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4200251 No.4200251 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel that a guy younger than you is basically the next Einstein while you still live with your parents unemployed?

>> No.4200269

Feels good getting rich off his hard work.
0% effort. 100% results.

>> No.4200274

Im 23

>> No.4200278

This. i have an engineering degree, but I wont have to work hard because he's smarter than me so i'll let him work hard for me.

>> No.4200280

Inspires me to continue with what I'm doing so I can conquer the world

>> No.4200283

lets not go crazy - he made a popular app and got rich

>> No.4200289
File: 8 KB, 185x273, 1507961510956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next Einstein

>> No.4200295

What he made is on the scale of the internet, if not larger. The ethereum network is essentially a giant computation network.

>> No.4200301

i don't think money skelly is a fraud like einstein

>> No.4200302

its bitcoin+

satoshi is the genius

>> No.4200308

Fuuuuuuck. Same. 6 years of college, berkeley computer science. I make way more money trading coins than you could ever pay me. This nonsense ruined my career in a lot of ways.

>> No.4200311
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x1029, IMG_0968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW vitaly can print all the ethereum he wants
He's inmune to economy already is he god?

>> No.4200317

Ethereum is a basis for smart contracts you utter mong.

Holy shit, newcoiners are literal cancer.

>> No.4200318

>lets not go crazy - he made a popular app and got rich

Yeah, you're doing Vitalik a disservice. You're conflating him with people like Cuckerberg or Spiegel who made products that boomers and millenials love to use, respectively.

ETH is worth at least 100X what both of those products offer. We're being lead into a more decentralized, open society. A libertarian's wet dream come true.

>> No.4200321

Yeah thats true.
satoshi used it as a transfer of value
Vitalik used it as a mass computation network.

But Satoshi came up with the infrastructure for both.

>> No.4200336

And vitalyk will join both blockchans in 2019
Man I would love to see debate satoshi vitalyk and sergey

>> No.4200371

Satoshi is dead you fucking retard

>> No.4200377

thank you money skeleton

>> No.4200389

holy shit those arms... he really need to eat, and lift.

>> No.4200407

Sergey ate him.

>> No.4200422

anyone familiar with coinbase here?

i go to send some btc to my wallet and entered the sms code etc.. hit the confirm button and its just sitting there doing nothing. just a circle spinning for the last 5 minutes.

>> No.4200437

It feels pretty good because this dude is making me some mother fucking money

>> No.4200448


>> No.4200475


Isn't it interesting that's how it is now. Only a minute percentage of the population needs to be gifted or produce anything of value. Our society's infrastructure allows it. So few innovators have transformed modern society in a novel way. The more technology takes hold, the less humans we actually need to sustain our current lives.

>> No.4200486
File: 623 KB, 800x600, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is not a good product and has no use cases beyond scam ICOs.

Its "language" is vulnerable and weak as shown by the Parity wallet hack and The DAO situation.

Vitalik is a gay 23 old marxist who wants to control things he doesn't like.

>> No.4200494

>the next Einstein
I doubt we'll see someone who changes our understanding of any science in any way Einstein did for physics in a long long time.

Even comparing the two, is retarded.

>> No.4200504

>We're being lead into a more decentralized, open society.

Vitalik is only interested in the technology, not the ideals. He doesn't care about decentralization. He doesn't care about free speech.

His only interests are writing shit code and fapping to trannies.

>> No.4200531

>Isn't it interesting that's how it is now. Only a minute percentage of the population needs to be gifted or produce anything of value.

That's literally how it's always been. A small group of people inventing all of the world-changing technologies in our lives.

>> No.4200542

>His only interests are writing shit code and fapping to trannies.


>> No.4200557

>Vitalik is only interested in the technology, not the ideals.
as much of a sperg as he is, he's constantly going on about politics

>> No.4200566
File: 623 KB, 800x600, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And his political views (pro-censorship) are the exact opposite of crypto ideals. He only cares about the technology, and he wants to use it to give him control over things he doesn't like.

Too bad he can't hard fork away his HIV

>> No.4200576

so you just quit your job and became a full time day trader? You must have made a lot to be confident enough to quit your job.

>> No.4200623

I love money skelly, he is truly a genius and ETH will be so fucking big in the years to come.

>> No.4200694

A lot of people make good money but have zero investment success. You can make all the money in the world, but if you don't know how to invest it, you're fucked. Crypto trading teaches you how to invest.

>How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke
Recession or no recession, many NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball players have a penchant for losing most or all of their money. It doesn't matter how much they make. And the ways they blow it are strikingly

>> No.4200709

Does that mean you believe chain link will go big? I'm holding 1000, am I going to make it?

>> No.4200912

I won't lie it hurts my pride a little bit, but I've made peace with the fact that while I may be intelligent on paper, I'm just not going to achieve as much as some people out there.

I mean come on he just won a genetic lottery, it's insane how smart some of these guys are. On the other hand I'm sure he struggles with some things, perhaps connecting with people.