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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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419732 No.419732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a new investor still in highschool. I currently have about $12,000 in a savings account just sitting there. I met with a financial adviser and he wants to take $7,000 or so and put it into an aggressive fund and take the remaining and put it into an emerging fund.

However, after the recent 7-1 split, I want to take $5,000, if not more, and invest into Apple.

I'm not too worried if I lose the money because I know I'm a beneficiary that'll get around $800,000 if not more somewhere down the road. I also have a few mutual funds and a college fund.

What do?

>> No.419734

>However, after the recent 7-1 split, I want to take $5,000, if not more, and invest into Apple.

Do you actually have any solid reason for investing in Apple?

And if you don't care about losing money just because of relativity to another amount, then I have bad news for you.

>> No.419735

Sounds like a fine strategy, but what fucking "financial adviser" would take someone on who only has $12k to invest?

>> No.419737

He probably doesn't know the difference between actual advisers, and just some guys with limited advice at a bank.

>> No.419740

He's my grandparents adviser they have a lot of money and he met with me to help me get started.

I care, I mean I'm just willing to take the risk as I know I have enough time and resources to make the $5,000 or whatever back.

Apple is a strong tech company, the iPhone 6 will see drastic changes in the flagship phone, Apple is still one of the most popular and reputable tech companies out there.

>> No.419746

>I care, I mean I'm just willing to take the risk as I know I have enough time and resources to make the $5,000 or whatever back.
>Apple is a strong tech company, the iPhone 6 will see drastic changes in the flagship phone, Apple is still one of the most popular and reputable tech companies out there.
Is that your analysis?
Basically "aapl is popular"
Jesus fuck dude, just stick with a vanguard fund or BRK

>> No.419748

>and invest into Apple.
Hey, with $12,000, that's a great idea!!

20 years ago.

>> No.419786

Apple is on the down slope now and Microsoft will be on the up slope.

>> No.419794

Any one care to ask the obvious? Where does a college student get $12000

>> No.419798

'muh rich parents' obviously

>> No.419802

actually i've had the bank account since i was really little and never touched the money

>> No.419808

im kind of in the same boat as op. im a highschooler and I plan on investing about 1k in Apple (10 shares).
Read an article in the paper today saying 98% of the phones that Samsung sells are larger than 5 inches or something. I don't remember the exact details of the phone, but with Apple's new screen sizes, they will be entering a new niche in the market, one that has had virtually no competition in the last few years...

I actually own an Samsung S3 and I plan on buying a new iPhone when they come out with the larger screen sizes, and I assume that others feel the same way as me.

Why not buy Apple? They are still coming out with new, competitive products and they are not going anywhere. lol at windows phone

>> No.419809
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My nigga. Good luck to you, let's make some cash.

>> No.419834

investing 12,000 in bitcoin will net you a cool $70k by September. Quote me on this. Screenshot me. Pin it to your wall. And cry when you realize I was right.

>> No.419847

Apple under Tim Cook =/= Apple under Steve Jobs

He hasn't been in control long enough to see it go to the dogs, since it's such a large company that takes time for changes to propagate.

This guy isn't going to lead the company into any great new innovations, and he can't even do a good job at rehashing Steve's work.

iPhone 6, iWatch and this partnership with IBM could be the beginning of the end for Apple. I really don't recommend investing in them. "i like my iphone" is not a reason for investment.

>> No.419860

How does it feel to be such a faggot?

>> No.420072

>I want to take $5,000, if not more, and invest into Apple.
Dumbfuck high school kid wants to brag to his friends that he not only owns an Iphone and an Airbook, but stock in the company too.

Here's the best advice you'll get all day ... buy one of these:


and come back to /biz/ when you get a fucking job.

>> No.420151
File: 7 KB, 207x244, 1377834322718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound pretty jealous that you probably can't even put more than $100 into any stock.

I don't tell people what I own, people who brag about money are just looking for acceptance.

Pic related, it's you in high school.

>> No.420185

>You sound pretty jealous that you probably can't even put more than $100 into any stock.

>> No.420189


hahahahaha great post.

>> No.420199

Why are you linking me to someone else's Vanguard?

>> No.420216


99% of financial advisors are just mutual fund salesmen.

>> No.420221

>Why are you linking me to someone else's Vanguard?
Can't fake a trip, kid.
>I believe the words you're looking for are, "Oops, I better leave now."

>> No.420224
File: 2.51 MB, 1946x4914, HideUnderANewTrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.420225
File: 663 KB, 1285x4609, Into The Medical Waste It Goes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.420227
File: 118 KB, 530x628, Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.420230

I rekt him.
I rekt him too.
Index funds: sound advice.

Thanks for posting my "Best Of" highlights anon. I love all my fans. Post your Paypal and I'll send you $500 for being so loyal and adoring.

>> No.420231


>> No.420236
File: 41 KB, 593x160, Screen Shot 2014-07-23 at 12.55.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not investing in index funds

Pic related: it's the holdings of my Roth IRA

>> No.420237

>Apple is a strong tech company, the iPhone 6 will see drastic changes in the flagship phone, Apple is still one of the most popular and reputable tech companies out there.

amazing analysis bruh

>> No.420238

So, you're looking for validation on an anonymous forum by posting your statements.

You could be worth a billion dollars for all I care, congratulations, you made money, that's what we all help to do. Instead of being an asshole, why don't you give some sound advice.

>> No.420242

Money's on its way, sport! See ... there are perks to being a loyal Ihaz fan! Thanks again for helping spread the word.

>You could be worth a billion dollars for all I care
I'm not worth a billion. Only somewhere between $13 and $14 million. Stop spreading lies.
>why don't you give some sound advice
I did. I made fun of you for asking about over-concentrating in a single-stock based on your emotional connection to the brand and your gut feeling about the stock's future direction.

Was the subtext lost on you, junior?

>> No.420247

I said could be, implying if you were it wouldn't matter.

Don't we all follow gut feelings in the end? A stock good be strong, but if you're gut says not to buy you usually don't. Apple is strong, it isn't going anywhere for a long time, even if it loses a few dollars the company is going to continue coming out with more products and the market is drastically changing with a new generation ushering in.

For every mac sold Apple sells over 2 ipads. The iPad still dominates the tablet industry. Rumors of the iWatch have also set up a new type of product that could become very popular. Apple was the company that brought the smartphone and tablet into it's popularity with consumers. For Q2, total revenue was up 5% to $45.65 billion. Revenue for the iPhone rose 14% to $43.72 billion, while iPad revenue dropped 13% to $16.35 billion. Content revenue reported within the iTunes/Software/Services line increased 11% to $4.57 billion.

The company isn't seeing much change in its growth. That's why I want to invest. Now that I can get more shares for it's cheaper price, hopefully I can make a few thousand. We all need to learn, and my gut says this is a good idea, just like it said it was a good idea to open a Roth IRA for myself at this age and to invest into Alcoa, which made me some money as well.

>> No.420257

>Apple is a strong tech company, the iPhone 6 will see drastic changes in the flagship phone, Apple is still one of the most popular and reputable tech companies out there.

fuck do you work for deutsche or something? i feel like i should have to pay for this insight

>> No.420261
File: 9 KB, 234x215, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't we all follow gut feelings in the end?
No, we all do NOT all follow gut feelings. Some of us (the wealthy ones, at least) follow scientifically proven methods of growing wealth in a proven manner calculated to leverage the long-term appreciation of the markets.

We do not, under any circumstances, dump a bunch of money on individual stocks because we "think" there are reasons why they might go up.

>Go spend some time of bogleheads.org and then come back and talk to the grown-ups.

>> No.420267

Alright, when I've made my profit I'll start a thread. Let's see how it winds up, good luck to you in whatever you do.

>> No.420268

>buffet faggot butthurt at being told to invest in index funds when the intelligent investor LITERALLY tells you to invest in index funds

>> No.420282

Manage your risk
Don't have a high school mentality

If you don't care about losing this $12,000, you'll end up losing the $800,000 too. Investors have to treat each dollar equally.

>> No.420285

You're investing to prove a point instead of investing to make money. You're clearly not listening to the advice you asked for. Please keep in mind you are young and have a lot to learn, and you're not going to learn without listening.

>> No.420296
File: 35 KB, 403x481, 1380506941671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why is caprice so based, bros?

>> No.420301

>If you don't care about losing this $12,000, you'll end up losing the $800,000 too. Investors have to treat each dollar equally.
He's too arrogant a kid to actually learn this lesson, even when it's being handed right to him.

He says he doesn't brag to others, but his attitude here tells me otherwise.

>> No.420306


>5x price rise within a month

From someone that owns bitcoins, you're regarded.

>> No.420336

read whole thread and holo-horo part got me. you deserve respect sir.

>> No.420512

Even an outdated S3 is better than any iphone.

>> No.420689

>However, after the recent 7-1 split, I want to take $5,000, if not more, and invest into Apple.

a split doesn't make the stock cheaper. The market cap hasn't deviated much since the split, so if you didn't buy then, it's still not cheaper now.

>> No.420691

>implying the market hasn't already accounted for future product releases in the current share price