard before the fork

>> No.4201932


>> No.4201939

Eth is like Amazon and Apple.
Amazon is a platform for retailers to sell their products.
Apple is a platform for developers to sell their apps.
Ethereum is a platform for ICOs to run their dapps.

>> No.4201964

and whats bitcoin then (inb4 a shitcoin)

>> No.4202005
File: 279 KB, 707x2231, gold historical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and whats bitcoin then
Store of value -- digital gold.
There's only one gold. There's only one bitcoin.

>> No.4202049

There's at least three bitcoins RIGHT NOW, and that's if you don't include shitty knockoffs like BTCred, or bitcoin wannabes like Litecoin. Ironically, one even has gold in the name.

>> No.4202093

There's one real bitcoin, the other ones are forks. The other ones can rise in pretty good value as well, but the first will always be the original un-hard-forked bitcoin.

tl;dr There's only one bitcoin. There's forks of the original, but there's only one original.

>> No.4202133

Yeah no dips

>> No.4202136

Yeah I think the same

>> No.4202148

Those other bitcoins variations are lower in market cap than the real BTC. Over time the masses will gravitate to the strongest one with the highest market cap. This fork business is a short term blip. I don't see it constantly occurring long term, since power is consolidating. Now if you are against such consolidation, get over it. Gold has been cornered and is controlled by government futures -- and people still buy it. The masses don't care about purity.

>> No.4202163

Lol so get this guys, you can slap a whole process for segregating witness signatures into Bitcoin and it's still Bitcoin, but when you try and change the arbitrary 1MB blocksize to 2MB then it's not Bitcoin, no matter how much hashpower is behind it.

lol read the whitepaper. Hard forks have no bearing on making something not Bitcoin. Hashpower does though.

>> No.4202187

>There's one real bitcoin
The forks are just as "real" as the first chain. In one way or another they're even improvements. If you think "real" bitcoin is going to be digital gold, what makes it a better digital gold than Bitcoin Gold? Or Bitcoin Cash? Or Bitcoin with Segwit and 2MB block size Edition?

>> No.4202194

Yes. Cash in on BTC. The CME investors haven't even come in yet. Coinbase adding 100k users per day, that haven't had their cash come into the market yet? "Send It"

>> No.4202302

>what makes it a better digital gold than Bitcoin Gold? Or Bitcoin Cash? Or Bitcoin with Segwit and 2MB block size Edition?
It's all psychological and works on a subconscious level.
Any deviation from the original is a fake, an alt-coin.
Humans are simple. They want few choices (under 4 due to brain memory limitations).
Nothing can dethrone bitcoin as a speculative, digital gold, store of value.

Marketing takes time. It takes time to reach the masses. That's why Buffett likes 100 year old businesses -- everyone knows about it by now.

Bitcoin is old enough to garner public trust and first mover advantage.

>> No.4202528


Bitcoin will have a lot more technological improvements and a lot more hard forks coming in the future, but it may turn out to be that the technology doesn't matter in the end.

It doesn't matter if other coins will have 100x better features and transaction fees than Bitcoin, it might just be that psychologically the first Bitcoin will be the most valuable coin to people because it was the first coin that started it all.

>> No.4202541

buy high sell low

>> No.4202557

Tell me about it. I traded 3 ETH for .12 bitcoin today, geez. I remember an almost 1 to 1 parity near the beginning of the year, I could have traded 1 ETH for like .8 of a Bitcoin at that point. Look at how far it's dropped.

>> No.4202578

im considering just selling my eth for btc, like 2000 in fiat worth, then just using that to day trade NEO while i swing trade one BTC.
i have 10k fiat in total.

>> No.4202635

Eth was never even close to 1:1 to Bitcoin, your memory is defective. The highest it's been was this past summer, where it hit about 0.15BTC:1ETH.