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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4193961 No.4193961 [Reply] [Original]

>B2X and BTC strangle each other's value
>normies just starting to get into crypto get scared off and the price of both plummets
>miners make their move and pump BCH to #1 on CoinMarketCap
>tfw the future BTC is trading for $600 right now

>> No.4193984

Maybe if that scenario does happen that's what the "real" Bitcoin will be worth... 600. And we start all over again

>> No.4193993

lol you should buy some bitcoin cash anon

>> No.4194028

bitcoin crash is going to implode after the fork for many reasons
not only is it a shit chain with shit developers and shit miners abusing the shit protocol mining a shit ton of coins through EDA readjustments
GBTC is going to dump bitcoin crash starting next week and will continue to do so into the new year like, over 185,000 bitcoin crash coins
smart people would short the fuck out of bitcoin crash

>> No.4194061
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>> No.4194069
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>core is paying autists to spam FUD copypasta in every thread taking about BCH
>tfw they wouldn't be doing this if they thought BCH wasn't going to dethrone them

>> No.4194127

you're looking at over 97,000 extra bitcoin crash mined through EDA abuse and an additional 185,000 BCC being sold by GBTC next week and into the new year
then on January 1st coinbase is releasing their bitcoin cash coins to it's users so expect yet another dump
this is probably the worst coin to buy right now

>> No.4194147

if you really think it's a smart buy, buy bitcoin cash then lol

>> No.4194155

Chip designer > Programmer

hardware always win

>> No.4194166

usually when coinbase adds a coin it isn't distributed to their users for free hahaha

>> No.4194184

what the fuck is the value in an application specific integrated chip with no bitcoin

>> No.4194196

at least you can play video games with a GPU

>> No.4194197

This time, they said they're gonna support the fork. Last time they kept the fork shekels to themselves I think, kek.

>> No.4194199

You seem rustled.

>> No.4194214

Get this through your head, chink: you're not taking over development of Bitcoin. Be content with your mining rewards and fuck off

>> No.4194235

2 different forks, they're adding support the fork they kept on jan 1st BCC
the fork in 2 weeks is still up in the air according to them s2x and bitcoin

>> No.4194247
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I love how pathetic the paid blockstream trolls are. They are literally advertising BCH with their stupidity without realizing it

>> No.4194272

I mean they have more power in this game.

>> No.4194295

core developers made me a millionaire why would I trust a new group aligned with NY businesses and centralized miners?
try to refute anything I've said

>> No.4194317


Coinbase says they're supporting it. According to their terms, you get a copy of 1 B2X for every BTC you have. I'm gonna sell 1 BTC before fork, keep 1 and see what happens.

>> No.4194332
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BCH has made me a millionaire why would I trust a new group aligned with Bildeberg businesses and centralized development?
try to refute anything I've said

>> No.4194336

This desu senpai

>> No.4194345

buy vertcoin

>> No.4195411
File: 3 KB, 125x105, 1504794621693s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I am actively rooting for this