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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 200x267, fun2dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4198505 No.4198505 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ asked for it - here it is:
Pajeet friendly Interface: connect account - schedule transactions - start mining

>> No.4199445
File: 8 KB, 104x147, Screenshot from 2017-11-05 03-05-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


glanced over the script, couldn't find any glaring mishaps

used a metamask account to test - pic related

>> No.4199579

haha too bad I already have a script that gets most of the coins every round.

>> No.4200179

That's exactly why I made the app. To give non programmers a chance as well, increase the competition and hence the price.

>> No.4200240

Yeah I gotta admit that is pretty cool something similar thats closed source. Say how did you learn how to do that stuff? I work well with java and C++ so the java script in geth wasnt hard for me.
But where would I go to learn how to do something like that? send code from a website to the Ethereum network. Also make it secure.

>> No.4200253

Wow I fucked that post up royally. Now I sound like a certified pajeet.

>> No.4200294

Nice. Thanks op.

>> No.4200314

how many btc do you mine with this trash? 0.0000001 satoshi per year? what a retarded idea

>> No.4200315

My main sources were the web3js docs and ethereumjs-tx: https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-tx
It's secure because all sensitive information is only stored locally to sign the transaction. The signed transaction data then is sent to a public ethereum network provider (INFURA, the same that MetaMask uses)

>> No.4200327

awesome. Gonna start research now. thankyou.

>> No.4200347

But at the same time, fuck you cause now I'm getting far less, there for a while I was getting around half the reward from each block.

Top 10 Holder right here.

Hope this moons.

>> No.4200351

Np, good luck!

>> No.4200353

Is it possible to buy this coin atm?

>> No.4200357


>> No.4200398

During the last 2 weeks you cold easily mine ~ 500 a day and at some point the coin was worth 1$.

>> No.4200418


>> No.4200420

Yeah. That's what made me write a script real quick. People who don't realize how big this is gonna be are gonna BTFO

>> No.4200491
File: 114 KB, 1252x1252, sad froggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get in on this so bad
>can't even into compilation

>> No.4200506

Btw you can check the source here:
and the part where the transactions are sent here:

>> No.4200529

Yeah i already looked at all that. I just simply dont know enough about HTML to know what to do.

Like I dont even know where to run the npm install commands. Im a noob at web coding, but app coding I can do pretty much whatever.

Did you have to use websockets, node.js, or anything like that for this?

>> No.4200548
File: 7 KB, 250x249, wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons help me out. Lead me in the right direction to start fucking mining this shit.
What I mean is, what the hell is in that github? What do I do with that code. Say the magic word and I will do the rest.
I can't miss another moon mission

>> No.4200561

Luckily enough for you he already made a website that you can do it at. I'm asking for personal knowledge, not so I can mine the coin. His website is safe and easy to use. Just use that.

>> No.4200562

>Like I dont even know where to run the npm install commands

I did not use npm for this project. I used bower as package-manager and polymer 2 as webcomponent framework.
The page is static so there are no websockets or anything else.

>> No.4200573

Okay, so im gonna start off by searching "How to use bower" and start from there. Thanks anon.

>> No.4200594

Wait, so I'm assuming you did use node. js for this then? I just cant find a good starting point. Fuck me.

>> No.4200607

If you used java before, its similar to mvn or any other package manager.

But lets get back to topic haha

>> No.4200634

Is there a way to mine from an iPhone?

>> No.4200646

I don't know shit about mining and programming, can I buy this coin? should I? Shill me your shitcoin.

>> No.4200650

You only need npm to install bower, but actually it doesn't matter what package manager or framework you use.

>> No.4200668

Yes, you just need your private key (you can export it from MetaMask or MEW)

>> No.4200670

Yeah ill just use google. I appreciate the help. i'm sure I can get something going after a few weeks.

Either mine it or buy it, either way youll make profit eventually.

>> No.4200689

Haha I fucking love this coin.

It technically it instantly is worth exactly as much as the gas price paid to mine it, or people wouldn't waste eth on it.

As more people try to mine it, it's value increases.

>> No.4200705


>> No.4200715


>> No.4201533


Join this discord to talk about future bitcoinereum developments

>> No.4201561

How do I run this? This is a dApp?

>> No.4201569

nice samefagging

>> No.4201597

You can use it like MEW in your normal browser. I'm not sure if its actually a Dapp, because it does not have its own contract or backend.

>> No.4201614

(Not op)

its a simple web app that runs the smart contract for you

>> No.4201632

I don't know how to do this. How to get all the files to be one file? Do I need to write a script?
I'm no trying miss this train, OP

>> No.4201645

Do you have an eth address? If yes, where did you create it?

>> No.4201657

I have metamask

>> No.4201191
File: 37 KB, 165x627, Screenshot from 2017-11-05 06-17-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit stacking up

>> No.4201664

Ok, then you can export the private key from there and paste it to the app + your public address

>> No.4201667
File: 25 KB, 600x512, confusedblackguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paste it to the app
>the app
I don't know how to get an app out of everything from that git

>> No.4201229

What makes this coin worth anything when making a mineable token is as easy as copying and pasting a dew lines from any dozens of githubs?

>> No.4201690


>> No.4201692

Noob here: what exactly should be happening? Got metamask, pasted private and public key in their spots, started it with 8x2 offset 16...

now what?

>> No.4201708
File: 19 KB, 400x400, helpdisabled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn though not even a readme? A bunch of html files that don't display anything on their own

>> No.4201287

Link to one?

>> No.4201723

Theres like 2 addresses getting all the tokens the past few rounds guys.

>> No.4201291

Theres a simple example right in the ethereum tutorials.

>> No.4201309

I will literally market sell my entire top 15 stack of multiple wallets if you show me proof

>> No.4201741

what do

>> No.4201326

why did i only mine one 3 days ago and nothing since

>> No.4201756

You don't need to install anything locally, just visit the website. There is a help section in the bottom left corner.

>> No.4201337

Search "Proof of work"

In fact, I'm working on a token right now that is also mineable, but will have more features than just "existing", like this meme token.

>> No.4201769

if you created transactions and ur key import was successfully the start mining button gets green. Press it and thats it. you can check at myetherscan if the transactions went out correctly.

>> No.4201776
File: 63 KB, 1330x606, minebtcmgit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, visited this on my phone and it took me somewhere else. I get redirected here (pic) on pc browsers
Whats up with that

>> No.4201782

Also they are using .0000211 gwei each transaction.

I'm shutting my bot off.

>> No.4201375

The miners make it worth something. Sure, you could easily copy paste the contract source, change the name and symbol and deploy it. But as long there arent miners it's worth nothing.

>> No.4201783

Nevermind I had noscript enabled.

>> No.4201383

This coin reward is based off of two things inherently. Gas fees and market price. as gas fees increase, so will the price of the coin.

>> No.4201390

That's fine the algorithm used to disburse is arbitrary

>> No.4201400

This is amazing. Thanks OP.

I have 2000 btcm already and I'll be getting more. This will be worth a lot in a year.

>> No.4201811

I set several scheduled transactions, but I cant see them at the etherscan, how much should I wait?

>> No.4201819

Holy shit I think I figured out a new tactic to play this lottery.

>> No.4201416

Gj bro, glad someone takes advantage of the app

>> No.4201824

The transactions are fired when the countdown equals the offset. Do you have enough eth for the gas fees?

>> No.4201825

yeah? whats that?

>> No.4201439

In how long?

>> No.4201456

The algorithm used to dispurse is what decides the value.

>> No.4201860
File: 1.32 MB, 400x225, cose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no scheduled transactions

>> No.4201863


>> No.4201914

Just kidding it didnt work. Someone is doing something very sketchy guys.

>> No.4201919

totally not a dev

>> No.4201929

ok explain to total retard what i do after entering my wallet adress

Which preset do I pick and why?
Do I need to send eth to the wallet and how much

>> No.4201940
File: 24 KB, 558x614, 1509818100785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my picture

>> No.4201952

This coin in many ways is just like bitcoin.
The creator of the coin is a dumbfuck autistic who just went afk after ico and leaves us in the dark.

Bunch of panjeet trying to mine but with little sucess.
Bunch of fucking panjeets selling the coin in large bulk to make 5 cents profit.
Oh boy we are here for a long hull. aren't we biz?

>> No.4202019

This is pure autsim, if you want to gamble, isnt it easy to buy bigger amount at the current price?

>> No.4202025
File: 1.87 MB, 750x750, 1507917092059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join this bitcoinereum discord we made a while back. Were gonna start planning pump and dump after we're done mining.
We're gonna steal the true value of the coin back from the panjeets.


>> No.4202196

OP youre smart, do you know, does the token transfer page from the contract address show any address that transfers a BTCM token, or just when the contract transfers a token to the winner?

>> No.4202246

So how do I know if im actually mining this coin successfully

>> No.4202321

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. In etherscan/tokentransfers you only see the rewarded tokens and not the transactions that call the transfer function of the contract (as far as I know...). Hope that helps

>> No.4202350

corner bottom right -> Green is success, red is fail - or use etherscan.

>> No.4202367

It still says 0-0 but I didn't have eth but I sent some now, i guess i'll wait for the next countdown?

>> No.4202397

yeah it only works if you have enough eth in your account to cover the max. transaction fee.

>> No.4202418

nothing happened

is it because im using opera

>> No.4202445

So, instead of using computing power to mine you use ETH? Is this correct?

>> No.4202448

I only tested in chrome, so that could be the reason. Can you check the console (press ESC to toggle) output for any error msgs.

>> No.4202470

In short, yes.

>> No.4202486

esc does nothing lol

>> No.4202511

sry mb, you need to open dev tools first. Right click anywhere on the page and press inspect element.

>> No.4202551

Guys be careful, there is only one guy getting all the coins right now

>> No.4202608

Thankyou, so its not just me
Ive got 2 in the past hour. Something is going on.

>> No.4202717

Wait it started working now


am i getting jewed

>> No.4202767

One guy is getting like all the tokens right now, I recommend waiting until this guy stops his script

>> No.4202860

I might have just figured out what he's doing. I just got a significant portion of the reward.

>> No.4202905

wtf how is this allowed

>> No.4203088
File: 57 KB, 450x450, 1508349838911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone actually managed to make money from this? It looks like a piece of shit to me.

>> No.4203106

ive turned 40 bucks into 120 and thats with the price dropping like 30x

>> No.4203244

Pretty sure someone uploaded code to the EVM and is running it on the ethereum network. Making theres much faster and more efficient than anything else. The address getting the most coins are contracts.

>> No.4203323

How do I open the app? I just see html file code

>> No.4203401

can u fix it

>> No.4203411

Do you have javascript enabled?

>> No.4203478

Got it working by using this link:


>> No.4203484

Access it here: https://minebtcm.github.io/minebtcm/

>> No.4203520

So, how does this work? I mine this using a website? Where do they put the coins I mined? Do I need a strong vidcard like standard mining?

>> No.4203530

You need to use metamask browser

>> No.4203538

About Bitcoinereum: http://bitcoinereum.com/
You dont need a gpu. Its mined via a smart contract. The costs are the TX fees.

>> No.4203581

but why would i even want this?

>> No.4203645

How many tx do we set? What "offset" do we use?

>> No.4203682

I recommend to start with only a few TXs until you find a good offset. The presets worked well for the last 2 weeks but due to an increasing amount of TXs they are probably not so good anymore.

>> No.4203796
File: 202 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-05-11-24-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works! Got 11 on the first try!

>> No.4203814

What are your txs set at ? First two rounds I failed on both tries, each with 8 txs

>> No.4203824

Newfag here, what the fuck is this, why should i mine it, and how much money will it make me?

>> No.4203891


OP am i right in thinking i need some ETH in my wallet to mine this? To cover the gas?

>complete ETH noob

>> No.4203893

which presets do i use?
really a newfag with this shit and i love op for doing this, he's too pure for this board

>> No.4203940

yep, that's right
i would recommend an offset between 15 and 25 and gasPrice of 1-2

>> No.4203975

complete noob here, is it safe to paste my private key into something like this?? Are there security risks??

>> No.4204022

Same as using MEW. The key is only used to sign the transaction OFFLINE.

>> No.4204028


As a general rule of thumb? Nope. You can just use a wallet file right?

rules me out unless kind anons set me up with seed money.

How much ETH would i need to get started mining? Would it just slowly eat away all that ETH and return BTCM?

>> No.4204082

>You can just use a wallet file right?

wallet file + pass or private key - its the same thing.
> How much ETH would i need to get started mining? Would it just slowly eat away all that ETH and return BTCM?

It depends on how many TXs you schedule and what gasPrice you use. 0.001 eth are 1000000 gwei for example. https://etherconverter.online/

>> No.4204104
File: 1 KB, 103x44, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a fucking scam

>> No.4204124

ok i changed the preset now i got a small amount

>> No.4204214
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>> No.4204249
File: 4 KB, 86x79, beat this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i have the high score?

>> No.4204264

I am having problems getting Geth started with the university network, I believe they are somewhat blocking this form of p2p.

Does anyone have a way around this? I can mine fine at home however Geth won't start at uni.

>> No.4204300

how much transactions should i have going on in one time?
i set up 12 of them and im at 0 - 10

>> No.4204309

I think the presets only worked well until I published the app, you need to find your own now.

>> No.4204318

You don't need geth for the app. Anyways have u tried --syncmode "light"?

>> No.4204333

try with less TXs until u find a good config of offset and gasPrice

>> No.4204358
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>> No.4204370

show me your offset gasprice lad, im only losing here

>> No.4204433

try with 3-4 TXs and don't time them in 1 sec intervals. There is a small bug with the nonce otherwise and not all TXs are sent. I will fix this with the next push.

>> No.4204438
File: 828 B, 118x61, 018930b148d3ffea7aa4d9e7f4907eda[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too brainlet to use this

>> No.4204445
File: 4 KB, 86x93, qwer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that even mean? I thought this thing was supposed to make this easy, I don't know anything about these technical terms.

>> No.4204475
File: 12 KB, 124x292, btcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when lambo?

>> No.4204493

post settings

>> No.4204496

the higher the gas price the faster is the tx verified / mined. The first 50 transactions that are verfied after the rewardEnd time will get the token. So with a higher gasPrice you need to pick a smaller offset and vice versa.

>> No.4204527

post settings please

>> No.4204562

all i do is lose eh

>> No.4204685


>> No.4204726

the price of this token is tanking like a brick

>> No.4204738

Best time to buy then, I'm gonna invest some $$$ because this seems like omething that will soon take off bigly.

>> No.4204817

Yeah I was running geth --light, the p2p connection never starts

>> No.4204830

Anyway great job op, the website looks great.

>> No.4204869

off:15 gas:1
>get minus 1
off:20 gas:2
>get minus 7


>> No.4204888

Thanks, glad you like it.
--light is deprecated, use --syncmode "light" instead

>> No.4204906
File: 77 KB, 1221x340, firewall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried and the same thing happens. Any suggestions?

Pic related.

>> No.4204968

hm don't know then, sry. Sometimes it takes like 15 min to find a peer for me.

>> No.4204998

It somehow started working, its a miracle!
Are you part of the discord op?

>> No.4205187
File: 9 KB, 261x209, ca0b51b5e8769f8c9001e9bfad0e65ab[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing wrong, fuggg

>> No.4205269

0 -15, kill me